Tonkichi - Meguro City

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tonkichi

住所 :

6 Chome-18-23 Megurohoncho, Meguro City, Tokyo 152-0002, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 152-0002

6 Chome-18-23 Megurohoncho, Meguro City, Tokyo 152-0002, Japan
守屋信勝 on Google

ボリューム満点、カキフライも大ぶり (期間限定)お腹一杯になります❗
Full of volume, large fried oysters (Limited time) I'm full ❗
佐藤琢磨 on Google

小鉢も付いてきて、あげたトンカツも美味しい! ご飯がお代わり出来たのもポイント高い。 支払いが、現金だけでなく、電子マネーも使え、本当におすすめなお店
A small bowl is also included, and the pork cutlet I gave is delicious! It is also a high point that the rice could be replaced. A really recommended shop where you can use electronic money as well as cash for payment
おおさわまゆみ on Google

I went before 5 o'clock in the evening and ate slowly because there were no other customers because it was early. Acrylic board was also installed due to the corona virus. Ventilation is of course. After all, I was at a loss because the menu was too rich. It was a very delicious and polite dish. There is also a menu for children. I came back because I wanted to visit again.
kei ada on Google

住宅街の中にあるとんかつ屋さん カツ丼ランチは小鉢2つと豚汁が付いて800円とリーズナブル メニューも豊富で夜に行ったら迷いそう あと長嶋茂雄さんのサインがあった
Tonkatsu shop in a residential area Cutlet rice bowl lunch is reasonable with 800 yen with 2 small bowls and pork soup There are plenty of menus and I'll be lost if I go to the night There was also a sign of Shigeo Nagashima
中谷よしふみ(ramen4423) on Google

Fillet cutlet lunch 850 yen. It's not a chain store, but a set meal restaurant made by parents. If the daily set meal is your favorite, I think it's a good deal.
FALTH on Google

特大厚切りロースかつ定食を注文(¥2100) 色々小鉢もついてて非常に美味しかった 強いて言えばソースまでこだわって欲しかった… 今度来る時はカツ丼を食べようかなぁ 2回目の訪問でWカツ丼(カツ煮/ソース)を注文¥1800 相変わらず小鉢と、こだわってる肉と生パン粉のカツが美味い! 特筆すべきはPayPayが使える所(笑) 自分的にはありがたいので星4.5にしたい所です
Order oversized thick loin and set meal (¥ 2100) There were various small bowls and it was very delicious Speaking of strong, I wanted to stick to the sauce ... I guess I'll eat katsudon next time Order W Katsudon (Katsuni / Sauce) on the second visit ¥ 1800 As usual, the small bowl, the meat and the cutlet of raw breadcrumbs are delicious! Notable places where PayPay can be used (laugh) I want to make it a 4.5 star because I am thankful for myself
東横線 on Google

カツ丼はすこし味が薄めだけど小鉢と合わせて食べると丁度良く食べれます。 カツカレーも大盛りかと思う普通盛りが出ます。 チェーン店より圧倒的に美味しいこのお店を地位全体で守っていきたいですね。
Katsudon has a slightly lighter taste, but you can eat it just right when you eat it with a small bowl. There will be a regular serving of cutlet curry, which I think is a large serving. I want to protect this store, which is overwhelmingly tastier than chain stores, as a whole.
Nishi S on Google

住宅街の中のお店です。 こんなところに、と思うところにありますが、普通のお店です。 お茶はセルフでお茶パックに自分でお湯を注ぐ形で、無駄がないと思いました。 ボリュームも文句なし。小鉢の煮物も美味しくいただきました。
It is a shop in a residential area. There is a place like this, but it's an ordinary shop. I thought that there was no waste in tea by pouring hot water into the tea pack by myself. There is no complaint about the volume. The simmered small bowl was also delicious.

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