八鶴湖公園 駐車場

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 八鶴湖公園 駐車場

住所 :

Togane, 〒283-0802 Chiba,Japan

街 : 〒1F Chiba

Togane, 〒283-0802 Chiba,Japan
笠原実 on Google

菱沼智道(ひっしー) on Google

Lake where you can ride a swan
岡ちゃん on Google

This parking lot is a tourist facility for Yatsurzako Park user. It is available 24 hours, but there is no lighting facility in the toilet so it is pitch dark at night. Also, if there is an event on that day, the number will be limited by the pylon.
くぅくぅ on Google

Sometimes I eat lunch in the parking lot! It's a quiet and nice place
takashi suzuki on Google

It's not that big, but it has a toilet, so it's easy to park your car and take a walk.
じゃんぼちゃん【まやかし展覧会】 on Google

A large parking lot allows you to take a break. There are times when it is not possible to park because the bean-smelting event and the cherry-blossom viewing time at Saifukuji are crowded.
マサ on Google

トイレや自販機もある駐車場です。 10台以上の車が止められる 駐車スペースを確保しています。 普段は八鶴湖の見学者や隣の最福寺に お参りをする人々が車を止めている 程度と思われます? ただし、桜の季節は車が駐車場に 車が入りきれないため入場制限が 始まります?
It is a parking lot with toilets and vending machines. More than 10 cars can be stopped We have secured a parking space. Usually at Hakkaku Lake visitors and next to Saifukuji Temple People who worship are parked It seems to be about ? However, during the cherry blossom season, cars are in the parking lot. Admission is restricted because cars cannot fit in It will start ?
生城山勇司 on Google

It is well paved and there is a toilet in the parking lot. However, this parking lot may be full when the cherry blossoms are in bloom.

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