Tokyo IT School Mishka Frede - Chiyoda City

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tokyo IT School Mishka Frede

住所 :

Akihabara Daibiru Building, 13F 1 Chome-18-13 Sotokanda, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 101-0021, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 101-0021
Webサイト :

Akihabara Daibiru Building, 13F 1 Chome-18-13 Sotokanda, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 101-0021, Japan
名無し on Google

I think it's better to rent a PC that you have checked in advance rather than a broken one.
Kさん on Google

After the training, our employees came back saying they had fun. I will use it again.
ht yh515 on Google

I would like our young people every year. I am grateful that you will face this opinion and make improvements.
名前無し on Google

As the amount of trash decreases, I will say to buy a designated lunch box for lunch. (A designated lunch also goes out of garbage ...) There is a mysterious phenomenon that says that there is a man salesperson supporter who has a long time to say information every morning, and the study time is reduced. A salesman without IT technology was not really necessary ...
-_- tositixya on Google

研修受けたけど良い先生だった。 教科書の誤植とかはなかったけど、zoomでの研修なのが残念だった。 いつかまた受けてみたい。
I was trained but he was a good teacher. There was no typographical error in the textbook, but it was a pity that the training was at zoom. I want to receive it again someday.
サラリーマンまいたけ on Google

クチコミ通り教科書に誤字・脱字がかなりありました。数えて見た感じ300ページ中50ページ弱ぐらいありました。 私は、ここの講義を受けたことがありますが教科書の誤植だけではなく、解説が分かりにくすぎてほぼほぼ習った内容が身についておりません。おかげで、業務が始まってから苦労しました。
According to the word of mouth, there were quite a few typographical errors and omissions in the textbook. There were about 50 pages out of 300 pages. I have taken a lecture here, but not only is there a typographical error in the textbook, but the explanation is too difficult to understand and I have hardly learned what I have learned. Thanks to that, I had a hard time since the business started.
高橋康平 on Google

研修3か月目のものです。 とにかく教科書の誤植が多い。 信じられないくらいが誤植が多いです。 これがお金をはらって出てくるクオリティなのかと大変驚きました。 チーム開発演習では定義書を読み、実装する研修もあるのですが そこにもいつも通り誤植がありました。 この研修は新卒や、中途でも20代の人が受けるし レイヤーが低いから適当に校閲しちゃえという感じがしました。 担当の講師のかたも誤植があったときに なにそれ?そんなのあったの。じゃあ直しておいてと 完全に他人事。 スクール全体としての自覚がたりないなと感じた。 例えば、 企業間の大切なやり取りでこんなにも契約書などに 誤植があったら不信感に思いませんか??? 自分のクラスの担当の講師の方はスクールで長くやられている方ではないそうです。 講師の方は様々な現場で活躍されてきた人ではあるようですが、講師としての質は高くないと感じた。 教科書やカリキュラムにはない項目をこれもやったほうが良いと勝手に追加し、もちろんカリキュラムにはないものなので教科書にもどこにも載っていなく振り回されることがあった。 また仕様書を作成する研修でも、 事前に研修生が記述する部分は青くなっており書きやすくなっているのですが、 「青くなっていて見やすい!」とおしゃっていました。 褒められているのでわざわざ否定はしませんが、 この人教える立場なのに研修用の仕様書とか一切見ていないだなと 強く感じました。 初学者に教えるコツを把握していないように感じた。 また学習の難易度が上がるにも関わらず説明が急に早くなり、 急ぎ足の講義にスケジュールの立て方に大変違和感を感じた。 つい熱がはいってしまいました。 良い点は見つけたら追記します。
This is the third month of training. Anyway, there are many typographical errors in textbooks. Incredibly many typographical errors. I was very surprised if this is the quality that comes out with money. In the team development exercise, there is also training to read and implement the definition document. There was a typographical error there as usual. This training is given to new graduates and people in their twenties even in the middle Since the layer is low, I felt that I should proofread it properly. When the instructor in charge also has a typographical error what is that? There was such a thing. Then fix it Completely other personnel. I felt that the school as a whole was not aware of it. For example Important exchanges between companies make contracts so much Wouldn't you feel distrustful if there was a typographical error? ?? ?? It seems that the instructor in charge of his class is not the one who has been in school for a long time. The instructor seems to have been active in various fields, but I felt that the quality as an instructor was not high. I added items that are not in the textbook or curriculum as well, and of course they are not in the curriculum, so I was sometimes swayed because they were not listed anywhere in the textbook. Also, in the training to create specifications, The part written by the trainee in advance is blue and easy to write, He said, "It's blue and easy to see!" I don't bother to deny it because it is praised, Even though he is in a position to teach, he hasn't seen any training specifications. I felt strongly. I felt like I didn't know the tips to teach beginners. Also, despite the increasing difficulty of learning, the explanation suddenly became faster, and I felt very uncomfortable with how to schedule the lecture in a hurry. I just got a fever. If you find a good point, I will add it.
6004 knt on Google

4月の入社時より、新入社員の人物面とスキルの成長を感じられます。 東京ITスクールの研修を利用させて頂くのは2回目ですが、 研修内容がより現場寄りで実践的であるところ、また助成金に対するサポートが手厚いところに満足しています。 会社としての連携体制がとても安心できるので、次年度も利用予定です。
From the time I joined the company in April, I can feel the growth of the personality and skills of new employees. This is the second time I have used the training at Tokyo IT School, I am satisfied that the training content is more on-site and practical, and that the support for the grant is generous. I am very relieved about the cooperation system as a company, so I plan to use it again next year.

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