瑞浪でランチ・テイクアウト かま濃 瑞浪本店

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 瑞浪でランチ・テイクアウト かま濃 瑞浪本店

住所 :

Tokicho, Mizunami, 〒509-6101 Gifu,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8787
Webサイト : https://www.kamanou.co.jp/shop-mizunami.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday 11AM–3PM
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM
街 : Gifu

Tokicho, Mizunami, 〒509-6101 Gifu,Japan
ドミナーダまゆち on Google

I went there around 11:30 noon on weekdays. There were more than 10 cars in the parking lot, but I was able to take a seat without waiting. I'm curious about the stewed udon because it's cold, but I ordered the omelet rice I wanted to eat. There seems to be a daily set meal at lunch time. The offer time is short and the turnover rate seems to be high, so I thought that even if it was crowded, it would be possible to put it in immediately. The omelet rice was very delicious with ketchup rice, fluffy eggs and demi sauce ?
かえる太郎 on Google

There was a beautiful clerk wearing a mask. We recommend that you go early as a great lunch may be sold out.
はやて on Google

I used it for lunch. The tempura is surprisingly crispy and freshly fried! Udon also has a good amount of soup stock. It was very delicious. During the daytime, the food was always popular and convincing!
安樂恵子 on Google

鶏ささみ味噌カツ丼セットを食べました。丼のご飯にタレはかかっていなくて、ツユダク好きな私には物足りない感じでした。白飯と味噌カツの定食で良かったかも… あと、暖かい味噌煮込みうどんがウリだからか、店内が異常に寒かったです。 主人はあんかけカツ丼を食べましたが、あんがビックリするくらい甘かったそうです。 うどんの出汁も甘かったので、これがこちらの味なんだな… と。
I ate chicken fillet miso katsu bowl set. The rice in the bowl wasn't dripping, and it felt unsatisfactory for me, who loves Tsuyudaku. Maybe it was good to have a set meal of white rice and miso katsu ... Also, the inside of the restaurant was unusually cold, probably because the warm miso-nikomi udon noodles were melon. My husband ate ankake katsudon, but it was so sweet that he was surprised. The soup stock of udon was also sweet, so this is the taste ...
mieko on Google

新聞の折り込み広告を見て初めてお邪魔しました。実は某ラーメン店で食べた玉子とじ台湾ラーメン(期間限定)が忘れられず、広告の玉子とじ台湾うどんを頂きました。玉子はふわふわ、ミンチは大粒肉感あり、辛さはマイルド。辛いの好きでも辛すぎるのはちょっと、の私には丁度の辛さで、とても美味しく頂きました。 ちょっと残念だった事は、オーダー取りになかなか来てもらえませんでした。ピンポンのボタンで店員さんをお呼びするらしいのですが、一言教えて頂きたかったです。
It wasn't until I saw the insert advertisement in the newspaper that I bothered me. Actually, I couldn't forget the egg toji Taiwan ramen (for a limited time) that I ate at a certain ramen shop, so I got the advertisement egg toji Taiwan udon. The egg is fluffy, the minced meat has a large grainy texture, and the spiciness is mild. Even if I like spicy food, it's a little too spicy, but it was just spicy for me, and it was very delicious. It was a little disappointing that I couldn't get the order. It seems that you will call a clerk with a ping-pong button, but I wanted you to tell me a word.
宮崎りぃ on Google

愛知県周辺は食べ物がとてもユニークな気がして飛び込んだお店です。 うどんと銘打っていたのでうどんを食べるつもりで入りましたがメニューは中々バラエティ豊かで 主人は味噌カツ丼をオーダーしました。 私はうどんメニューを探していて見つけた地獄味噌煮込みうどんを!一応うどんだし? 味噌カツは名古屋の味噌カツよりソースがさっぱりしている印象で食べやすかったみたいです。 地獄味噌煮込みうどんは思っていたお味でした。卵が辛みを和らげあとを引きます。夏場に熱いものを選びましたが最後まで美味しくいただきました。 ほかの品物もとても美味しくて家族みんな満足しました?
The area around Aichi prefecture is a shop where I felt that the food was very unique. I entered it with the intention of eating udon because it was called udon, but the menu is rich in variety. My husband ordered miso katsu bowl. I was looking for a udon menu and found hell miso stewed udon! Udon soup stock ? Miso-katsu seems to be easier to eat with the impression that the sauce is refreshing than the miso-katsu in Nagoya. Hell miso stewed udon was the taste I expected. Eggs soften the spiciness and leave behind. I chose a hot one in the summer, but it was delicious until the end. The other items were also very delicious and the whole family was satisfied ?
Satoshi Kanda on Google

全体的に普段から食べるには高めですが、旅の途中で寄るには良い店と思います。ランチはボリュームがありお得で、ついてくるうどんは腰があり良いものを食べたなと言う気持ちになりました。 自分が頼んだのはあんかけカツ丼でしたが、甘めで薄めの味付けでした。
Overall, it's expensive to eat on a regular basis, but I think it's a good place to stop by during your trip. Lunch was voluminous and good value, and the udon that came with it was chewy and made me feel like I ate something good. I asked for ankake katsudon, but it was sweet and lightly seasoned.
短足 on Google

お昼時は並んでますが、ある程度作ってあるのか回転はそんなに悪くない。 うどんそのものというより、メニューで勝負してる感。 このロケーションでこの内容は少し割高に感じる。 ただオムライスは美味しい。この辺でオムライス食べたいと思ったらまた行くだろうなぁ。 更に野菜は新鮮でみずみずしくて美味しい。
They are lined up at noon, but the rotation is not so bad, maybe they are made to some extent. Rather than the udon itself, it feels like you are competing on the menu. This content feels a little expensive at this location. However, the omelet rice is delicious. If you want to eat omelet rice around here, you will go again. Furthermore, the vegetables are fresh, fresh and delicious.

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