
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 桜平駐車場(中)

住所 :

Toyohira, Chino, 〒391-0213 Nagano,Japan

Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
街 : Nagano

Toyohira, Chino, 〒391-0213 Nagano,Japan
Sora Yama on Google

2020.06.29. 新型コロナウイルス感染防止の為 トイレは使用出来ません。と ございました。 快晴の時は ハチ ハエ アブ達が 所狭しと飛んでいます。 唐沢鉱泉の方は バイオトイレ使用出来ました。
2020.06.29. Toilet cannot be used to prevent new coronavirus infection. Thank you. When it's sunny, the bee flies fly around. The Karasawa mineral spring was able to use the bio toilet.
Y H on Google

2020/11 コロナでおトイレNGつらーーーーい 上の駐車場も中の駐車場も登山口から苦痛じゃない距離です。あれで遠いなら登山するってどうよ? 確かに下の駐車場からは遠いけどさ、( ゚∀゚)3kmの砂利道。。。 綺麗から山の管理人に感謝です。 利用者に問題あり、ところどころの路肩駐車に、ぐぉらぉぉぉ阿呆!! 中の駐車場までは石が結構でかいのでゆっくり運転した方がいいです 対向車とすれ違うのは厳しいからカーブは慎重に!ガードレールがないのでバックが慣れてないと怖いですよ!また、反射板がないので夜に入るのもすごく怖いですよ真っ暗です。 Googleナビに従うと山の神の三叉路で左に行けと言われますが右です 不安なら一度停止して看板を確認して下さい。小さい字で桜平?って書いてます
2020/11 Toilet NG in Corona Both the upper parking lot and the middle parking lot are within a comfortable distance from the trailhead. How about climbing a mountain if it's far away? It's certainly far from the parking lot below, but (゜ ∀ ゜) 3km gravel road. .. .. I am grateful to the mountain manager for its beauty. There is a problem with the user, and there are some roadside parking, and I'm afraid! !! The stones are quite big up to the parking lot inside, so you should drive slowly. It is difficult to pass by an oncoming vehicle, so be careful about the curve! There is no guardrail, so I'm scared if I'm not used to the back! Also, since there is no reflector, it's very scary to enter the night. It's pitch black. If you follow Google Navi, you will be told to go to the left at the three-way junction of the mountain god, but it is to the right. If you are uneasy, please stop and check the sign. It is written in small letters as Sakuradaira ?
5 SSMC on Google

綺麗に整地され、トイレも新しいが有るだけで◎ 唐沢鉱泉分岐から桜平登山口まで細い砂利道が続く。 7月下旬の平日、9時過ぎに到着、10台弱。 この駐車場に車があった時点で上の駐車場は断念。 と言うより上の駐車場が停めれず悪路を往復する勇気はなく安パイを選択。 ここから桜平登山口まで600M。 疲れた体には帰りのこの距離が長く感じた。
The ground is clean and the toilet is new, but it's just ◎ A narrow gravel road continues from the Karasawa mineral spring branch to the Sakuradaira trailhead. Arrived after 9 o'clock on weekdays in late July, less than 10 cars. When there was a car in this parking lot, the upper parking lot was abandoned. I didn't have the courage to go back and forth on bad roads because the parking lot above couldn't stop, so I chose cheap pie. 600 meters from here to the Sakuradaira trailhead. I felt this distance on the way back was long for my tired body.
よしのさくら on Google

三井の森の分岐からここまでは未舗装ですが、かなり凹凸があります。普通乗用車でも走れますが、あまり車高の低い車は無理です。 トイレはコロナウイルスで閉鎖されています。ここから600mほど先が登山口です。
The area from the branch of Mitsui no Mori to here is unpaved, but it is quite uneven. You can drive a normal passenger car, but a car with a too low car height is impossible. The toilet is closed with a coronavirus. 600m from here is the trailhead.
H TOTSUKA (Trekking) on Google

八ヶ岳の硫黄岳に近い駐車場でトイレも有り良く整備されていますが行くまでの道路は狭く対向車が来た場合すれ違う事は出来ません舗装されてない道です。 夜に行くと路面の凹凸が分かりにくいので注意が必要。
The parking lot near Iodake in Yatsugatake is well maintained with toilets, but the road to go is narrow and you cannot pass each other when an oncoming vehicle comes. It is an unpaved road. Be careful as it is difficult to see the unevenness of the road surface at night.
黒羽峡太郎 on Google

