ブラスリー ハーモニー

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ブラスリー ハーモニー

住所 :

Toyo, Koto City, 〒135-0016 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : https://www.hotel-east21.co.jp/restaurant/harmony/
街 : Tokyo

Toyo, Koto City, 〒135-0016 Tokyo,Japan
Noritada Nishio on Google

7月11日 ランチで利用しました。頂いたのはハンバーグ和風ソース(2種のスープバー、サラダバー、食後ドリンク付き)。思ったより大きめのハンバーグは焼きたてアツアツで、少し軟めの食感。和風ソースがパンチのある濃いめの味で、ご飯との相性はよろし。スープバー、サラダバーが付くのもけっこううれしいですね。お腹もいっぱいになります。
July 11 I used it for lunch. I had a hamburger Japanese sauce (with 2 kinds of soup bar, salad bar and after-dinner drink). The hamburger steak, which is larger than I expected, is freshly baked and has a slightly soft texture. The Japanese-style sauce has a punchy and strong taste, and it goes well with rice. It's nice to have a soup bar and a salad bar. I'm full.
コッド海咲 on Google

If you stay overnight, you will have breakfast here. It's a pity that the salad buffet is gone in Corona. I loved the abundant vegetables, seaweed and mushroom saute. This time, my husband chose Western food and I chose Japanese food. All the staff, the hospitality is decent. It is also fun to use the bar at night.
山桜 on Google

It was delicious and the staff were very friendly and I felt good.
じゃがいもカレー on Google

コロナ禍で仕方ない ホテルの朝食御盆のお決まりコース 熱々のパンやドリンクお代わりが出来る点が良い またスタッフの対応も良い
It can't be helped because of the corona sickness. The hotel's breakfast Obon festival course. It's good that you can replace hot bread and drinks.
nori tomo on Google

ホテルのレストランらしく、落ち着いた雰囲気です。ディナーの時間で頂いたのはブイヤベース(2000円)。コクのあるスープと大ぶりの魚介が美味しく満足いく味でした。スープを残しておけば最後に雑炊にしてくださるそうです(お腹に余裕がなかったので私は頼みませんでしたが)。 友人はフォアグラ丼です。こちらも美味しかったそうです。 価格も味も量も、ホテルのレストランとしては良心的だと思いますよ。
It has a calm atmosphere like a hotel restaurant. I had a bouillabaisse (2000 yen) at dinner time. The rich soup and large seafood were delicious and satisfying. If you leave the soup, it will be porridge at the end (I didn't ask because I wasn't hungry). My friend is foie gras bowl. This was also delicious. I think the price, taste, and quantity are reasonable for a hotel restaurant.
Let'sイート on Google

ビュッフェを再開したとの事 早速食べにゆく 以前宿泊した際、定食だったのでその時とのギャップが凄い! 今回は朝食とディナーと2度利用する 美味しくて食べられて何より客数が違う家族連れやグループ・団体客ぐ非常に多く賑わっていた 楽しそうだった 私はひたすら食べまくり、部屋へは牛歩で戻る 美味しくて食べ過ぎた
I heard that the buffet was restarted. I went to eat immediately. When I stayed at the hotel before, it was a set meal, so the gap with that time is great! This time I use it twice for breakfast and dinner. It was delicious and it was eaten with a different number of customers. It was crowded with a lot of families, groups and groups. It seemed to be fun. I ate too much
Mel CC on Google

Nice place... decent serving. Recommended !
Faiz A on Google

My favourite sushi place in the area as not many other places provide big tables + sushi trains. Tables can easily fit 6 adults. Comfortable place for families. Trivia : download the Genki sushi App and reserve your seats upfront to avoid long queue ?

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