石臼挽きそば 石楽 豊洲店

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 石臼挽きそば 石楽 豊洲店

住所 :

Toyosu, Koto City, 〒135-0061 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
街 : Tokyo

Toyosu, Koto City, 〒135-0061 Tokyo,Japan
イッチャン on Google

豊洲でランチをすることになり、丁度道路沿いから見えた豊洲フロントの蕎麦屋に入りました。 メニューの中から、「涼野菜と鳥つくねのつけ蕎麦」を注文しました。 本日のお蕎麦名などが掲示されていました。 (本日のお蕎麦) 令和2年度産新蕎麦生産地 北海道滝川市 キタワセ種 石臼も見学できるようになっています。 暖かいつゆでしたが、蕎麦に合いますね。 野菜もナス、かぼちゃなど具沢山でいい! いなりもサービスでした。 ランチ時間だけのようです。
I decided to have lunch in Toyosu, and I entered the soba restaurant at the front of Toyosu, which I could see from the road. From the menu, I ordered "Ryo vegetables and chicken meatballs soba noodles". Today's soba name etc. was posted. (Today's soba) New soba production area produced in Reiwa 2nd year Takikawa City, Hokkaido Kitawase species You can also visit the stone mill. It was a warm soup, but it goes well with soba. You can use a lot of vegetables such as eggplant and pumpkin! Inari was a service. It seems only at lunch time.
Hiroshi Kawashima (Hiro) on Google

A clean and spacious space. Soba is also delicious. There are also unique menus, and there are many things that attract you. Since it turns quickly, it is relatively easy to enter even at lunch time than other shops. The clerk was also kind.
波乗り太郎 on Google

The soba was solid and the soup was delicious. Speaking of greed, do you like soba-yu to be more muddy?
Salt 16 on Google

豊洲フロントの大通り沿いにあります。 石臼が店内に鎮座しており、こだわりを感じます。 ただ自分には蕎麦が少し硬かったです。好みの問題だとは思いますが、二八蕎麦で固めに茹で上げられていたため、少しゴムのような食感を感じてしまいました。 価格が安くはなかったため、少し残念でした。 ただ、天ぷらは美味しかったです。サクサクでした。 また、無料で飲める蕎麦茶は美味しかったです。 この辺りには蕎麦屋さんが少ないため、また来ようと思います。 2021年8月来店
It is located along the main street of Toyosu Front. The stone mill is settled in the store, and I feel particular about it. However, the soba was a little hard for me. I think it's a matter of taste, but since it was boiled hard with 28 buckwheat noodles, I felt a little rubbery texture. It was a little disappointing because the price wasn't cheap. However, the tempura was delicious. It was crispy. Also, the buckwheat tea that I could drink for free was delicious. There aren't many soba restaurants around here, so I'll come back again. Visited in August 2021
Jun Kamijyo on Google

One of the few soba restaurants in Toyosu. The atmosphere and price inside the store are good, but the taste is ok. It is said that it is ground with a stone mill, but it would be nice to have morisoba or morisoba, but there are many sets. It may be a place. I think it's a popular shop at noon.
Shinichiro Nakahara on Google

豊洲フロントの1階にある蕎麦屋さん「石臼挽きそば 石楽(いしらく)」へランチ会食でお邪魔してきました。 場所はららぽーとと晴海通りを挟んで反対側にあるビル、豊洲フロントの1階です。有楽町線の豊洲駅1c出口から出て目の前です。 自分が選んだお店ではないのですが、此処のお店の特徴は何と言っても、福井や茨城の契約農家からその時期にあった一番良い状態の蕎麦の実を仕入れ、さらに店内にある石臼で毎日挽いていること。香りの高い蕎麦を提供することにこだわっているお店なのだとか。 オーダーしたのは「天ぷら御膳」、提供時間が遅いといった書き込みがありましたが、会食利用だったのでそれほど気になりませんでした。蕎麦は細めですがしっかりとこしがあり、上品な甘さ・蕎麦の苦みもあり大変おいしかったです。天ぷらのつけ汁が別でていきょうされたののですが、透明なあっさり目の出汁で天ぷらの味を殺さずに上品でこれもおいしかったです。 今回はお店奥?にある個室を利用させていただきましたが、中途半端な半個室とかではなく、接待にも使えるような掘りごたつ式の完全個室になっているので良かったです!
I visited the soba restaurant "Ishiraku" on the 1st floor of the Toyosu front for lunch. The location is on the first floor of Toyosu Front, a building on the opposite side of LaLaport Harumi Dori. It is right in front of you from Exit 1c of Toyosu Station on the Yurakucho Line. It's not the shop I chose, but the characteristic of this shop is that I bought soba noodles in the best condition at that time from contract farmers in Fukui and Ibaraki, and then put them in the shop. Grinding with a stone mill every day. It's a shop that is particular about offering soba with a high aroma. There was a note saying that the order was "Tempura Gozen" and the serving time was late, but I didn't really care because it was for dinner. The buckwheat noodles are thin but firm, and the sweetness and bitterness of the buckwheat noodles make it very delicious. The tempura soup stock was served separately, but the clear and light soup stock did not kill the taste of the tempura, and it was also delicious. Is this the back of the store? I used the private room in, but I'm glad that it's not a half-finished private room, but a digging-type complete private room that can also be used for entertainment!
N Kyo on Google

近いけど、わざわざリピートするほどの美味しさはない。平日ランチ時間に行ったが空いてた理由がわかる。 過去ののクチコミ画像では、ランチサービスあると書いてあったが、なかった。 お腹いっぱいになるほどのボリュームはない。 店内広いが、3回大きな声で呼んでも注文来ない。 コップが汚い。 そば湯が出てくるのは○。
It's close, but it's not delicious enough to repeat. I went to lunch on weekdays, but I can see why it was vacant. In the past word-of-mouth images, it was written that there was a lunch service, but it was not. There is not enough volume to fill my stomach. The inside of the store is large, but even if I call it three times in a loud voice, the order does not come. The cup is dirty. Soba hot water comes out ○.
mmhiyoko on Google

I ordered a lunch service shrimp tendon set for 1300 yen. I was satisfied with the ease and volume. The inside of the store is rather large, so it seems okay to have a large number of people.

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