駐車場までの道が狭く凹凸もあります。鋭角なカーブもあるので地上高の低い車、大きな車、初心者は注意が必要です。 私は2駆のアルファードでしたが、ヒヤヒヤしながら往復できました。 10月初めの土曜日でしたので朝6時頃に中駐車場に到着。七割うまっていました。トイレはまだ使えません。 帰りは昼過ぎ12時に車を出しましたが、駐車場は満車、近くの路上に30台位駐車されていました。中には通行を妨げてとめる車もあり、トラブルが起きないか心配な場所もありました。路上駐車している場所は待避所ですので、もし対向車があったら、すれ違いは困難です。登山や山小屋はとても良いのですが、駐車場問題が悩みの種です。
The road to the parking lot is narrow and uneven. There are also sharp curves, so be careful for cars with low ground clearance, large cars, and beginners. I was a 2WD Alphard, but I was able to make a round trip while smirking. Since it was Saturday in early October, I arrived at the middle parking lot around 6 am. It was 70% good. The toilet is not available yet. On the way back, I left the car at 12:00 noon, but the parking lot was full and about 30 cars were parked on the nearby street. There were some cars that blocked the passage, and there were places where I was worried about trouble. The place where you park on the street is a runaway, so if there is an oncoming vehicle, it is difficult to pass each other. Climbing and huts are very good, but parking issues are a problem.
掛川久夫 on Google

2021,12,29に行きました。冬期の今は桜平駐車場は下と中だけです。上は雪で停める場所がありません。上までは行けますが停める場所は無いので夏沢鉱泉の送迎車がすれ違いに使う場所を使うようになるので、中に停めて下さい( ・ิω・ิ) 中 駐車場は除雪はしてありますが冬期なので停められるスペースは全体の四分の一位です。トイレはありますが去年から閉めているので夏沢鉱泉まで?行くか?下の分岐まで?降りて唐沢鉱泉に上るか?の二択になります。中から登山口迄は歩いて10分でした。 今日の気温は朝は-15℃ですまだまだ冷えるので?慣れていない人は唐沢鉱泉への分岐からが?オススメです⛄鉱泉へ泊まると送迎してもらえます。
I went to 2021, 12, 29. In winter, the Sakuradaira parking lot is only below and inside. There is no place to stop in the snow above. You can go to the top, but there is no place to stop, so the shuttle car of Natsuzawa mineral spring will use the place used for passing, so please stop inside (・ ิ ω ・ ิ) Middle parking lot has snow removed Since it is winter, the space that can be parked is about a quarter of the total. There is a toilet, but since it has been closed since last year, you have two choices: go to Natsuzawa mineral spring ?? Go down to the lower branch ? and go up to Karasawa mineral spring. It was a 10-minute walk from the inside to the trailhead. Today's temperature is -15 ℃ in the morning, so it's still cold ? If you're not used to it, we recommend starting from the branch to the Karasawa mineral spring ⛄ If you stay at the mineral spring, you will be picked up.
gda1683 on Google

2021.10.11 駐車場のトイレはコロナ対策で使用できませんのでご注意を。 駐車場までの道は四駆でない普通車でも走れますが、スピードを落として慎重に運転しないと簡単に車体の下を擦ります。 一ヶ所直角に曲がりながらの細い橋があり、長さがあり幅があるミニバン等はギリギリで怖いと思います。(私の車はオデッセイですが二度と走りたくないです) 帰りなのですが、お昼過ぎでも駐車場に上がってくる車が結構いるので、離合の際は注意してください。(見通しが悪いコーナーをsuv車が結構なスピードで飛ばしてきてヒヤッとしました) あと、Googlemapだと駐車場までの道が出ないうえに、途中の分岐を桜平駐車場ではなく唐沢鉱泉の方へ案内されました。(分岐にオーレン小屋の看板があったので間違えずにすみました)
2021.10.11 Please note that the toilet in the parking lot cannot be used as a measure against corona. The road to the parking lot can be driven by a non-four-wheel drive ordinary car, but if you do not slow down and drive carefully, you can easily rub under the car body. There is a narrow bridge that bends at a right angle in one place, and I think that minivans that are long and wide are just barely scary. (My car is an Odyssey, but I don't want to run again) I'm on my way home, but there are quite a few cars coming up to the parking lot even after noon, so please be careful when you leave. (I was surprised that the suv car flew at a fairly high speed in the corner with poor visibility) Also, with Google map, there is no way to the parking lot, and the branch on the way was guided to Karasawa mineral spring instead of Sakuradaira parking lot. (There was a signboard of the Oren hut at the branch, so I made no mistake)

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