Totoya - Minato City

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Totoya

住所 :

虎ノ門東洋共同ビル 一階, 1 Chome-13-3 Toranomon, Minato City, Tokyo 105-0001, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 105-0001
Opening hours :
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 11AM–11:30PM
Tuesday 11AM–11:30PM
Wednesday 11AM–11:30PM
Thursday 11AM–11:30PM
Friday 11AM–11:30PM

虎ノ門東洋共同ビル 一階, 1 Chome-13-3 Toranomon, Minato City, Tokyo 105-0001, Japan
やしゅらん on Google

ランチのシステムは独特です。入り口で注文と支払いをします。声で厨房にオーダーが入り調理済みの料理をお盆に乗せてホールに出てきます。そしてホール係が人数分空いている席に料理を並べてくれます。非常にスムーズでお客さんも時間の短縮が出来て嬉しいです。 あ、味のこと忘れてた~(笑)
The lunch system is unique. Order and pay at the entrance. The order is entered into the kitchen by voice and the cooked dish is put on the tray and comes out to the hall. And the hall clerk will arrange the dishes in the seats available for the number of people. It is very smooth and customers are happy to save time. Oh, I forgot about the taste ~ (laughs)
詩吟 高津川真紀と戸張一座 on Google

It's really delicious! Cheap! Faster than convenience stores! Cooking is faster than taking a seat! wonderful! ️
大石基晶 on Google

I used it for lunch on the day I went to the hospital. I enjoyed the 3 points. Eggs and natto are also included.
やすを on Google

こちらは老舗です。私が社会人になる30年以上前から営業を始められたのではないでしょうか。 注文をしてレジで支払いをし、席に案内されて座ると同時に提供されるというシステムです。 以前は回しが命でしたが、コロナ禍でそこまでではなくなりました。店員さんも代替わりし、大陸系の方がフロアを捌きますがシステムに変更はありません。 写真は竜田揚げとのことですが、唐揚げですかね。ごはん、味噌汁とお刺身が小鉢に付くのが面白い。生卵もつきます。 以前、店の奥は座敷でしたが、改装して靴のまま上がれるテーブル席に替わりました。ご飯の大盛りは出来たかと思いますが、お替りは別料金だったかと。この他、各テーブルに配された大皿から浅漬を適量取って召し上がるスタイルです。 時間がないときここは重宝します。混んでいても回転の早い店です。
This is a long-established store. I think I started business more than 30 years before I became a member of society. It is a system in which you place an order, pay at the cash register, and are guided to your seat and provided at the same time you sit down. In the past, turning was the life, but with the corona wreck, it is no longer that much. The clerk will also take the place, and the continental system will handle the floor, but there is no change in the system. The photo shows Tatsutaage, but is it fried? It is interesting that rice, miso soup and sashimi are attached to the small bowl. It also comes with raw eggs. Previously, the back of the store was a tatami room, but it has been refurbished to replace the table seats where you can go up with your shoes. I think I was able to make a large serving of rice, but I wondered if the replacement was an extra charge. In addition, it is a style to take an appropriate amount of lightly pickled vegetables from the platters arranged on each table. This is useful when you don't have time. It is a shop that turns quickly even if it is crowded.
前田慶一 on Google

評価は高いので行ってみたら、実際はかなり残念だった。 ご飯も味噌汁も冷めていて、鮪のブツは解凍しきれてない冷凍マグロのように冷えた、と言うかほぼ凍ったような状態で出てきた。フライは熱々だが食感はサクサクではなくガリガリ。味は記憶に残らない。 価格帯も特に安いわけでもなく、ご時世ながら感染対策も消毒だけとあって無いような程度。この周辺であえて来たくなるようなお店とは言えなかった。 どうやら昔はもっと良い店だったらしい。コロナの影響なのか知らないがここ数年で様変わりしたとか。高評価が2、3年前に多いのはそのためか。レトロな個人店が時代に取り残されてるようで悲しくもある
The evaluation was high, so when I went there, it was actually quite disappointing. The rice and miso soup were cold, and the tuna stuff was cold like frozen tuna that hadn't been thawed, or it came out almost frozen. The fries are hot, but the texture is not crispy but crumbly. The taste is unforgettable. The price range is not particularly cheap, and infection control is not limited to disinfection. It wasn't a shop that made me want to come around here. Apparently it used to be a better store. I don't know if it's the influence of corona, but it has changed in the last few years. Is that why there were many high evaluations a few years ago? It's sad that a retro private store seems to be left behind in the times
大石馳走 on Google

