Tobu Nerima Central Hospital - Itabashi City

2.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tobu Nerima Central Hospital

住所 :

3 Chome-19-1 Tokumaru, Itabashi City, Tokyo 175-0083, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 175-0083
Webサイト :

3 Chome-19-1 Tokumaru, Itabashi City, Tokyo 175-0083, Japan
yuya y on Google

朝7時に7119で案内されて電話しました。 「緊急外来だと詳しく調べられないから」と外来のオープン時間まで待たされ、外来に電話したら「発熱外来で受けるから折り返しかかってくる医師と電話してくれ」と言われました。 何時に電話がかかってくるのか聞くと「11時すぎ」とのこと。「緊急外来に連絡するような症状なんだけど?おかしいでしょ」と聞いても「申し訳ありません」としか言われませんでした。 こんな病院待たずに、別の緊急外来行っておけばよかったです。
I was guided by 7119 at 7 am and called. I was kept waiting until the outpatient opening time, saying, "I can't investigate in detail if it's an emergency outpatient department," and when I called the outpatient department, I was told, "I'll receive it at the fever outpatient department, so call the doctor who will come back." When I asked what time the call was coming in, it was "after 11 o'clock". When I asked, "Is it a symptom of contacting an emergency outpatient? It's strange," he only said "I'm sorry." I should have gone to another emergency outpatient department without waiting for such a hospital.
ぽちお on Google

A hospital that is very "missing". If you have the right to choose, never choose. No motivation, no posture. I make a mistake no matter what I do. A hospital that basically does nothing.
元3研 on Google

次に来院する話をするときに時間がなかなかないと言うと「仕事辞めて来院すれば?」とかいうとても素敵なお言葉を先生から頂けます。 少なくとも自分と自分の前に診察を受けていた方(怒鳴り声が待合室からも聞こえました...)の二人はこの言葉を聞いたので先生の決り文句なんでしょうかね。 ちなみに病院自体は他の方のクチコミ通り外来はオマケみたいなものという感じです。
When I talk about my next visit, the teacher will give me a very nice word, "Why don't you quit your job and come to the hospital?" At least I and the person who had been examined in front of me (screaming was heard from the waiting room ...) heard this word, so I wonder if it's a teacher's decision. By the way, the hospital itself feels like a bonus as the outpatient department is like other people's reviews.
かいこう on Google

7119からの案内で電話をかけました 緊急外来なのに、「検査はできないから通常が空くまで我慢して」だの「対応できないから他当たって」だの散々でした
I made a call with guidance from 7119 Even though it was an emergency outpatient, it was terrible, "I can't inspect it, so I'll put up with it until it's free" and "I can't handle it, so I'll hit another one."
武蔵小麦 on Google

受付が酷すぎる、採血に来たら尿検査もあってびっくり。 採血前にトイレ行ったから出ずに翌日尿検査だけのために行った。 受け付けで簡単な説明くらいは欲しかった。
The reception was too terrible, and I was surprised to have a urine test when I came to collect blood. I went to the bathroom before collecting blood, so I didn't go out and went only for urinalysis the next day. I wanted a brief explanation at the reception.
初代頬擦り on Google

午前中に予約取れないから、午後1:30にまたかけろと言われ、13:29 55秒に発信し、電話口は13:30 5秒に通話。なのに、前にかけた方で予約が埋まる言うから、時間前にかけた人間を予約取るのかに対し、正確なら時計がないと。 枠が少ないなら午前中にその事を伝えるべきだし、こちらの症状で予約を取る取らないを決めてる節があり、患者を選んでる様子。 対応最悪。 ワクチン2回目接種で高熱が出たため、一度健康診断で診察券を作らされたから、かかりつけの範疇かと思い、カロナールの処方箋を出して欲しいと電話で伝えるも、健康診断ではかかりつけじゃないと言われる。 診察券作る意味あったのか疑問だし、そもそも昨年の健康診断時にクラスター騒ぎがあったから神経過敏になってるのだろうが、やはり、患者を選ぶ体質は顕在のようなので、この投稿を参考に外来の患者が病院を適切に選ぶ事を願います。
I couldn't make a reservation in the morning, so I was told to call again at 1:30 pm, and I made a call at 13:29 55 seconds and made a call at 13:30 5 seconds. However, it is said that the person who made the reservation will fill the reservation, so if it is accurate, there is no clock for the person who made the reservation before the time. If there are few slots, you should tell that in the morning, and there is a section that decides not to make an appointment due to this symptom, and it seems that you are choosing a patient. Correspondence worst. I had a high fever after the second vaccination, so I made a medical examination ticket at the medical examination once, so I thought it was in the category of my family and told me by phone that I would like to get a prescription for Caronal, but it is said that it is not my family at the medical examination. I wonder if it made sense to make a medical examination ticket, and I think I'm nervous because there was a cluster commotion at the time of the medical examination last year, but after all, the constitution to choose a patient seems to be obvious, so refer to this post for outpatients. We hope that the patient will choose the appropriate hospital.

I made a smooth reservation for vaccination, but I don't want to go to the designated hospital! I went there twice as an outpatient, but the response was poor and I couldn't handle it!
tas tas on Google

かかりつけ医が臨時休業、他の発熱外来も空きがなく、やっと見つけて受診させてもらいましたが、担当した医師の対応が最悪でした。 K「それは普段通っている所で見てもらうものだ」 K「それだけでは薬は出せない」 などど邪魔者扱いされたのでこれ以上居ても意味ないと思い帰ろうとしました。 そうしたら 「わかったわかった、ごめんごめん。」 と言い渋々処方箋を発行した感じです。 コロナ過の為、ちょっとした体調不良の場合、診察してくれる所を探すのも一苦労なのに邪険に扱われたのは酷いと感じました。 支払時のスタッフにその件を伝えたけど 「そうですか」 という冷たい態度でした。
My family doctor was temporarily closed, and there was no room for other fever outpatients, so I finally found it and went to see it, but the doctor in charge was the worst. K "It's something you see where you usually go" K "I can't give medicine by itself" I was treated as an obstacle, so I tried to think that it wouldn't make sense to stay any longer. Then "Okay, okay, I'm sorry." It feels like I have issued a prescription reluctantly. I felt that it was terrible to be treated ill-mannered even though it was difficult to find a place to see if I was a little sick because of the corona. I told the staff at the time of payment about the matter "Is that so" It was a cold attitude.

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