
4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ハレルヤ美容院

住所 :

Tonyamachi, Takasaki, 〒370-0006 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://www.0273654456.com/
街 : Gunma

Tonyamachi, Takasaki, 〒370-0006 Gunma,Japan
kei H on Google

アレルギー体質でも大丈夫な美容院さんです、 自然素材にとことんこだわっておられるので毎回本当に眼から鱗の安心安全な体験が出来ます! レアな素材をたっぷり使い身体に良くて美しい仕上がり感に毎回癒されています!インテリアもまったり落ち着く感覚と外のバナナがまた見所です
It is a beauty salon who is okay with allergies, Because we are particular about natural materials, we can truly experience the safe and secure scales from the eyes every time! Plenty of rare materials are healed every time for a good and beautiful finish to your body! The interior is relaxed and the banana outside is also a highlight
遊摩 on Google

他の美容院は休日に時間拘束されて損した気分でしたが、ハレルヤはもっと居たいな~って思わせてくれる場所です。染め待ちの時間はヘナの足湯してくれたり、アメリカンチックなソファーで昼寝したりw お天気の良い日は庭に出てバナナの木の下でお茶頂いてマッタリ~。カフェに来たみたいな居心地の良さ。& 皮膚や髪に良いヘナ染めをやってて、インドまで勉強に行ってる店主から色々なお話が聞けます。 ここに通うようになってから、痛んだ髪が修復されて行くのを感じます。もう他は行けないな~・・・
The other hairdressers felt that they had been detained on holidays and lost their time, but Hallelujah is a place that makes you want to be more. While waiting for the dye, you can have a henna's footbath, take a nap on an American chic sofa, or go out in the garden on sunny days and have a cup of tea under a banana tree. Cozy like coming to a cafe. & You can hear various stories from the shopkeeper who is doing study to India by doing good henna dyeing on skin and hair. As I go to here, I feel that my painful hair is going to be repaired. I can not go there anymore ...
s明紀子 on Google

✨こんな美容室を捜してました✨ シャンプーも、白髪を染めてくれるヘナも、全て自然素材でヘアケアが完結できる。 最後に嫌いな化学物質性の製品を塗られなくても、ちゃんとまとまる。 特にシャンプーが秀逸です。 使うほど髪がサラサラになって、後はなにもしないですんでしまい、楽チンになりました。もう手放せません。 ちなみに、化学物質を徹底的に排除しようと苦戦してきた私の主観多めです。ご了承くださいませ。ですが私にとっては、ありがたい存在です。
✨ I was looking for such a beauty salon ✨ Hair care can be completed with all natural materials, such as shampoo and henna that dyes gray hair. Even if you don't apply the chemical product you don't like at the end, it will be organized properly. Especially shampoo is excellent. The more I used it, the smoother my hair became, and after that I didn't have to do anything, which made it easier. I can't let go anymore. By the way, it is a lot of my subjectivity that I have struggled to completely eliminate chemical substances. Please understand. But for me, I'm grateful.
Miyako T.U on Google

ヘナの白髪染めをしていただきました。私の時間の許すかぎりじっくりと時間をかけてくださり、しっかりとヘナが染まりました。待ち時間は、多分野の本やマンガがあり退屈しません。お庭のバナナの木を眺めながらゆったりできる雰囲気も良かったです。 値段と時間は普通のカラーリングよりはかかると思いますが、自然素材だけで染めたい方にはおすすめです! また、来たいと思います! 追記 一ヶ月経ちましたが、シャンプーを使わなかったので色落ちは予想以上にないです。
I had you dye henna's gray hair. He took the time as much as my time allowed, and the henna was dyed firmly. Waiting time is not boring because there are books and manga in various fields. The atmosphere where you can relax while looking at the banana trees in the garden was also good. I think it will cost more and more time than normal coloring, but it is recommended for those who want to dye with only natural materials! I would like to come again! Postscript: It's been a month, but since I didn't use shampoo, the color fading is not more than I expected.
クッキーママ on Google

ヘナ染めをきっかけに、こちらでお世話になっています。 先日、湯シャン(シャンプーを使わないでお湯だけで洗う)というのを教わり、最初はためらいましたが、実は良いことずくめであると気づきました! 髪から必要以上に油分がとられないので、スタイリング剤をたっぶりつけては、それをシャンプーで洗い流す・・・という繰り返しがなくなりシンプルなケアでOK♪ 何より、色落ちが少なくなってヘナの色持ちUP♫ でもそれじゃ、せっかくこちらで開発されたシャンプーの売上が減ってしまうのでは!?という心配をよそに「皆さんの髪がキレイになってくれれば嬉しいしスタイリングもしやすいので」・・・と、本当にお客さんのことを考えてくれる美容院です。 追記: ヘナに、少々(一割程度)の”ハイビスカス"を入れて染めるとストレート効果で髪がなめらかになるのに驚きました!スタイリングがラクになるので広がりやすい髪質の方にオススメです。色も赤味がかるので、個人的には好みです。
I am indebted to you here because of henna dyeing. The other day, I was taught hot water shampoo (washing with hot water without using shampoo), and I hesitated at first, but I realized that it was actually a good thing! Since you can't remove more oil from your hair than you need, you can simply apply styling products and wash them off with shampoo. Above all, the color fading is reduced and the color of henna is improved ♫ But then, despite the concern that the sales of the shampoo developed here will decrease !? "I'm glad if everyone's hair is clean and it's easy to style," he said. It is a beauty salon that thinks about customers. Postscript: I was surprised that when I put a little (about 10%) of "hibiscus" in henna and dye it, the straight effect makes my hair smooth! It is recommended for people with hair that is easy to spread because it makes styling easier. The color is also reddish, so I personally like it.
3 sachiko-t on Google

