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Contact まりも食堂

住所 :

Tokiwa, Kamakura, 〒248-0022 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Tokiwa, Kamakura, 〒248-0022 Kanagawa,Japan
くろたりか on Google

コロナ禍であるにも関わらず経営者側がマスクをせずに調理。目を疑いました。 手が空くと常連さんと近距離でペチャクチャ飛沫を飛ばしながら、話し続け。此方は一番近くにて食べていたので黙ってほしくて離れてもらうために店員に話しかけたら近寄って来るので被害が及ばない様に質問しているにも関わらず手で口を塞ぐことなく近づいてくる。(腹式呼吸でゆっくり聞こえるように話しているのに) 無神経にもほどがある。 変わった方が多いので、いつ何時何があっても構わないと思える同じ様な考え方の人でないと我慢ならないので、マトモにマスク飲食や口にものが入っているならば話さないで口が空っぽにならないと話しもしないという行儀良いというか当たり前の一般常識を持った方は利用は控えるべきですね。 ~追加情報~ 常連と話し続けていてマスクなしで接客されたくないので金属音をわざと鳴らしながら「ご馳走さまでした。テーブルに代金は置きましたから」と店を後にしたら、原付で追いかけて来て並走しながら『料金払ってないよ』と着いてきたので 「ペチャクチャ話してる時に大きな声でテーブルに置きましたからと言って出ましたけど❗何なんですか⁉️」と言うと謝罪無しにて踵を返して立ち去り、更に怒りが込み上げて来ました。 ニュースではマスクをしないで入店しようとする逆に対して当たり前に着用にて席に着き、食べる時以外は着用にて利用すると言うことを守らないとトラブルになったと問題提起されている昨今。 店主側がそういうことをするから感染病が甘く見られて対策せずに出回る人が後を引かないのでは? キチンと物事を考えてオミクロン株も猛威をふるっているので気を付けてほしいですね。
Despite the corona sickness, the management side cooked without a mask. I doubted my eyes. When I was free, I kept talking with the regulars while splashing pechakucha at a short distance. I was eating at the nearest place, so I wanted to keep quiet and talked to the clerk to get away, so the damage was done. Despite asking questions that I couldn't reach, I approached without blocking my mouth with my hands (even though I was talking so that I could hear slowly with abdominal breathing). There is also insensitivity. There are many people who have changed, so I can't stand it unless I'm a person with the same idea who doesn't care what happens at any time. Those who have the common sense that it is well-behaved not to talk unless it becomes, should refrain from using it. ~ Additional information ~ I kept talking to the regulars and I didn't want to be served without a mask, so I intentionally made a metallic sound and said, "It was a treat. I put the price on the table." I haven't paid the fee. " When I said, "I put it on the table in a loud voice when I was talking, ❗ What is it?" In the news these days, it has been raised that problems have arisen if you do not follow the fact that you take a seat by wearing it as a matter of course and use it by wearing it except when you eat, as opposed to trying to enter the store without wearing a mask. Since the shop owner does such a thing, the infectious disease may be seen as sweet and people who go around without taking measures may not be behind. Thinking about things with chitin, Omicron strains are also rampant, so please be careful.
ガードマン投資家(投資家ガードマン) on Google

YouTubeの⭐️はいじぃ迷作劇場⭐️で紹介されていたので訪問 バイクで出向いたのだが、目立たなくてスルーするとこでした 動画のとおりでメニューがたくさん あとから来た団体さんが何を頼めばよいのか迷いまくってました 自分が頼んだのは野菜炒め はいじぃ迷作劇場と同じで山盛りでした ここは主に地元の人が来るみたいです コンスタントに人が来ました 駐車場はあるのですが、店の前ではないかも? 訪問時に店に連絡したほうが良さそうです
Visited because ⭐️ on YouTube was introduced at Ijii Misaku Theater ⭐️ I went on a motorcycle, but it wasn't noticeable and I went through it. As you can see in the video, there are many menus I was wondering what the group that came later should ask for I ordered stir-fried vegetables It was the same as the Ijii Misaku Theater and it was a heap It seems that mainly locals come here People came constantly There is a parking lot, but maybe it's not in front of the store? It seems better to contact the store when visiting
佐藤智宏 on Google

