杁ヶ池メンタルクリニック - Nagakute

2.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 杁ヶ池メンタルクリニック

住所 :

Todagai, Nagakute, 〒480-1124 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 480-1124
Webサイト : http://irigaike-mental.com/
街 : Aichi

Todagai, Nagakute, 〒480-1124 Aichi,Japan
ぽんぽこ on Google

先生が高圧的な印象を受けました。 私が話をしているときはこちらを向かず、ずっとパソコンをいじっています。 話した内容を入力してるんだと思いますが、身体も顔もこちらに向けずにパソコンを操作されていると、なんだか不機嫌そうで怖かったです。 精神科医の態度って、他の病院もこんな感じなのでしょうか?
The teacher got an impression of high pressure. When I'm talking, I'm not looking at this, I'm always playing with my computer. I think I'm entering what I've talked about, but I was frightened and frightened when I was operating the computer without pointing my body and face here. Does the attitude of a psychiatrist look like this in other hospitals?
Karina 51 on Google

The hospital was beautiful and the teacher was very kind and polite. He properly explained why my symptoms were like this and what caused them. Although it may depend on the symptom, there were many teachers who gave me ambiguous answers, and he told me that it would be cured, so I was relieved. Although it was my first visit, I was asked to put it on the day because it was full of reservations. The nurses are also kind.
MI C on Google

受付について 初診の予約をしようと何度も電話しましたが、日にちを変えても電話に出られなかったので、 受付で予約しようと思い来院しました。 何で悩んでいるか受付その場で聞かれ、 かかっているクリニックはどこかなど人がいる待合室で聞かれました。 一言鬱と言うだけですが、もうその事を人前で言う事が鬱でした。 その時点で病院にかかれるかどうかはどうでも良かったのですが、 私は今日仕事を休んで時間をかけて来院したので、もっと患者寄り添う気はないのかなと思いました。 せめて問診票に記入するなどプライバシーを守れないのかなと思います。
About reception I called many times to make an appointment for my first visit, but I couldn't answer the phone even if I changed the date, so I came to the hospital to make a reservation at the reception. The receptionist asked me what I was worried about I was asked where the clinic was in the waiting room where there were people. It's just a word of depression, but it was already depression to say that in public. I didn't care if I was taken to the hospital at that point, I took a break from work today and took the time to come to the hospital, so I wondered if I was willing to be closer to the patient. I wonder if I can at least protect my privacy by filling out a questionnaire.
S A on Google

When you call for the appointment for the first visit, “Contact us if there is a vacancy within two weeks” “If you do not contact us, you can start the reservation again” . Doesn't it mean that I'm not free enough to wait endlessly when I don't know when I can go to the clinic, but maybe just keep waiting for the worst? Although he may be a well-known doctor, he was reluctant to see him at the appointment stage.
鶚マキナ on Google

精神的に追い詰められてた頃、意を決して予約しようと受付へ行ったら、予約できませんの一点張り。いつ予約できますかと聞いてもできませんと言われ、藁にもすがる思いで行ったのに逆に追い詰められて泣きながら帰りました。 私にも落度があったかもしれないが、あの仕打ちは精神科でやっていいものじゃないと思います。あの時は本当に辛かった。。
When I was mentally cornered, I went to the reception desk to make a reservation, but I couldn't make a reservation. When I asked when I could make a reservation, I was told that I couldn't do it, and although I went there with the thought of clinging to the straw, I was cornered and went home crying. I may have had a fault, but I don't think that treatment is a good thing to do in psychiatry. It was really hard at that time. ..
Mar chan on Google

数ヶ月前から、駐車場を囲っていた塀がなくなり、目隠しもないから全方向スカスカで丸見えになった。 車のナンバーも、通院するのも外から見られて困る。 壁をなおすとか、目隠しをつけるとかする気配も全くないまま放置。 メンタルクリニックに通院しているのを、知られたくない人が沢山いると思うんですが、先生は何もそういうことを考えないんだなと、ガッカリしました。 メンタルをケアする仕事なのに、結局患者のことは考えてないと感じたので、通院やめました。
From a few months ago, the fence that surrounded the parking lot disappeared, and there was no blindfold, so it was completely visible in all directions. It is troublesome to see the car number and going to the hospital from the outside. I left it without any sign of repairing the wall or putting on a blindfold. I think there are many people who don't want to be known about going to a mental clinic, but I was disappointed that the teacher didn't think about that. Although it was a mental care job, I felt that I wasn't thinking about the patient after all, so I stopped going to the hospital.
Miyu Miyu on Google

自立支援を考えて初めて受診しようと電話をしました。女性が出て、「以前通われていた病院で相談されるのがいいと思います」しか言いませんでした。 は? 終わってます。クチコミ見て安心しました。胡散臭い病院は腐るほどありますが、私にはここは胡散臭さ100%でした。
I called for the first time to get a medical examination in consideration of independence support. A woman came out and said only, "I think it's best to consult at the hospital I used to go to." What? It's over. I was relieved to see the word of mouth. There are a lot of hospitals that smell like scent, but to me it was 100% scented.
n065 13n on Google

おすすめしません。 事務の人もボソボソと喋るので聞き取りづらい。 カウンセリングは適切なアドバイスなどは貰えず、パソコンを打ちながら話を聞いていて、とても親切とは思えないです。 治療は薬をとりあえずくれると言う感じ。 次の予約を取る際に、自分も仕事があるので、なかなか病院側の空き時間と合わせることができず少し時間がかかったのですが、「時間が押していて次の患者さんも待ってるので早く…」みたいなことを言われ、わたしのせいですか!と思いました。メンタルクリニックの先生が言うことなのかな… ここでストレス溜まるので病院変えようと思います。
Not recommended. It's hard to hear because the clerical staff also talks sloppyly. The counseling did not give me proper advice, and I was listening to the story while hitting the computer, so I don't think it was very kind. It feels like the treatment will give me medicine for the time being. When I made the next appointment, I had a job, so it took a while because I couldn't match the free time on the hospital side. Is it my fault when someone says something like "..."! I thought. I wonder what the mental clinic teacher says ... I'm going to change the hospital because stress builds up here.

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