ダイニングカラオケ アイカラ

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ダイニングカラオケ アイカラ

Toyonari, Minami Ward, 〒700-0942 Okayama,Japan
岸川剛士 on Google

結構 高確率で予約なしで入れる。部屋の大きさがすべて同じなので せっまい部屋に押し込められることもなく カラオケだけなら問題なしてす
There is a high probability that you can enter without reservation. All the rooms are the same size, so you can't be pushed into a small room and it's no problem if you only karaoke.
Kitou on Google

I will go again. It's cheap and the rice is delicious, so it's comfortable. One unfortunate thing, I think every time, is draft beer iron? It tastes strange. ..
t k on Google

クソババアの店員の接客がとても悪かったです。 他の設備等はとても良くコスパも良いのですが その1人の店員のせいで凄く残念な気持ちになりました
The customer service of the shit clerk was very bad. Other facilities are very good and cospa is also good That one clerk made me feel very disappointed.
M F on Google

うまいもん倶楽部からリニューアルされててトイレ等も全てリニューアルされてて部屋も綺麗になってました♪ 僕が行ったときはドリンクは飲み放題なのに料金安くてコスパ最高だと思います♪ 食事メニューも豊富でランチコースみたいなのもありました♪
It was renewed from the Umamon club and all the toilets etc were renewed and the room was also beautiful ♪ When I go, drinks are all you drink, but it is cheap and cospa is the best I think ♪ There was also plentiful meal menu, like a lunch course ♪
mimi on Google

綺麗に改装されていました。 料理は今回はあまり食べていないので はっきりとした事はいえませんが、唐揚げは不味かったです。衣が多くて、冷凍品らしい感じがしました。
It was beautifully renovated. I don't eat much food this time It's not clear, but fried chicken wasn't delicious. There was a lot of clothes, and it felt like a frozen product.
Daisuki Neko on Google

Friendly manager. And other employees are also good people ♪ The business after renovation started in March, but a large-scale renovation has been done and the corridor seems to be a beautiful hotel from the reception. And the toilet which was not quite good before renovation has become very good after renovation! The karaoke room is renovated with different floors and wallpapers for each room, so it's fun. Equipment can be selected such as live dam stadium and joy sound. Each room has a projector, stand microphone, illumination, etc., so there is little feeling of rut. And it is price setting, but I think that it is cheap as before, but it is difficult to understand because the price table presented at the reception has disappeared ... If you put up the customer first, you should return the price table. Did you raise the price? (Unconfirmed) I am sorry that the preparation of dishes, especially fried chicken, etc. has disappeared ... I think that it is possible to increase the amount of cheap potatoes that can be easily provided such as potatoes. I think the table in the room is too large ... you have to ask the carpenter to cut it and request a repaint. There is a little dissatisfaction, but it is a wonderful shop even more ♪ I hope to make a wonderful shop in the future.
ながせゆうと on Google

昔のうまいもん倶楽部から通ってます。 これからもカラオケ店舗であり続けてほしい希望と期待から★5 接客態度、提供速度などのヒューマンクオリティは良くも悪くも他と大差ない。
I go from the old delicious club. From hopes and expectations that we want you to continue to be a karaoke store ★ 5 Human quality such as customer service attitude and delivery speed is not much different from others, good or bad.
66ゆち on Google

休日の昼間、どこも満室で 電話で各所当たってやっとみつけたのがこちらでした。 おそらく部屋はどこも同じ大きさのようで 8名は入れそうな広々としたところに2名。 画面もかなり大きい。 ドリンクバーはアイスかホットのグラスを渡され都度注ぎに行く普通のスタイル。 会員登録に200円かかりますが それでも1800円しないのは安すぎ…! フードも充実しているみたいなので 今後メインで行きたいお店になりました。
During the daytime on holidays, everywhere is full It was here that I finally found it by hitting various places on the phone. Probably the rooms are all the same size 2 people in a spacious place that can accommodate 8 people. The screen is also quite large. The drink bar is a normal style where you are given a glass of ice or hot and go to pour each time. It costs 200 yen to register as a member Still, it's too cheap not to pay 1800 yen ...! It seems that the food is also substantial It has become the main shop I want to go to in the future.

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