Thirty Nagano Saku IC Shop - Saku

3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Thirty Nagano Saku IC Shop

住所 :

1 Chome-12-7 Iwamuradakita, Saku, Nagano 385-0023, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87888
Postal code : 385-0023
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6PM
Sunday 10AM–6PM
Monday 10AM–6PM
Tuesday 10AM–6PM
Wednesday 10AM–6PM
Thursday 10AM–6PM
Friday 10AM–6PM

1 Chome-12-7 Iwamuradakita, Saku, Nagano 385-0023, Japan
T Traveler on Google

インターネット上には車体価格しか載せていない理由がわかりました。 車体価格 + 30万~ くらいが総支払額です。 その30万の内に車検費用諸々があるのは、理解しましたが他店より高過ぎます。 現金払いより、店にメリットのある(店員が言った)ローン払いを勧めてきます。金利が他社より高いのが理由かと。 今回、車を購入はしていないので高めにつけて☆2にしました。接客態度も他店より不快でした。
I found out why only the car body price is posted on the Internet. The total payment amount is about the body price + 300,000 ~. I understand that there are various vehicle inspection costs within the 300,000, but it is too high compared to other stores. We recommend you to pay a loan (as the clerk said), which is beneficial to the store, rather than cash payment. Is it because the interest rate is higher than other companies? I didn't buy a car this time, so I put it higher and set it to ☆ 2. The customer service attitude was also more unpleasant than other stores.
ぶりすけぶばやま on Google

We purchased in this store without seeing the actual thing on the Internet. I bought the photo because it seemed to be in good condition, but when it arrived there was a scratch on the mirror and a dent on the body. When I inquired in advance, I was deceived because I believed that there were no scratches or dents at all. It's the worst. The photo was taken so that the part with scratches and dents did not appear well. The back lamp was also off. that's terrible. I was worried that I had no contact after depositing and I didn't know what would happen. I don't use this store anymore. If you are thinking about using it, you should think a little.
ダースユウ on Google

