Touya - Kesennuma

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Touya

住所 :

1 Chome-8-4 Kamitanaka, Kesennuma, Miyagi 988-0056, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 988-0056
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–3PM
Sunday 11:30AM–3PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11:30AM–3PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–3PM
Thursday 11:30AM–3PM
Friday 11:30AM–3PM

1 Chome-8-4 Kamitanaka, Kesennuma, Miyagi 988-0056, Japan
とととごん on Google

It was very busy and delicious. I felt that the parking lot was full and it was a popular store. I am satisfied with the lunch box, quantity and taste. The coffee cup is also fashionable. Thank you for the meal.
yuhu s on Google

接待向けと言われていますが、家族連れも多い和レストラン。 魚の目利きと、食材の活かし方は抜群で、誰を連れて行っても喜ばれます。 地酒だけでなく、武田ワイナリーのワインや、COEDOビールの生が飲めるのも嬉しい。
It is said that it is for entertainment, but it is a Japanese restaurant with many families. The conspicuousness of the fish and the way to utilize the ingredients are outstanding, and you will be happy to take anyone with you. Not only local sake, but also Takeda winery and COEDO beer can be enjoyed.
laviラビ on Google

The 3000 yen evening set was the best! Bamboo tube tofu, chawanmushi, thick sashimi such as tofu, shrimp and octopus, huge meaty dumplings, heaped salad, crab chirashizushi, miso soup, sherbet! The volume and taste were great! The menu seems to change.
teruzo on Google

It is crowded at noon on weekdays. If you really want to eat it, we recommend that you make a reservation in advance. Lunch with coffee is voluminous with cutlet, sashimi, countryside buckwheat, and chawanmushi. It's a very delicious lunch.
高橋そのこ on Google

If it is the same as the opening of the store, I think you can enter without reservation. For lunch, there are only weekly lunch and Matsukado lunch, and if you don't like weekly lunch (1200 yen), you have no choice but to use Matsukado lunch (2000 yen), so if you like it, call It is recommended to check the menu with. The customer service is very polite. There are table seats and tatami seats.
s. s on Google

どれを食べても美味しい! お安く、素晴らしい食事ができてとても大満足でした!! 接客も良く、とても良い旅の思い出になりました。また是非行きたいです! 小田原からなので、中々難しいですが… 此処のお料理目当てに行きたいくらい、本当に美味しくて大満足です!
Whichever you eat is delicious! I was very happy to have a great meal at a low price! !! The customer service was good and it was a very good memory of the trip. I definitely want to go again! It's from Odawara, so it's difficult, but ... It's so delicious that I want to go to the food here!
4096 TOSHI on Google

平日のランチタイムにはじめてお邪魔しました。なかなかの人気店らしく、11時45分に入店時、12台位駐車できる駐車場も8割位入っていました。 料理もランチメニュー2種類の価格の安い方をオーダー。特に期待はしていなかったのですが、品数も多く最後にホットコーヒーもつき、お腹いっぱいで大満足でした。味も値段以上で最高でした。御馳走様でした。
I visited for the first time at lunch time on weekdays. It seems to be a very popular store, and when I entered the store at 11:45, there were about 80% of the parking lots where I could park about 12 cars. As for the food, we ordered two types of lunch menus, the cheaper one. I didn't expect it in particular, but I was very satisfied with the large number of items and the hot coffee at the end. The taste was also above the price and was the best. It was a treat.
小野文浩(Fumihiro Ono) on Google

気仙沼市上田中にある超人気店。旬のの魚をいかした和食中心のお店。 昼は、お得なランチ。夜は旬の海のものをいかした料理が中心となる。 休日の昼間は、地元の人のちょっとした祝いの席として人気もある。お一人様ならまだしも、複数人数で利用の際は予約がおすすめ。
A very popular store in Kamitanaka, Kesennuma. A Japanese restaurant that makes use of seasonal fish. A great lunch at noon. At night, the main dishes are seasonal seafood. During the daytime on holidays, it is also popular as a small celebration for the locals. If you are a single person, it is recommended to make a reservation when using with multiple people.

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