
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ピエツコーヒー

住所 :

Tomiyoshi, Hiezu, Saihaku District, 〒689-3552 Tottori,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8897
Webサイト : http://www.pietu-coffee.com/
街 : Tottori

Tomiyoshi, Hiezu, Saihaku District, 〒689-3552 Tottori,Japan
澤井輝二 on Google

A new blend has come out. I'm looking forward to it.
宏美田中 on Google

Oyama Pension was first served with a warm breakfast. It was delicious and I headed as soon as I heard the place!
奥田幸江 on Google

Every time I go to buy, I will give you a new brand of coffee. He also teaches me how to make delicious coffee.
成谷幸雄 on Google

Popular brands in early October 2020 are (1) Oyama Blend and (2) Amber Blend. The new brands are "Papua (New Guinea) Blend" and "Brazil Blend".
池西利規 on Google

It's not on the menu, so you have to buy it locally. .. .. ??
チアキ on Google

焙煎したての豆が購入できます 香りがとてもよく 味も最高です 最近ピエツコーヒーの豆ばかりです✨
You can buy freshly roasted beans The smell is very good and the taste is the best Recently, only Piez coffee beans.
T M on Google

When I told the shop owner that I was coming to the store for the first time, I was able to explain in detail.
ロンロン on Google

いろいろ好みに合う店を探し、辿り着いた店です。 香り、コク、苦味どれもお気に入りですね。 会社でも飲むのですが、 淹れてるときの香りがあまりに良いので、周りの人に購入場所を聞かれたり。
I searched for a store that suits my tastes and arrived at it. I like the aroma, richness, and bitterness. I drink at work, The aroma when brewing is so good that people around me ask me where to buy it.

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