ネットで車を見ていて、雪が降る地域なので4WDを探していました。こちらのお店は四駆の種類も多く、選べる楽しさがあります。ネットからの見積依頼にもすぐ返信をいただき、質問にも明確に丁寧に答えていただきました。YouTubeにも動画を掲載していて、欲しい車があると、エンジン音など確認できて良かった。実際車を見た感想は、ちょっと汚いかなと思いました。契約したらきれいにしますとのことでしたが、見に行くと伝えていたので残念。 対応していただいた方は、とてもお若く少し心配しましたが、営業スキルを見てみたくなり、商談をすすめると。言葉使いは若いのでまだまだ感はありましたが、一生懸命でしたし、電話対応や見送る際の姿勢はとても良かったです。商談中お茶やコーヒーが出てくることはなく、女性の営業事務の人はいないのか探してしまいました。外に自販機があるんですが、気付いたのは帰るときでした。 在庫車両で一定の期間売れないと、値段を少しずつ下げるようで、若手の社員さんでしたし、値引きは期待できませんが、一応お願いしてみましたが、限界ですとのこと。 価格についてですが、車体価格は結構安めで、10万キロ近い車体が多い気がします。事前のメールなどで諸費用の確認をしてましたが、自分は正直高い気がしました。総費用を見て判断が必要です。 納車時は、タイヤの交換など気持ちよく対応いただき、タイヤワックスまでしてもらい、小さなサービスですが嬉しかったです。エンジンリフレッシュを追加料金でお願いをしてました。確認をしたら、よく分からない説明をされました。忘れてないかの確認だったんですが、整備記録に記載がなかったので、不安が残ります。 販売店保証ですが、基本有料の保証です。保証の年数や範囲によって5~10万くらいの追加が必要になります。他の販売店では、無料で6ヶ月5000kまでとか、一年1万キロなどありますが、 車体の当たり外れがありますし、自己責任も理解しつつ中古車なのでなんとも言えませんが、購入後一年での不具合は、ブレーキ固着にセルモーター不調、AT不調などです。またマフラーの排気漏れ、ブッシュ類の亀裂、切れなど。購入時の車検整備でオイル交換に冷却水補充にエアーフィルター交換のみだったので、怪しいのなら言ってほしかった。こればっかりは購入してすぐではないので。 余談ですが、発炎筒を確認したら、新車時のまんま交換された形跡がなく、期限切れ後7年ほど経過(笑) 車検時あればいいのでしょうけど、高いものじゃないので交換してくれてもいいのになぁと。 またいい車に出会えることを期待します。
I was watching a car online and was looking for a 4WD because it was a snowy area. There are many types of 4WD at this shop, and there is pleasure to choose. We received a quick reply to the quote request from the Internet and answered the questions clearly and carefully. I posted a video on YouTube, and it was good to be able to check the engine sound etc. when there is a car I want. The impression that I actually saw the car was a bit dirty. It was said that they would clean up if they signed a contract, but I was sorry that they told them they would go to see them. 方 The person who responded was very young and worried a little, but wanted to see the sales skills and proceeded with negotiations. I was young enough to use the language, but I worked very hard, and I was very good at responding to telephone calls and attitudes to see them off. Tea and coffee did not come out during the negotiations, so I searched for a female sales clerk. There is a vending machine outside, but I noticed it when I left. と If you can't sell in stock vehicles for a certain period of time, you seem to be gradually lowering the price, you were a young employee, and you can not expect a discount, but I asked you for the time being, but it was the limit. Regarding the price, the car body price is quite cheap, and I feel that there are many car bodies close to 100,000 km. I checked various expenses by e-mail etc. in advance, but I felt that I was honestly high. Judgment is necessary by looking at the total cost. When we delivered the car, we had a good service, such as changing tires, and even had us get tire wax. I asked for an engine refresh at an additional charge. After confirming, I was given an explanation that I did not understand. I was checking if I had not forgotten it, but I was worried because there was no entry in the maintenance record. Although it is a store guarantee, it is a basic paid guarantee. About 50,000 to 100,000 additions may be required depending on the number of years and range of the warranty. At other stores, there are free up to 5000k for 6 months or 10,000km a year, There is a collision of the car body, it is a used car while understanding self-responsibility, so it can not be said that it is a used car, but the trouble in one year after purchase is a brake sticking, a cell motor malfunction, an AT malfunction etc. Also, exhaust leaks from mufflers, cracks and cuts in bushes, etc. At the time of vehicle inspection maintenance at the time of purchase, I only wanted to say if I was suspicious because I only had to change the oil filter and replace the cooling water with the air filter. Because this is not the first purchase. As an aside, if you check the flares, there is no evidence that they have been replaced when you have a new car, and about seven years have passed since the expiration (laughs). But it is. 期待 I hope you can meet a good car again.
曽根繁 on Google

