
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 新宿区立障害者福祉センター

住所 :

Toyama, Shinjuku City, 〒162-0052 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://shinjyuku-fukushi-center.org/
街 : Tokyo

Toyama, Shinjuku City, 〒162-0052 Tokyo,Japan
石崎優美子 on Google

People with disabilities are active. Sell ​​delicious bread. Cospa is the best at lunch one coin lunch!
狩野英里 on Google

いつもお世話になっておりますm(_ _)m
I am always indebted to you m (_ _) m
中村有祐 on Google

Beautiful hall. Calm down
高橋博久 on Google

いつも お世話に ありがとう御座います。
Thank you for your continued support.
yusuke nakamura on Google

It is a place surrounded by greenery. I used it during the night time, but I want to come during the day.
k on Google

1時間3000円で、有資格者の先生のマッサージが受けられます。先生は日替わりで7〜8人いるようです。 私がお世話になったのは小柄な先生でした。チカラが強く、しっかりとほぐしてもらえたのでとても気持ちよく、体もとても楽になりました。 凝っていて揉むと気持ちいいところにピンポイントで指がくるのですごいと思いました。 先生の話し方が穏やかで上品で、お話ししていて癒されました。
For 3000 yen per hour, you can get a massage from a qualified teacher. It seems that there are 7 to 8 teachers on a daily basis. It was a petite teacher who took care of me. The power was strong and I was able to loosen it firmly, so it was very comfortable and my body became very comfortable. I thought it was amazing that my fingers would come to the place where I felt comfortable when I kneaded it. The teacher's way of speaking was calm and elegant, and I was healed by talking.
tsunemasa ohara on Google

本日は、イベントでお世話になりました。障害者向けの商材が沢山展示されてとても勉強になりましたよ。 ^_^
Thank you for the event today. A lot of products for people with disabilities were exhibited and I learned a lot. ^ _ ^
Shun KANAZAWA on Google

良い職場です! 福祉や社会貢献事業は、往々にして薄給(清貧)です。ここもその例に漏れませんが、温かみのある職場です。 少なくとも、私が在籍当時には。(班全体で壮行会を催してくれた) ただ、人間は誰しも得手不得手、相性の良し悪しがあるものです。厄介な利用者さんがごく一部居ます。その点を警戒しつつ、先輩職員さんとの連携を取ることで、ある程度の自衛はできると思います。支援者の健康あっての、利用者の満足です。 現場のスタッフ(支援専門職員)さんは、みんな優しいです。人格者ばかりなので、人格に自信のある方の入職を心待ちにしています。
It's a good workplace! Welfare and social contribution projects are often lightly paid (poor). This is no exception to this, but it is a warm workplace. At least when I was enrolled. (The whole group held a send-off party) However, all human beings have their strengths and weaknesses, and they have good and bad compatibility. There are only a few troublesome users. I think that you can protect yourself to some extent by cooperating with senior staff while being cautious about that point. The health of the supporters is what makes the users happy. The on-site staff (support specialists) are all kind. Since all of us are personalities, we are looking forward to hiring people who are confident in their personalities.

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