☀️虎ノ門・西新橋ランチ148 安い、とにかく注文から料理の出しまでが早く、忙しい時には大助かりの店だった。 リピート店として使っていたが、コロナになり、客足が減ってから、何やら、お店の状況もおかしくなってきた。 まず、料理が冷たい、または、ぬるいことが増えた。そして、値上げ‼️ 店員さんの数も減り、日本語も通じず、嫌な思いも増えて来た。 いろいろな意味で食堂の割り切りで使っていたが、近隣には、まだ、まだ、頑張っておられるお店があるので、そちらを応援した方が良さそうだ。 202202 ☀️虎ノ門ランチ2★★★ 世界一、注文してから、料理が出て来るまで早いお店? 店に入り、レジで注文、お金を払い、席に着くと同時に料理が出て来る!凄い。。 100m9.54秒なんて、騒ぐレベルじゃない! 忙しい人には、とっても有難いお店。 スタッフの人数も多いし、皆、テキパキ働く、気持ちの良い昭和なお店。 1時半くらいに行くと、料理が出て来るまで時間がかかるが、その分、あったか〜い、料理を頂けます。 どちらの時間帯に行くけは、あなた次第! 食べ放題の漬物がまた、昭和感? 201906
☀️ Toranomon / Nishi-Shimbashi Lunch 148 It's cheap, it's quick from ordering to serving food, and it was a great help when I was busy. I used to use it as a repeat store, but since it became a corona and the number of customers has decreased, the situation of the store has become strange. First, the food is cold or lukewarm. And price increase! ️ The number of clerk has decreased, I can't speak Japanese, and I have more unpleasant feelings. I used to divide the cafeteria in many ways, but there are still shops in the neighborhood that are still working hard, so it seems better to support them. 202202 ☀️ Toranomon Lunch 2 ★★★ The best restaurant in the world from ordering until the food comes out ? Enter the store, order at the cashier, pay for it, and as soon as you get to your seat, the food will come out! amazing. .. 100m9.54 seconds is not a noisy level! This is a very nice shop for busy people. There are a lot of staff, and everyone works hard, and it's a pleasant Showa shop. If you go around 1:30, it will take some time for the food to come out, but you will be able to enjoy the food. Which time zone you go to is up to you! All-you-can-eat pickles are also Showa ? 201906
wakoy on Google

ランチでお邪魔しました。 入り口で先払いなので注文は決めておいてください。 ランチの定食はだいたい850円くらい、注文時のご飯大盛りは無料です。 長テーブルで座りにくいのですが、座ると秒速で料理が出てきます。 秒速で出るほどなのであまり暖かくないですが味は悪くなく、しっかりした中身の小鉢(このときはマグロぶつと冷奴)が2つ付いたので全体としては良かったですが、プラ鉢とステンレス皿とプラコップが、なんか見た目で旨くなさそうな感じなのは残念。 長テーブルなので相席という概念はないですが、隣との仕切りもありません。 大鉢に入った漬物は出しっぱなしだったので手はつけませんでした。 あと、おしぼりや紙ナプキン類はないので注意です。 夜メニューは手頃でお安いと思います。
I visited you for lunch. Please decide your order as it is prepaid at the entrance. Lunch set meals are about 850 yen, and a large serving of rice at the time of ordering is free. It's hard to sit on a long table, but when you sit down, the food comes out at the speed of a second. It's not so warm because it comes out at the speed of a second, but the taste is not bad, and it was good as a whole because it had two small bowls with solid contents (tuna butter and cold tofu at this time), but it was a plastic bowl, a stainless steel plate and a plastic cup. However, it's a pity that it doesn't look good. Since it is a long table, there is no concept of shared seats, but there is no partition from the next door. I didn't touch the pickles in the large bowl because they were left out. Also, please note that there are no hand towels or paper napkins. I think the evening menu is affordable and cheap.
佐藤友哉 on Google

ランチで利用させいただいております。昼は魚系の定食、夜は居酒屋になります。 私は昼しか利用したことないですが・・・。 昼の定食はとにかく提供が早いことで有名ですが、最近は少し速度が落ちたような気がします。今日はメンチカツ定食(¥850)を注文しましたが、提供まで30秒程度かかりました。 小ぶりなメンチカツ二つに鮪ぶつ、味噌汁、卵、冷奴、小さなじゃがいもフライがセットになっています。めちゃくちゃ美味いという訳ではないですが落ち着く味です。 以前よりはお店が空いているような気もしますので、利用頻度をあげなくてはと思いました。また利用させていただきます。
We use it for lunch. It will be a fish-based set meal during the day and an izakaya at night. I've only used it during the day ... The lunch set meal is famous for being served quickly, but I feel that the speed has slowed down a little recently. I ordered the Menchi-katsu set meal (¥ 850) today, but it took about 30 seconds to serve it. Two small minced meat cutlets, tuna soup, miso soup, eggs, cold tofu, and fried small potatoes are included in the set. It's not really delicious, but it has a calming taste. I feel that the store is more vacant than before, so I thought I should increase the frequency of use. I will be using this again.

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