Tokyo SUBARU G-PARK Mitaka - Mitaka

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tokyo SUBARU G-PARK Mitaka

住所 :

3 Chome-9-1 Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-0015, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Postal code : 181-0015
Webサイト :

3 Chome-9-1 Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-0015, Japan
so ra on Google

Not worthy of evaluation
2 dropbox on Google

他の営業担当に関しては知らないですが、もし古俣 慧(こまた けい)さんという営業が担当になってしまった場合はすぐに他の方に変更してもらった方がよいです。メールで在庫があることを確認し、店舗に伺う前日の営業終了直前に電話でも在庫があること、商談が入っていないことを確認して、翌日(2021/3/14)にアポを取り付けて片道1時間以上かけて伺いましたが、到着してすぐ「確認不足で、昨日の電話をいただいた時点で既に他の方にご成約いただいていた車体でした」という信じられない言葉をぶつけられました。また、百歩譲って確認ミスをしたとしても、分かった段階で連絡をいただければ途中で引き返したにもかかわらず、私が到着するまで一切連絡してこないという常識外れな対応。呆れて、もはや怒鳴る気にもなりませんでした。せっかく長時間かけて来たのだからそのまま帰るのはもったいないと思い、挽回のチャンスを与えるという意味でも「それなら同じような価格帯で似たような車体はありますか?」と聞いたところ、白のフォレスターを希望していたにも関わらずピンクの車体や、目当てだった車体より30万近く高い車体を紹介され、ここでも呆れました。それなら取り寄せられる車体も含めて検索してくださいと伝えたところ、2分程調べるそぶりをみせ、戻ってきて一言「ありませんでした」。責任者を呼んで共に謝罪してもらう、往復の交通費の負担を提案するなど、誠意を見せる方法はいくらでもあったにも関わらず、ただ謝って済まそうという気満々で、ありえないミスにあり得ない対応だったのであなたはこの仕事何年目ですかと尋ねたところまさかの10年目とのことで、目が点になってしまいました。結局謝ること以外何もせず、いかにも早く帰ってくれとでも言いたそうな目で見てきたので、さっさと帰りました。彼がこの口コミを見ているか知りませんが、茶髪にパーマでチャラチャラするのも結構ですが、1年目でもしないようなミスをして、さらにそのミスをカバーするための報告・連絡・相談も怠り、社会人としてまともに仕事ができいようならまずはそちらをできるようにしたらいかがでしょうか?
I don't know about other sales representatives, but if a sales representative named Kei Komata becomes in charge, it is better to have another person change immediately. Confirm that it is in stock by e-mail, confirm that it is in stock by phone just before the closing of business the day before visiting the store, and that there are no business negotiations, and attach an appointment the next day (2021/3/14) I visited for more than an hour one way, but as soon as I arrived, I was hit by an incredible word that "the car was not confirmed enough and it was a car body that had already been contracted by another person when I received the call yesterday." I did. Also, even if I give up a hundred steps and make a mistake in confirmation, if I can contact you when I understand it, I will not contact you until I arrive, even though I returned on the way, which is an unconventional response. I was so amazed that I didn't feel like yelling anymore. I thought it would be a waste to go home as it was because I had been here for a long time, and when I asked, "Is there a similar car body in the same price range?" Even though I was hoping for a Forester, I was introduced to a pink car body and a car body that is nearly 300,000 higher than the one I was looking for, and I was surprised here as well. In that case, I told him to search for the car body that was ordered, but he showed me a pretense to look it up for about two minutes, and came back and said, "I didn't have it." Although there were many ways to show sincerity, such as calling the person in charge to apologize together and proposing the burden of round-trip transportation expenses, I was eager to just apologize, and it could be an impossible mistake. There was no response, so when you asked what year you were in this job, it was the 10th year, and your eyes became a point. In the end, I didn't do anything other than apologize, and I saw it with the eyes of asking me to go home as soon as possible, so I went home quickly. I don't know if he sees this review, but it's okay to perm his brown hair, but he makes mistakes that he doesn't even have in the first year, and reports, contacts, and consultations to cover those mistakes. If you neglect and can work properly as a member of society, why not try to do that first?
宮下ペコ on Google

Naturally, I went after making a reservation. I was planning to buy it. If you ask a question, it will be kind and polite. I think that the sellers are all veterans.
白井在日はるか on Google

From this year, racing cars will be exhibited on the 2nd floor, and it is good that even people who are not originally Subaru users can easily come.
山中仁 on Google

It is a spacious space, and a second-hand car center is also attached, so you will be able to search for cars slowly.
Kohei on Google

展示台数が多いです。 スタッフの方も親切・丁寧な対応でした。
colin butt on Google

Lovely Place
Jerome Namsu on Google

A lot of beautiful SAKURA ? ?

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