2021.7月 ヘナ自体が癒しですが、興味の趣くままヘナ+ハイビスカスを溶く水をひと工夫。 酸化還元電位-500mV溶存水素量800ppb仕上がりが楽しみ。 2021.6月 ホームケア2回目。塗り方が上手くなってきて楽しい。ヘナ中は眠っていることが多いので、発想の転換で夜に塗布してそのまま朝を迎えることにしました。インド現地の人はヘナをしたまま過ごすという金子さんが旅で見たものを再現してみました。気合いなど要りません。むしろテキトーゆるゆるで夜を過ごし、ぐっすり眠り、そして朝はスッキリ軽い。日常を交感神経バリバリで過ごしている現代人にぴったりのケアだと感じています。少し前まで、頭皮の脂がすさまじくムクロジが欠かせませんでしたが、今では使用頻度が激減。湯シャンのみの方がスッキリサラサラなのです。最近では友達から髪の艶にそこはかとない品を感じるというお褒めの言葉も頂けるようになりました。梅雨の時季は例年毛が広がり、縮毛矯正が欠かせなかった私の髪でも、今やヘナ➕ハイビスカスで潤々サラサラでゴキゲン♪ 2021.5月 G Wを利用して初のホームケアに挑戦しました。ヘナに10%のハイビスカスを加えて過ごすこと4時間。ハレルヤ美容室では昼寝をしている間に3時間経っているという感じですが、家では料理の仕込みをしたり映画を観たり、本を読んだりとのんびり好きなことをして過ごすので、あっという間感が満載。コレなら気が向いた時にできそうです。 2021.2月 ヘナ染めを始めて約半年が経ちました。コロナ禍で与えられたのは【日常の色々なことを丁寧にやってみる】という機会だったように思います。金子さんのメンテナンスとアドバイスに励まされ、かねてからトライしてみたかった湯シャンにチャレンジすることができました。おかげさまで、遂にホームケアもスタートできそうです♪ありがとうございます。これらのヘアケアは毛染めの概念を優に超えていて、ハレルヤ美容室が醸し出す場のエネルギーも含めて、もはやリトリートの感覚。自分の中に秘めていた真の豊かさや美しさが顔を出します。こんな体験をしてみたい方は、どうぞハレルヤ美容院を訪ねてみて下さい。
2021.7 July Henna itself is healing, but I devised water that dissolves Henna + hibiscus as I like. Redox potential-500mV Dissolved hydrogen amount 800ppb I'm looking forward to the finish. 2021.6 June Second home care. It's fun to paint well. I often sleep during henna, so I decided to apply it at night and start the morning as it is. I tried to reproduce what Kaneko saw on her trip, saying that local people in India spend their time with henna. You don't need to be enthusiastic. Rather, I spend the night loosely, sleep soundly, and feel refreshed in the morning. I feel that it is the perfect care for modern people who spend their daily lives with sympathetic nerves. Not long ago, Sapindaceae, which has a tremendous amount of oil on the scalp, was indispensable, but now it is used less frequently. Only the hot water shan is refreshing and smooth. Recently, my friends have begun to give me compliments that I feel that the gloss of my hair is not so good. During the rainy season, my hair spreads every year, and even my hair, which was indispensable for straightening my hair, is now henna ➕ hibiscus and moisturized. 2021.5 May I challenged the first home care using GW. 4 hours spent adding 10% hibiscus to henna. At the Hallelujah Hair Salon, it feels like it's been three hours while I'm taking a nap, but at home I spend my time doing what I like, such as cooking, watching movies, and reading books. Full of feelings. This seems to be possible when you feel like it. 2021.2 February It's been about half a year since I started henna dyeing. I think that I was given the opportunity to "try various things in my daily life carefully". Encouraged by Kaneko's maintenance and advice, I was able to challenge Yu Shan, which I've always wanted to try. Thanks to you, it seems that we can finally start home care ♪ Thank you. These hair cares go well beyond the concept of hair dyeing and are no longer a retreat sensation, including the energy of the field created by the Hallelujah Hair Salon. The true richness and beauty hidden in me come out. If you would like to experience this kind of experience, please visit Hallelujah Beauty Salon.
sato furu on Google

Hair straightening with damp hair straightening After the age, I didn't know what to do, so I rushed to the hair dressing shops here and there and became a hair dressing gypsy. I got to know Mr. Hallelujah and started henna and hot water shan. Doesn't it smell? Doesn't your hair get dry? I was worried, but I took care of it as I was taught. At first I was skeptical, but I'm really glad that I've been doing it for half a year ?. My sister praised me, "I feel like my hair is clean and I'm back to my old sister." It is a simple care that I can do even if I am sloppy. If you have hair problems, you should be able to feel the effects if you start and continue. I don't recommend anything to people so much.
Naomi on Google

I’ve been suffering from scalp problems for many years and I’ve been going no-poo lately.Today,I guided by the goddess of fate. Guess what? Hallelujah was the God‘s beauty salon I had beeen looking for.here is really comfortable and delightful and cozy place,,feel like stayng grandma's house or Hawaiian countryside cottage..feel like. The owner is quite eager in his studies of so many things,especially Henna,Banana,India. He is healing packed person in Hallelujah wonder land. So you definitely should experience Hallelujah at least once? maybe you can have a valuable experience Henna footbath♨ No Hallelujah No life. Inshallah.

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