中古車サイトから見積もり依頼をかけた後の対応は数時間で早かったです。諸費用に付いては他の方が書かれてるように少し高い気もしましたがそもそも諸費用含むトータルが肝要なので総額としてはその時点で十分に納得のいくものでした。 とは言えターゲットはキワモノドイツ車。もうひと押しなんて考える間もなく、数日後メールで「価格の見直しを行いました。車を見に来ませんか?」こんな内容でした。 結構な値下げで心が大きく揺らぎ、佐久市まで片道220km有りますが、「万が一先客があって売れてもあの値段なら仕方ない」と納得し夜中の3時半に現車確認のため出発。 当日は開店1時間以上前に到着しましたが、出勤してきたスタッフさん、眠そうな顔をしてましたが「おはようございます!」と丁寧似挨拶してくれました。 開店して直ぐに車を見つけ近寄り、スタッフの方にメールを頂いた件を説明しましたら副店長さんが対応して下さり、キワモノを値引きで売りつけようと言うのではなく、キズはキズ、ハゲはハゲ(髪の毛では無い)で、決してリスクを軽く扱う様な説明では無かったです。天井も垂れてましたし。これについてはE46に乗っておりリスクも理解出来てたので範囲内でしたが、何より置いてある車に色気と縁を感じ購入に至りました。 納車までは12月13日現車確認、契約。入金を23日、そしてこの日に車庫証明を取得、郵送。年越しは官公庁の関係が休みになる事を理解し結果1月18日現地で受け渡しと、1ヶ月チョイかかりました。 長くなりましたが中古車なので、縁と運の賜物、購入するときには絶対に「値切らない、難癖つけない」と決めています。ケチを自分で付けてどうするのかと。お陰様で今まで中古車しか買った事が無いですが10台くらい外れを引いた事が有りません。今回もキチッと自分で選んで良い買い物が出来たと思っています。 良いご縁を頂けまして本当に有難う御座いました、あのゴルフ、きっと大当たりですよ(^^)
The response after requesting a quote from a used car site was quick in a few hours. As for the expenses, it seemed a little expensive as others were writing, but the total including the expenses was essential, so the total amount was satisfactory at that time. However, the target is a German car. A few days later, I just emailed, "I reviewed my price. The price was quite low and my heart fluctuated greatly, and there was 220km one way to Saku City, but I was convinced that if there was a first-time customer and it could be sold at that price, I left to confirm the current car at 3:30 in the middle of the night. I arrived more than an hour before the opening of the store on the day, but the staff who came to work had a sleepy face, but gave me a nice greeting like "Good morning!" Immediately after opening the store, I found a car, approached, explained the matter that I got an email to the staff, and the deputy manager responded, instead of saying that I would like to sell Kiwamono at a discount, the scratches were scratched, the bald It was bald (not hair) and there was no explanation to treat the risk lightly. The ceiling was hanging. About this, I was on the E46 and I could understand the risks, so it was within the range, but I felt the sex appeal and the edge of the car placed above and bought it. The current vehicle is confirmed and contracted on December 13 until delivery. Deposit was received on the 23rd, and on that day we obtained a garage certificate and mailed it. We understood that the relationship between government agencies would be closed for the New Year holidays, and as a result, it took one month to deliver it on site on January 18th. Although it has become longer, it is a used car, so it is a gift of edge and luck. What to do with your own sting. Thanks to you, I have only bought a used car so far, but I have never missed about 10 cars. I think that I was able to make good shopping by choosing myself this time. Thank you very much for having a good edge, that golf, surely a jackpot (^ ^)
工藤章訓 on Google

I thought that cheap at the base price, but the total payment amount, I felt considerably high as. Last is my impressions of individual ? corresponding manners, was a good impression ?
Toshihiro Yamaki on Google

The price of the finished product is not inferior. There is a sense of trust that the store manager moves by himself. Some people may be dissatisfied with the difference between the price seen on Goo-net and the price at the store, but I think it's best to look at it in total. It's cheaper with coating included, and it depends on negotiations.
マグ on Google

LINEで車両の見積をお願いしましたが、予算オーバーで少し厳しい点お伝えすると、予算内で別の車両をお勧めするわけでもなく少し値引きの交渉をするわけでもなく既読スルーになりました。 このような対応のお店に高評価がついているのはちょっとやらせとしか思えませんねー 評価の偽装工作お疲れ様です。同様にLINEで相談している宮城の中古車屋さんはすごく親身になってくれているのでそちらとお話進めます
I asked for a quote on the vehicle on LINE, but when I told you that it was a bit strict because it was over budget, I did not recommend another vehicle within the budget and did not negotiate a little discount and it became a read through. I think it's just a bit of a mess that the stores that support this kind of thing are highly evaluated. Thank you for the evaluation camouflage work. Similarly, the used car shop in Miyagi, who is consulting on LINE, is very kind to me, so I will talk with that.
石橋濃青 on Google

車を見に初めて行った。 最初に展示されてる車を見て回った。 きちんと手入れされてるかを見る為だ。 その時に発見したのが、宣伝の旗が折れ倒れ、それを展示車が踏んづけたままにされている状態だった。 これを見てすぐに、「あ、ここは販売する資格は無いとこだ。」とタカをくくった。思った通り、その後会うスタッフ達は全員慣れすぎている男達ばかりで、ここを好きにするのはよそうと確信し、その後の対応に応じた。
I went to see the car for the first time. I looked around the first car on display. This is to see if it is properly maintained. At that time, I discovered that the advertising flag had collapsed and the exhibition car was still stepping on it. Immediately after seeing this, he said, "Oh, I'm not qualified to sell this place." As I expected, all the staff I met after that were men who were too accustomed to it, and I was convinced that I wouldn't like this place, so I responded to the subsequent response.

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