Toshima Civic Center - Toshima City

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Toshima Civic Center

住所 :

1 Chome-20-10 Higashiikebukuro, Toshima City, Tokyo 170-0013, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8979
Postal code : 170-0013
Webサイト :

1 Chome-20-10 Higashiikebukuro, Toshima City, Tokyo 170-0013, Japan
Rokko Okazaki on Google

マンホールカード収集で訪問。 念願の東京都特別版を入手。 池袋PRアニメがモデルとなっています。 12月8日現在でロットNo.は2でした。
Visited by collecting manhole cards. Get the long-awaited special edition of Tokyo. The model is Ikebukuro PR animation. As of December 8th, the lot number was 2.

昔の区民センターはちょっと薄暗くて田舎の公民館みたいでした とても明るくなって良い感じですけど、今のところ行く用事もあまりありません
The old inhabitant center was a little dim and looked like a rural community center It feels good to be very bright, but I don't have much business to go to so far
Yo T on Google

綺麗な施設。 子どもの行事にて利用。 新しいので、全体的に綺麗。 お手洗いも綺麗。 7-8階のみの利用だったが、2階の「パパママ☆すぽっと」が気になる
Beautiful facility. Used for children's events. As it is new, it is beautiful overall. The restroom is also beautiful. It was only used on the 7th and 8th floors, but I'm worried about the 2nd floor "Papa Mama ☆ Sport"
金崎嘉治 on Google

新しい施設は気持ちいいよね、 エレベーターに一緒に乗った人生の先輩のお言葉です!
The new facility feels good, These are the words of my seniors in my life who got on the elevator together!
樋口順康 on Google

I used the hall on the 8th floor, but it was a simple but comfortable space. Another point is the cafe on the 1st floor, but the counter seats facing the outside road are for work and are easy to use. It is also a high point that you can use Wi-Fi.
とし on Google

六階のみ使用 通路が3人横に並んだぐらいの幅で狭すぎ、docomoの電波圏外(ワイモバイルは3本)、換気で寒い 新しいので設備は綺麗 エレベーターのボタンがデカい
Used only on the 6th floor The aisle is too narrow, with three people lined up side by side, outside the radio range of docomo (three for Ymobile), and it is cold due to ventilation. The equipment is clean because it is new The elevator button is big
RYOKO on Google

トイレが素晴らしい 日本一トイレが充実したセンターです。更衣室、個室数、パウダー空間、とても作り込んでいます。KAOさんとのコラボのようで香りも上品な空間 2-3階がトイレ充実フロアになっていて、男性は3階の方が良いらしい。 女性は二階の方が空間として広そうでしたが、三階は更衣室が広く子供連れでも大丈夫そう。 三階は管理会社の事務所のアクセスと重なりそのあたりは動線計画が残念ですが、空いていて穴場なトイレでした。
The toilet is great It is the center with the most toilets in Japan. The changing rooms, the number of private rooms, the powder space, and so on. A space with a refined scent that looks like a collaboration with KAO The 2-3rd floor is a toilet enrichment floor, and men seem to prefer the 3rd floor. For women, it seems that the second floor is wider as a space, but on the third floor there is a large changing room, so children may be fine. The third floor overlaps with the access to the office of the management company, and I am sorry for the flow line plan around that, but it was a vacant and secret toilet.
M Atmi on Google

区の施設の為、会議室が安価で利用できるが、施設概要がホームページ上で不十分。 会議室毎にレイアウト・仕様が異なるが、全室の画像が無く、わかりずらい。 イメージは読み取れるが、どのようなテーブルが縦横何列配置されてるのか、設備の詳細など部屋毎の特徴がわからない。 また、4階と5階とでは、広さや配置は同じようだが、床が明らかに異なる。 5階はOA仕様っぽくなっており、各テーブルの下の床面にコンセントが設置されているが、4階の床はフローリング調でコンセントが無い。 複数人でパソコンを用いた研修を行いたい場合は4階では使い勝手が悪い。 そう言う仕様なのは仕方ないが、この様に開けてびっくりなことも事前にわからない。 会議室利用後に受付に内線をし、係員が会議室に来て現状復帰などの最終チェックをするが、そこで終わりと思いきや鍵は自分で受付に戻す仕組みである。 チェックの際に係員が回収すれば良いのでは? また、複数人数でオンライン会議を行いたいが、その様な事に対応したネットワーク環境なのかと問い合わせたが、『わからないがその様な使い方をしている利用者もいる』との回答。 会議室の利用目的によっては、事前に出来ること出来ないことを確認した方が良いと思う。 あと男性の従業員が数名おり、みなさん親切で丁寧ですが、女性は…。
Since the facility is a ward facility, the conference room can be used at low cost, but the facility outline is insufficient on the website. The layout and specifications are different for each conference room, but it is difficult to understand because there are no images of all rooms. I can read the image, but I don't know what kind of tables are arranged vertically and horizontally, and the characteristics of each room such as the details of the equipment. Also, the 4th and 5th floors have the same size and layout, but the floors are clearly different. The 5th floor has an OA specification, and outlets are installed on the floor under each table, but the floor on the 4th floor is flooring-like and has no outlets. If you want to train with multiple people using a personal computer, it is not easy to use on the 4th floor. It can't be helped to say that, but I don't know in advance that I'm surprised to open it like this. After using the conference room, an extension will be sent to the reception desk, and a staff member will come to the conference room to make a final check such as returning to the status quo. Should the staff collect it at the time of check? In addition, I wanted to hold an online conference with multiple people, but when I asked if the network environment was compatible with such a situation, I answered, "I don't know, but some users are using it in that way." Depending on the purpose of using the conference room, it is better to confirm in advance that you cannot do it. There are also several male employees, all of whom are kind and polite, but females ...

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