古き良き定食屋さんという感じのお店でしょうか、だいぶ少なくなってきた定食屋さんですね。 お昼時にはパワーワークの皆さんが美味しそうに食べてる様子を見てそう感じました。 注文したのが野菜炒め。ごくごく普通の野菜炒めなんですが、なんだか懐かしさと暖かさが重なった美味しい野菜炒めでした。 また行きたい定食屋さんが増えたのが嬉しいです??️(定食に関しては量が多いので女性の方はご注意を)
Perhaps it's a good old set meal shop, but it's a set meal shop that's getting scarce. At noon, I felt that way when I saw the power work people eating deliciously. I ordered stir-fried vegetables. It's a very ordinary stir-fried vegetable, but it was a delicious stir-fried vegetable with a combination of nostalgia and warmth. I'm glad that the number of set meal shops I want to go to has increased ??️ (Be careful for women as there are a lot of set meals)
tshino on Google

野菜炒め定食 爆盛と聞いていたが、やはり多かった! 味付けも良し 駐車場も三台分あり 喫煙可能で、その為に未成年入店時禁止との事 喫煙可能にこだわりを感じた。
Stir-fried vegetables set meal I heard that it was a blast, but it was still a lot! Good seasoning There is also a parking lot for 3 cars It is possible to smoke, so it is prohibited when entering the store underage I felt that I was particular about being able to smoke.
Nobuyuki Terada on Google

It's a restaurant that looks like a popular restaurant in the Showa era, for better or for worse, where the Kisakuna and his wife are running. It seems that the specialty menu "Steak Set Meal" was unavoidably dropped because the meat supplier went out of business (related menu blackened). The other menus are also athletic, so it's for those who want to eat a lot. There are a few rental parking lots behind the hire company (the parking lot on the left side across the river) across the road (check the Marimo sign).
Simaxチャンネル on Google

神奈川の県道32号線を 鎌倉の『手広』の交差点から 鎌倉の大仏方向に向かって10分ぐらい車で走った所の右手にあります 向かいにドラッグストアのサンドラッグありました。 メニューも豊富でなんでも美味しいお店。 昔ながらの定食屋さん減ってきてる時代に この様なメニュー豊富な定食屋さんは貴重です。 駐車場は軽自動車なら お店の前にもしかしたら一台止めれるかもしれませんがお店に要確認です。 メニューが豊富すぎて 何を食べて良いのかわからなくなるぐらい ありました。 参考に 写真は焼肉定食です。 麺類のメニューで 珍しい名前のラーメンがその名は 『ブラックラーメン』 お昼時でしたのでお店が混雑してて 聞けない感じでしたので、、、 気になる方は是非お店に足を運んでみては カウンター席10席ぐらいと テーブル席も3席ぐらいありました。 定休日は 火曜日でした。 14時から17時まで お昼休憩ありの営業時間でしたね。
Kanagawa Prefectural Route 32 From the intersection of "Tebiro" in Kamakura It is on the right hand side of the place where I drove for about 10 minutes toward the Great Buddha in Kamakura. There was a drug store Sundrug across the street. A restaurant with a wide variety of menus and delicious food. In an era when old-fashioned set meal shops are decreasing A set meal restaurant with such a rich menu is valuable. If the parking lot is a light car You may be able to stop one in front of the shop, but please check with the shop. The menu is too rich I don't know what to eat was. In reference The photo is a yakiniku set meal. On the noodle menu The ramen with a rare name is "Black Ramen" It was lunchtime, so the shop was crowded I couldn't hear it, so ... If you are interested, please visit the store. About 10 counter seats There were about 3 table seats. Regular holidays It was Tuesday. From 14:00 to 17:00 It was a business hour with a lunch break.
K I on Google

Some menus are gone. I ordered a chicken cutlet set meal and a Levanilla set meal. It's a strong seasoning, but that's why the rice is delicious. I visited the night club, but I want to be careful because it doesn't open exactly at 17:00.
川島健一 on Google

絶対にお勧めのお店。 野菜ラーメン、タンメンも美味しい。 特に野菜炒め定食は爆盛りなので注意。 わたしはご飯半分にしてもらいました。 野菜炒めも少し減らしてもらってこれぐらいです。 美味しいです。
Absolutely recommended shop. Vegetable ramen and tanmen are also delicious. Be especially careful because the stir-fried vegetables set meal is explosive. I had half the rice. It's about this with a little reduction in stir-fried vegetables. Is delicious.

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