Toke Station - Chiba

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Toke Station

住所 :

Tokechō, Midori Ward, Chiba, 267-0061, Japan

Postal code : 267-0061

Tokechō, Midori Ward, Chiba, 267-0061, Japan
生城山勇司 on Google

It can be used without problems.
Atsushi UDONO on Google

The south side has a bright atmosphere.
Toshinori Miura on Google

まもなく、14階建てのマンション工事が始まります。 2023年5月竣工の様です。完売してもっと賑やかになれば、いいかな? 2021.04.18.記載
Soon, construction of a 14-story condominium will begin. It seems to be completed in May 2023. Should it be sold out and become more lively? 2021.04.18. Description
川口智 on Google

Surprisingly, the station square flourished, but the intervals between trains may vary and the waiting time may be longer.
Pablito Aimar on Google

以前は広く感じた南口駅前のロータリーも、今では狭く感じますね。 土地柄、車での送迎がとても多い駅なので、もっともっと乗車や降車用のスペースを広げてほしいと思います。
The roundabout in front of the South Exit Station, which used to feel wide, feels small now. Because it is a station with a lot of land and car transfers, I would like to see more space for getting on and off.
AA1101ful on Google

It seems that a new condominium will be built in front of the station.
川口智 on Google

千葉市の端っこにあるJR外房線の駅です。 駅前にマンションができるそうです。
It is a station on the JR Sotobo Line at the end of Chiba City. It seems that an apartment will be built in front of the station.
Rikie Ishii on Google

