Châteraisé - Nagakute

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Châteraisé

住所 :

1511 Kuboyama, Nagakute, Aichi 480-1151, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 480-1151
Webサイト :

1511 Kuboyama, Nagakute, Aichi 480-1151, Japan
Anne nyan (猫沢もも) on Google

Chateraise on Sunday has two entrances and exits of the parking lot, and although it comes in from both, there is no space in the parking lot, so I think it would be good to have a guide on Saturdays and Sundays before the accident. ..
千葉正明 on Google

決してクレーマーではありません。 日曜日午後6時前後にいる若いバイト達の接客対応が最悪! お客がレジで呼んでも裏から直ぐに出てこないうえに、お待たせしましたの一言もなし。 おまけに、狭い通路なのに通ろうとしても一切どかず。最後に全く二人とも笑顔が無し。 一番サービス業で働く上でアウトだね!正社員いないのか! 2021年2月7日来店。 以前口コミで店側から返信やお詫びもないからやる気がない店長?でしょうか?
I'm not a claimer. The worst customer service for young part-time workers around 6 pm on Sunday! Even if the customer called at the cash register, he didn't come out immediately from the back, and there was no word that kept him waiting. What's more, even though it's a narrow passage, I can't go through it at all. At the end, neither of them smiled at all. It's the best way to work in the service industry! Isn't there a regular employee? Visited on February 7, 2021. The store manager who is not motivated because there is no reply or apology from the store side by word of mouth before? Is not it?
吉田昌央 on Google

チェーン店のスイーツ店です。 シュークリームが食べたいという 妻のために寄りました。 長久手の街中にあるのと 日曜の夕方だったので入れ替わりが激しく 駐車場が狭く感じました。 店はそこそこ人がいましたが 買えないほどではなかったです。 プリン(娘)とシュークリーム(妻)と ロールケーキ(私)などを買いました。 娘は妻のシュークリームを食べてました。 美味しかったようです。 ロールケーキは 苺のレアチーズのクリームがたっぷりで あっさり食べれました。 値段も安くコスパはかなりイイです。
It's a chain sweets store. Want to eat cream puff I stopped by for my wife. In the city of Nagakute It was Sunday evening, so it changed a lot I felt the parking lot was small. There were a lot of people in the store, It wasn't too expensive to buy. Pudding (daughter) and cream puff (wife) I bought a roll cake (me). My daughter was eating my wife's cream puff. It was delicious. Roll cake Plenty of strawberry rare cheese cream I was able to eat it easily. The price is cheap and cospa is quite good.
ISHIHARA EIJI (腐乱犬) on Google

あー。おやつ屋さんです。 アイス、ケーキ、和菓子、焼き菓子等一通り揃ってます。
Ah. It's a snack shop. We have ice cream, cakes, Japanese sweets, baked sweets, etc.
Maki Narita on Google

いちごのロールケーキ。サイズが、大きめです。生ケーキなので日持ちはしません。よく冷やして、早めにいただきます。生地が黄色く見た目どおりの卵味で、しっとりしたスポンジが美味しい。たっぷりの生クリームにいちごもたくさんごろごろ入っていて、大満足です。 一軒店舗で、駐車場が大きく車が停めやすいのと、豊富な商品から選んで、直接買って帰れるのが、魅力です。 和菓子と洋菓子、生菓子から干菓子、おうち使いと贈答品。冷凍品からショーケースの生菓子まで。おうち使いで、ふらっと立ち寄ったときに、季節のお菓子に出会えるとうれしくなります。また、レジ前の値下げコーナーで、お値打ちになっている商品や冷蔵物のお値打ちになっているプリンやシュークリームなど、お得に買って帰れるときもあって、重宝しています。 暑い季節にアイスクリームや氷菓が、欠かせないので、これからの時期、来店が増えそうです。 まったりチョコレートのも、あっさりのシャーベットも食べたい。
Strawberry roll cake. The size is large. It's a raw cake, so it won't last long. Cool it well and have it as soon as possible. The dough is yellow and the egg taste is as it looks, and the moist sponge is delicious. I am very satisfied with the plenty of fresh cream and a lot of strawberries. One of the attractions is that the parking lot is large and it is easy to park your car, and you can choose from a wide variety of products and buy them directly. Japanese sweets and Western sweets, namagashi to dried sweets, home messenger and gifts. From frozen products to fresh sweets in showcases. It makes me happy to meet seasonal sweets when I stop by at home. Also, at the price cut corner in front of the cash register, there are times when you can buy good-value products and puddings and cream puffs that are good-value for refrigerated items, which is useful. Ice cream and frozen desserts are indispensable in the hot season, so it seems that the number of visitors will increase in the future. I want to eat mellow chocolate and light sorbet.
ああ on Google

There is a female clerk who hits her foot with a dolly and glares without apologizing, and when I asked if the pistachio Mont Blanc that was delicious yesterday was sold, the aunt clerk answered "No" and it is unfriendly. .. As other reviewers say, there are many places where the customer service attitude is bad, but the cake is delicious so I will come back to buy it ?
ミルミル on Google

チョコバッキーを買いに行きました。 夕方5時の時点で、まだあったー? 前は無くなる寸前だったので、ちょっと焦りながらの訪問でした。 駐車場は15台弱かな。いっぱいのときもあるので、空くのを待つときもあります。 クレジットカードが使えます。
I went to buy chocolate bucky. It was still there at 5 pm ? Before, it was on the verge of disappearing, so it was a little impatient visit. The parking lot is less than 15 cars. Sometimes it's full, so sometimes I wait for it to become available. You can use a credit card.
Elisa Gray on Google

Packaged and fresh cakes at reasonable prices.

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