ThinkPark Dermatology Clinic - Shinagawa City

2.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ThinkPark Dermatology Clinic

住所 :

Thinkpark Tower, 3F 2 Chome-1-1 Osaki, Shinagawa City, Tokyo 141-0032, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 141-0032
Webサイト :

Thinkpark Tower, 3F 2 Chome-1-1 Osaki, Shinagawa City, Tokyo 141-0032, Japan
Yuki TANAKA on Google

スピーディでクリア。シミ取りと肌の乾燥と、両方でお世話になってます。 先生には賛否両論ありますが、私はハッキリしていて説明もクリアで、好感の持てるお医者さんだと思います。混んでいても待ち時間は15分くらいですし、看護婦さんなどのスタッフもやることに無駄がなく好感が持てます。
Speedy and clear. I am indebted to both removing stains and drying my skin. There are pros and cons to the teacher, but I think he is a doctor who is clear, clear in explanation, and has a good impression. Even if it is crowded, the waiting time is about 15 minutes, and the staff such as nurses can do it without waste and have a good impression.
JPJP on Google

ハキハキしている先生です。駅から近く、時間のないビジネスパーソンが多く立ち寄るであろう、オフィス施設内のクリニックという場所柄にも合っている治療方針だと思います。きちんと目をみて、要点をおさえて端的に説明してくださいます。 時間をかけた寄り添い系の治療を求めている人には向かないかもしれません。訪問前は評価が割れていることに少し不安がありましたが、そういった方々が低評価をつけているように感じました。 診療にはなんの不満もないのですが、現金しか使えないのが非常に不便なので★4つにさせて頂きました。
It is a teacher who is excited. I think that the treatment policy is suitable for the location of the clinic in the office facility, which is close to the station and many business people who do not have time will stop by. Please take a good look, hold down the main points, and explain briefly. It may not be suitable for those who are looking for time-consuming cuddly treatment. Before the visit, I was a little worried that the evaluation was broken, but I felt that those people gave a low evaluation. I have no complaints about the medical treatment, but it is very inconvenient to use only cash, so I decided to use four.
類家文乃(あやち) on Google

Dr. Okajima had a pretty terrible examination. It is a mystery why I am frustrated and doing a teacher. I think it's better to start with your own mental training. Please do your best.
5traight means on Google

Anyway, a female doctor named Okajima is terrible. Instead of looking at the affected area, decide on the chart of another doctor in front of you. It's like this, oh yeah, and even if I deny it, I say various things and impose what I'm saying. I will never go again. We recommend a day with another clinic or another doctor.
うう on Google

Googleの口コミ通りでした。 Googleの口コミ3以下でよかった試しがないなと再確認。 女性の先生は高圧的で、自分が今までやってきたことや他の皮膚科で処方された薬も無意味というような言い方、 いつ頃症状が出るのかなど詳しくヒアリングすることなく、最初から鼻で笑うような感じの対応。 決めつけで話されましたが、自分はその症状なんてないな、と心の中で思いながら話を聞いていました。 ビジネスパーソンや、目的がはっきりしている方はいいかもしれませんね。 自分のように何が原因かよくわからない人には向かないと思います。 受付の方などはいい方でした。
It was according to Google's word of mouth. Reconfirmed that there is no good trial with Google reviews 3 or less. The female teacher is overwhelming and says that what she has done and the medicines prescribed by other dermatologists are meaningless. It feels like laughing with your nose from the beginning without having to hear in detail when the symptoms will appear. I was told by convention, but I was listening to it while thinking in my heart that I had no symptoms. It may be good for business people and those who have a clear purpose. I don't think it's suitable for people like myself who don't know what the cause is. The receptionist was a nice person.
nene kitajima on Google

イボの治療で行きました。 受付の方も看護師の方も治療してくださった男性医師もテキパキしてて、初診日は受付から会計終了まで15分位で終わったので、助かりました。 こんなに早く終わるなら通うのも苦じゃないと感じたので、今後もお世話になるつもりです。
I went to treat warts. Both the receptionist and the nurse were very happy with the male doctor who treated me, and the first consultation day was about 15 minutes from the reception to the end of the accounting, which was helpful. I felt it wouldn't be a pain to go if it ended so quickly, so I will continue to take care of it.
渡邉綾乃 on Google

とにかく早くて素早い対応ですが、院長の言葉が不快。肌荒れでかかった際には「化粧水塗れ」と言われました。 欲しい薬など決まっていてはっきりしている方であればよろしいのかと思います。 ハキハキしていてわかりやすい方なので合う方もいらっしゃるのかもしれませんが、相談したい時やアドバイスが欲しいときはお勧めしません。絶対。
Anyway, it is a quick and quick response, but the director's words are unpleasant. When I got rough skin, I was told to apply lotion. I think it's okay if the medicine you want is decided and clear. It's easy to understand, so it may be suitable for some people, but I don't recommend it when you want to talk or get advice. absolutely.
to rety on Google

院長の女医の態度がとにかく酷いです。何をそんなにイライラしているのか謎です。 寄り添い系ではない、というレベルではないですね。こちらが話す前から高圧的に否定、否定、否定。 横柄な態度の患者さんにきつく当たってしまうなら、医師とはいえ人間ですから理解できます。 ですが、話し始めてすらいない相手にいきなり攻撃的になられても困りますし不快です。 一方的に否定されて、薬は出しますんで、お大事に。で1分程度で診療は終わります。 気分は害しますが時間がない方には良いかもしれないですね。 非常勤の先生方は皆とても良い先生ですよ。 良い意味でライト。何人かお世話になりましたがどの先生も良かったです。
The attitude of the director's female doctor is just terrible. It's a mystery what makes me so frustrated. It's not a level that isn't a close-knit system. Negation, denial, denial with high pressure even before we talk. If you hit a patient with an arrogant attitude, you can understand it because you are a human being, even if you are a doctor. However, it is bothersome and unpleasant to suddenly become aggressive with someone who has not even started talking. I'm unilaterally denied, and I'll give you medicine, so be careful. The medical treatment will be completed in about 1 minute. It's offensive, but it might be good for those who don't have time. All part-time teachers are very good teachers. Light in a good way. I'm grateful to some of them, but all the teachers were good.

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