Torigen Muza-Kawasaki - Kawasaki

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Torigen Muza-Kawasaki

住所 :

ミューザ川崎 1F 1310 Omiyacho, Saiwai Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 212-0014, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 212-0014
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–10PM
Sunday 11:30AM–10PM
Monday 11:30AM–10PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–10PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–10PM
Thursday 11:30AM–10PM
Friday 11:30AM–10PM

ミューザ川崎 1F 1310 Omiyacho, Saiwai Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 212-0014, Japan
mineko on Google

I think the price is cheap, the service is also good, and it is so-so. I ate "Steamed vegetables and buckwheat sprouts", but it is better to have a different menu for dating girls. It is delicious but hard to eat. (~ _ ~ Me)
春日久栄 on Google

Yakitori is delicious and soba and sake are also well served. It is delicious if you combine daikon sweet vinegar grated in yakitori with daikon vinegar, and Shichimi instead gunra.
Yoichiro Ando on Google

たまに顔を出しますが、昼・夜ともに適度な距離感で机がレイアウトされているので、それほど広くない割に落ち着いた感じで食事がいただけます。 ウリの焼き鳥と蕎麦も美味しいので、近くに寄られた方はおすすめです。 唯一気になるのは、冷たい蕎麦に氷がまぶしてあり、特に冬は冷えすぎ&ツユが薄まってしまうこと。
I sometimes show up, but the desks are laid out with an appropriate sense of distance both day and night, so you can eat with a calm feeling even though it is not so large. Yakitori and soba noodles are also delicious, so it is recommended for those who come nearby. The only thing I'm worried about is that the cold soba is sprinkled with ice, especially in winter when it's too cold and the tuyu is thin.
Nakashima Yunami on Google

休日なのに1000円程度でこの満足感のランチは素晴らしい?とても美味しかったです。 お茶も美味しく、店員さんの接客もとても心地よかったです。 ランチの種類が多く、全部食べてみたくなり、また絶対来たいと思いました!
Even though it was a holiday, it was about 1000 yen and this satisfying lunch was wonderful ? It was very delicious. The tea was delicious and the customer service of the clerk was very comfortable. There are many types of lunch, and I wanted to try them all, and I definitely wanted to come again!
佐々木康江 on Google

マヨネーズ好きにオススメ! 鶏南蛮タルタル定食!玄米ご飯が選べて ヘルシーです◉‿◉ テーブルに置いてあるガンラー(唐辛子) をすこーしかけても美味しいですよー
Recommended for mayonnaise lovers! Chicken Nanban Tartar Set Meal! You can choose brown rice It's healthy ◉‿◉ Ganla (chili pepper) on the table It's delicious even if you sprinkle it on
mama chaco on Google

川崎駅から直結の「ミューザ川崎」1階にあります。 東京都内を中心に展開する鳥料理専門の居酒屋です。 ランチで利用しましたが、お弁当の販売もしています。お弁当は500円から、ランチは870円からでした。 いただいたのは「若鶏唐揚げおろしポン酢定食」。つゆだくで、ご飯がすすみました!! 美味しかったです。 店員さんが、ご飯の量を「小盛、普通盛、大盛」で聞いてくれます。 対応も丁寧で、とても感じのいい店員さんでした。 店内はカウンター席、2人がけと4人がけのボックス席、個室があります。 入り口がわかりづらいので注意。
It is located on the first floor of "MUZA Kawasaki", which is directly connected to Kawasaki Station. It is an izakaya that specializes in bird dishes mainly in Tokyo. We used it for lunch, but we also sell bento. Lunch was from 500 yen, lunch was from 870 yen. What I received was a fried chicken with fried ponzu sauce. It was delicious and the meal was good! ! It was delicious. The clerk will ask you how much rice you have, "small, medium or large." The staff were very friendly and very nice. There are counter seats, box seats for 2 and 4 people, and private rooms. Be careful because the entrance is difficult to understand.
ju no_n on Google

昼ランチに何度も訪問、選べるご飯、白米か玄米 玄米頼んでも、終わってしまったとか(昼前に入店) きょうは無いとかモゾモゾの口調で1度も玄米食べれない!玄米ホントにあるんでしょうか? 食事は何を食べても美味しいですね。唐揚げが美味しい。蕎麦もgoodです。
Visited many times for lunch, selectable rice, white rice or brown rice Even if I asked for brown rice, it was over (entered before noon) I can't eat brown rice even once because I don't have it today or because of the mozomozo tone! Is it really brown rice? The food is delicious no matter what you eat. The fried chicken is delicious. Soba is also good.
まさ佐藤 on Google

ランチで入り特選焼鳥重を注文。 全体的に焼きすぎで色が暗いです。鶏の旨味が減っていると思われます。種類も少ないのでふっくら焼き上げるように努力しても良いのでは? 辛うじて肉の味が良いのは肉のポテンシャルに助けられています。タレがご飯に掛かっていて、鶏は塩味が多くバランスが悪いです。 鶏以外は小皿に乗せて外出して空間作った方が見映えが良いと思います。 味噌汁は鶏のコラーゲンスープにして欲しかった。 老舗のランチと同じ値段だったので、ガチ評価させて頂きました。
I ordered a special yakitori weight for lunch. The color is dark because it is overcooked overall. It seems that the taste of chicken is reduced. Since there are few kinds, may I try to bake it plumply? The barely good taste of meat is helped by the potential of the meat. The sauce is on the rice, and the chicken has a lot of saltiness and is unbalanced. Except for chickens, I think it looks better to put them on a small plate and go out to create a space. I wanted the miso soup to be chicken collagen soup. It was the same price as a long-established lunch, so I evaluated it.

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