
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 夏沢峠

住所 :

Toyohira, Chino, 〒391-0213 Nagano,Japan

街 : Nagano

Toyohira, Chino, 〒391-0213 Nagano,Japan
Kisya Ito on Google

Two mountain lodges. I took a leave of absence.
クボイカイ on Google

12月頭に行きましたが、快晴でとても気持ち良かったです。 ここから硫黄岳に上がるのであれば、軽アイゼンは必要かと。
I went to the beginning of December and it was clear and very pleasant. If going up to Iodake from here, I need a light crampon.
青いカバ on Google

The lowest elevation on the ridgeline from Tengudake to Iodake.
特命情報員 on Google

ヒュテ夏沢とやまびこ荘が並んで建っています。 目の前の硫黄岳まで、ここから一気に登って行きます。
Hute Natsuzawa and Yamabikoso are lined up. From here, I will climb up to Iodake in front of me.
ichicou High.B on Google

登山道の最初に開けた景色が見えて ワクワク 2020年夏の山小屋はやってませんでした(泣)
The scenery that opened at the beginning of the trail was so exciting that I didn't do a mountain hut in the summer of 2020 (crying).
Michitomo Yabuki on Google

It is a pass that can be climbed from the Oren hut and Honzawa Onsen in about an hour, but this year it was closed at Corona!
トコロさん on Google

峠途中の 山びこ荘へより ココアを頂いた。 甘さが 冷えた体にしみた。 薪ストーブで あたためさせていただきました。 泊まって見たいです。
Midway From Sanbikoso I got cocoa. Sweetness I chilled my body. Wood stove I warmed it up. I want to stay and watch.
gyunzug on Google

I passed on the way down from Iodake to the Oren hut. There was a plaza where you could take a break, and I had lunch there and was able to relax. It was sunny and I could see the scenery in the distance.

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