生まれ故郷の町の駅。昭和時代の土気駅の写真が、実家に額装されていたので、あげておきます。 その当時は、北側にしか駅周辺の町がなく、南は山でした。 昭和の終わりから平成に南側(あすみが丘)が開発され、駅も両側に。 今では北側が、寂れた外房線の駅のわびさびを感じるような町になり、南側はかつての新興住宅街からの徐々に成長してきた近代のベッドタウン的な感じになっています。 この駅の両側には、異なる風景があり、そこも旅情を楽しむ魅力の一つです。 土気駅には、近くにタイムズカー(シェアカー)があるので、会員の人は土気をめぐるにはそれが便利かもしれません。 バスとタクシーもありますが、バスは特に北側は、驚くほど本数がないので、バスで行動するは、難しいものがあります。 (レンタカーを借りたい場合は、一つ先の駅=大網駅=東京からの特急も止まる=で、トヨタレンタカーを借りれます。2つの駅は車だと十数分ぐらい。) 駅自体はこれといった見どころはありませんが、駅の中のキオスクのスタッフさんは愛想がよく、外房のちょっとしたお土産も手に入ります。 駅員さんの評価はほかのレビューでもさんざんで「雑」「不愛想」とありますが、高校時代まで土気で過ごした経験からすると、「昔と変わらない、昭和な接客の現存する駅」だと思います。 国鉄時代の房総の地方駅の人は、客商売というよりも、役人に近く、それが普通だと思っていたので、昭和の世界を楽しむつもりで、駅員さんに接するとよいかと思います。 土気駅で仙台までの切符を買おうとして、券売機の長距離対応が分からなかったので、買えますか?と尋ねたら 「・・・(無言)」ののちに、いなくなり、 出てきてくれまして、 券売機のボタン操作をして長距離の切符の購入画面を開いてくれました。 そこからは分かるので、 私が「もう、大丈夫です。ここからは分かります。どうぞ駅内にお戻りください」とお礼を述べるも 「・・・(無言)」そして、先へ操作を続ける。 この辺の「わしは不器用ですから」みたいな雰囲気、何ともいえない昭和っぽさ。嫌いじゃないです。 そこからは切符の買い方に慣れているので、では、といってこちらで操作を、どんどん進めていくと、そのうちに、操作する必要がないなと思ったようで、ふらりと離れて、駅に戻っていきました。 彼だけじゃそうじゃなく、幾度か窓口で接した時にも感じましたが、土気駅に配属されると、こういう風な対人の雰囲気になるのか、そういう雰囲気の人を好んで集めるのかわかりませんが、ここはこういうスタイルなのだ、と。 なので、殺伐系のラーメン屋さんで、無駄口聞くな麺を食え、店主のいうことを聞いてりゃいいんだ、みたいな接客テーマパークのつもりで、楽しんでみることをお勧めします。 (駅員さんも忙しいと思うので、できるだけ、窓口を使わないで、スイカで入って、東京駅で新幹線切符を買うとかほうが、いいと思います。) 故郷の町に降り立った人の第一印象が、この駅だとすると「土気って、なんか人がやだな」と思われちゃうと寂しいので、駅だけです、と言いたいです。 土地の人はみんないい人が多いので、食事や喫茶でお店に入ってみてください。外房の特段何もない素朴なまちの、良い人たちに出会えるでしょう。 (なお、外房のさびれた駅には、割と、駅員さんの独自哲学というか、特急が来るけど、窓口では、ゆっくり切符出しますんでもう走るのやめて次の1時間後の列車でどうぞ―、みたいな、サービス業からは考えにくい接客のところは、ちょいちょいあります。土気だけじゃない。と思うのです。) 今、駅前の再開発の進む中でもしかしたら、駅のスタッフ教育とかで、現代風な接客の駅になるのか知れません。 そうなると「かつての土気駅の殺伐」を知っている世代は、懐かしく思うのかもしれません。 変ってほしいような、このままでいてほしいような、複雑な気持ちです。
The station in my hometown. The photo of Toke Station in the Showa period was framed in my parents' house, so I will give it to you. At that time, there were only towns around the station on the north side, and mountains in the south. From the end of the Showa era, the south side (Asumigaoka) was developed in Heisei, and stations are on both sides. The north side is now a town where you can feel the wabi-sabi of a lonely Sotobo line station, and the south side is like a modern commuter town that has gradually grown from the former new residential area. There are different landscapes on both sides of this station, which is also one of the attractions to enjoy your trip. There is a Times Car (share car) near Toke Station, so it may be convenient for members to go around Toke. There are also buses and taxis, but there are surprisingly few buses, especially on the north side, so it can be difficult to get there. (If you want to rent a car, you can rent a Toyota rent-a-car at the next station = Oami station = the limited express from Tokyo also stops =. Two stations are about a dozen minutes by car.) The station itself has nothing to see, but the kiosk staff inside the station are friendly and you can get a little souvenir from the Sotobo. The station staff's evaluation is "miscellaneous" and "unfriendly" in other reviews, but from the experience I spent in Toke until high school, I think that it is "the same station as in the past, where the Showa era customer service still exists". increase. The people at the local stations in Boso during the JNR era were closer to the officials than the customer business, and I thought it was normal, so I think it would be better to get in touch with the station staff with the intention of enjoying the world of the Showa era. I tried to buy a ticket to Sendai at Toke Station, but I didn't know the long-distance ticket vending machine, so can I buy it? If you ask After "... (silence)", he disappeared Please come out He opened the long-distance ticket purchase screen by operating the buttons on the ticket vending machine. You can see from there, I thank you, "It's okay. You can see from here. Please come back to the station." "... (silence)" And continue the operation. The atmosphere around here is like "I'm clumsy", and it's like Showa. I don't hate it. From there, I'm used to buying tickets, so I thought that I didn't need to operate it as I proceeded with the operation here, so I left for a while and went to the station. I went back. Not only he, but I felt it when I met him several times at the counter, but when I was assigned to Toke Station, I don't know if it would be like this kind of interpersonal atmosphere or if I would like to gather people with that kind of atmosphere. However, this is the style here. Therefore, I recommend you to enjoy it as a customer service theme park where you can eat noodles that you don't want to waste and listen to the owner at a ramen shop that kills people. (I think the station staff are also busy, so I think it's better not to use the window as much as possible, to enter with a watermelon and buy a Shinkansen ticket at Tokyo Station.) If the first impression of a person who landed in his hometown is this station, he would be lonely if he thought, "Toke is not good for people," so I would like to say that it is only the station. Many local people are good people, so please try entering the shop for a meal or a coffee shop. You will meet good people in a simple town with nothing special in the Sotobo. (In addition, at the deserted station of Sotobo, the station staff's original philosophy, or limited express, will come, but at the counter, you will get a ticket slowly, so please stop running and take the train one hour later- There are a few places like, where it's hard to think of customer service from the service industry. I think it's not just the soil.) Now, while the redevelopment in front of the station is progressing, it may be possible that the station will become a modern customer service station, such as staff education at the station. In that case, the generation who knows "the killing of the former Toke station" may feel nostalgic. It's a complicated feeling that I want you to change and stay as it is.

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