Tonchan - Ichinoseki

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tonchan

住所 :

48 Ekimae, Ichinoseki, Iwate 021-0867, Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Postal code : 021-0867
Opening hours :
Saturday 5PM–1:30AM
Sunday Closed
Monday 5PM–1:30AM
Tuesday 5PM–1:30AM
Wednesday 5PM–1:30AM
Thursday 5PM–1:30AM
Friday 5PM–1:30AM

48 Ekimae, Ichinoseki, Iwate 021-0867, Japan
園部昌史 on Google

外観だけなら入りにくかったですが?、入って良かったお店です。お肉もさる事ながら、盛岡冷麺が美味しかった✨✨✨他でも盛岡冷麺頂いてますが、今のところ私のなかでここが一番です???また来たい。 と書いた翌日またランチで来ました。カレーと盛岡冷麺のセットもオススメです
It was difficult to enter if it was just the appearance ?, but it is a good shop to enter. Morioka cold noodles were delicious as well as meat ✨ ✨ ✨ I have other Morioka cold noodles, but for now this is the best ??? I want to come again. The day after I wrote, I came back for lunch. A set of curry and Morioka cold noodles is also recommended
koirukoirukoirukoiru on Google

イマイチ。そして高い。 家族経営?店員が多すぎ。
Not good. And expensive. Family business? There are too many clerk.
Todo Tanuki (とどたぬき) on Google

美味しい! そしてリーズナブル! ホルモン類が特に力入っており、初めて食べる部位もたくさん その他、一品ものから〆のラーメン、雑炊類までメニューも盛りだくさん カウンターがあって、一人でも気軽に入れるのが嬉しいですね
delicious! And reasonable! Hormones are particularly strong, and there are many parts to eat for the first time In addition, there are plenty of menus from one item to 〆 ramen and porridge. There is a counter, so I'm glad that even one person can easily enter
ats tnk on Google

Arrived in search of Ichinoseki Haramiyaki, Class B gourmet. I didn't talk in particular, but there was a bird! It ’s a taste of rice. It was unexpected that PayPay was usable.
Kazuya Akanuma on Google

ドリンクもフードもとにかく種類が豊富です。特にホルモン系の充実はすごいです。色いいろな部位があります。 中でもレバーは鮮度抜群で生でもがっつりいけそうな感じで提供されます。 これがとても美味しくて何度もみんなでお代わりしてしまいました。
There are many kinds of drinks. The enhancement of the hormonal system is particularly amazing. There are various colors. Above all, the lever is provided with a feeling of freshness and being able to stick in the raw. This was very tasty and everyone had replaced it over and over again.
大倉小百合 on Google

異業種交流会で使わせて頂きました。 お腹いっぱいになりましたし、デザートにアイスも付けて頂けたので、女子には嬉しいサービスでした! ご馳走様でした。
I used it at a cross-industry exchange meeting. I was full and I was able to add ice cream to the dessert, so it was a nice service for girls! It was a treat.
mickey T- on Google

一関まで泊まりにきたので、2軒目に初訪問。 評価も良かった分期待して、ホルモンセットや牛タン、醤油ラーメンとサワー頼みましたが、全ての値段が高い。箸が進まない。お世辞にも美味しいと言えず。 ホルモンにおいては、ゴムを食べてるかのような、旨味さえ感じられない。 醤油ラーメンが煮干しの出汁なのか、シンプルに一番マシだった。 店員の人数も無駄に多く、こんなに必要なのだろうかと思うくらい。 頑張って食べようと思ったけれど、本当に無理で残して帰りました。今まで残すことなんてなかったのになぁ。 色々食べ歩いて来た私達の口には合いませんでした。残念。
I came to stay at Ichinoseki, so I visited the second house for the first time. Expecting that the evaluation was good, I ordered a hormone set, beef tongue, soy sauce ramen and sour, but all the prices are high. Chopsticks don't move. I can't say it's delicious as a compliment. In terms of hormones, you can't even feel the umami as if you were eating rubber. Maybe the soy sauce ramen is the soup stock of dried sardines, it was simply the best. The number of clerk is uselessly large, and I wonder if it is necessary so much. I tried my best to eat it, but I couldn't do it and left it. I didn't leave it until now. It didn't fit our taste as we ate and walked around. disappointing.
Boris ILIEV on Google

It was the best !! The room is very big and comfortable, the meat was fresh and very good ! I'm very happy to have had dinner in Tonchan's because I could meet very pleasant people!! Certainly I'll return !!

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