Tokyo acne clinic Nagoya Institute - Nagoya

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tokyo acne clinic Nagoya Institute

住所 :

Meieki, Nakamura Ward, Nagoya, 〒450-0002 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 450-0002
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街 : Aichi

Meieki, Nakamura Ward, Nagoya, 〒450-0002 Aichi,Japan
べネッタ on Google

医師の方だけではなく、 受付の方など院内の方々、皆優しく対応の良い方が多く、安心することができました。 ニキビがひどく困っていたところ、こちらのクリニックで治療したところ、徐々に肌荒れもしなくなったのでとても満足しています。 医師の方が親身になって聞いてくださり、メリット、デメリットを細かく話してくれるので信頼できると思います。
Not only doctors, People in the hospital such as the receptionist, everyone who was friendly and gentle corresponded many, and I was relieved. Where acne suffered seriously, I treated it with this clinic, and gradually became ruined with rough skin so I am very satisfied. I think that the doctor is kind enough to listen to it and I believe that I can trust merits and disadvantages in detail.
アステリア on Google

レーザーでの治療の際に、痛みがとても不安でしたが、麻酔のクリームを塗って痛みをあまり感じなかったので良かったです。 ニキビの治療だけではなく、美肌用のメニューもあるので、女性の方はとてもおすすめです。 ニキビがひどく困っておりこちらのクリニックで治療したところ、 徐々に肌荒れもしなくなったのでとても満足しています。 医師の方が親身になって聞いてくださり、メリット、デメリットを細かく話してくれるので信頼できると思います。
Pain was very uneasy when treating with laser, but it was good because I did not feel pain much painted with anesthesia cream. Not only treatment for acne, but also menu for beautiful skin, so women are highly recommended. Acne is seriously troubled and treated with this clinic, I gradually became ruined with rough skin so I am very satisfied. I think that the doctor is kind enough to listen to it and I believe that I can trust merits and disadvantages in detail.
sirou itou on Google

メディカルアクネケア全顔6回コースとプラズマシャワー全顔6回コースで60万かけて治療したが、 効果は多少ニキビが減ったくらいであまり変わらなかった。医者も皮膚科ではないのかあまり肌のことに詳しくなくなんのアドバイスももらえないまま終了した。しかも治療が終わって半年ほど経つとニキビが完全に再発し元通りになってしまった。今は湘〇美容外科でもらった内服薬で治療しているがこっちのほうが断然効果がありニキビはほとんどできなくなった。ニキビ専門だから他よりいい治療ができると思い通っていたが、特に専門性はなくハッキリ言って金の無駄だった。
Medical acne care 6-time full-face course and plasma shower 6-time full-face course were treated over 600,000, but the effect did not change much with only a slight reduction in acne. The doctor wasn't a dermatologist, so I wasn't very familiar with the skin and ended up without any advice. Moreover, about half a year after the treatment was over, the acne completely recurred and returned to normal. Right now, I am being treated with the internal medicine I received from Sho * Cosmetic Surgery, but this one is far more effective and I can hardly get acne. I knew that I could treat better than others because I specialize in acne, but I didn't have any particular specialty and it was a waste of money.
ちょきちょき on Google

Please do not go. The female staff was nice, but the male staff wearing glasses was so terrible that I was surprised. There is no sense of cleanliness, no advice, of course, and the most frustrating thing is laughing with my nose and making a fool of myself. I've been to various dermatologists and clinics, but it's the first time I've been frustrated. Also, the initial consultation fee is simply too high. I was worried about acne, but this causes more stress. Perhaps those who gave a good evaluation here had the female staff counsel. Please do not go to other clinics as there are good points.
seiya fujii on Google

メディカルアクネケアを2回やったが、そこの部分だけマジでニキビができなくなった。高校の頃にやっておけばよかった。 値段が高いのが難点だけどやる価値はある。
I did medical acne care twice, but I couldn't really get acne in that area. I should have done it when I was in high school. The high price is a drawback, but it's worth doing.
赤黒 on Google

ニキビの治療で6回通ってかなり効果がありました。 私がやった内容はメディカルアクネケアで、割引を使って20万くらいだったと思います。 金額は決して安くないですが、ニキビがだんだんできなくなっていくのと、できても前のように膿が膨れるような悪化がなくなりました。 もともとフェイスラインにニキビがあったのですが、今はほとんどありません。 治療は結構痛かったですが、効果が出ていたので頑張れました。 皮膚科やサプリ・漢方などいろいろ試しましたが、これが一番効いたので悩んでいる人はやってみてほしいです。
The treatment for acne was quite effective after going 6 times. What I did was medical acne care, and I think it was about 200,000 with a discount. The amount of money is not cheap, but the acne is gradually getting worse, and even if it is possible, the deterioration that the pus swells like before has disappeared. Originally I had acne on my face line, but now it's almost gone. The treatment was quite painful, but I was able to do my best because it was effective. I tried various things such as dermatology, supplements, and Chinese medicine, but this worked best, so if you are worried, please try it.
127 nmin. on Google

I went to counseling to get rid of acne scars. The female doctor looked at me and listened to me very kindly and kindly. I went to various clinics regardless of acne, but it may have been the most kind and polite. The counselor was indifferent, but I signed a contract because I wanted to cure acne. The treatment was done on the day, and the nurse's response was very good. Even during the treatment, I was able to receive it with peace of mind because he talked to me and talked to me. Anyway, the doctors and nurses made a polite impression! Although it was convenient for me, I was canceled and I promised that it would happen, but I didn't receive a call. I think it would be difficult to return the official LINE used for reservations and inquiries to each person, but he responded very politely to troublesome questions and inquiries. Thank you very much.
Gleen Monterde Pepito on Google

just use maxi peel it is good for acne and pimples only that you haveuse Sunblock

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