The Shirase Antarctic Expedion Memorial Museum - Nikaho

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Contact The Shirase Antarctic Expedion Memorial Museum

住所 :

Iwagata-15-3 Kurokawa, Nikaho, Akita 018-0302, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887
Postal code : 018-0302
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5PM
Sunday 9AM–5PM
Monday 9AM–5PM
Tuesday 9AM–5PM
Wednesday 9AM–5PM
Thursday 9AM–5PM
Friday 9AM–5PM

Iwagata-15-3 Kurokawa, Nikaho, Akita 018-0302, Japan
Takuya Sugawara (TAKUO) on Google

日本で初めて南極点を目指した白瀬の資料館です。南極の実物の氷に触れたり、南極で発見された隕石に触れたり、子供は興味津々だと思います! 雪上車の実物もあり、中にも入れます。エンジニアならめちゃおもしろい展示です! アニメの宇宙よりも遠い場所で少し世の中に知られた感じがします。ぜひいらしてください。
It is the first museum in Shirase that aims to reach the South Pole in Japan. Children will be interested in touching real Antarctic ice, touching meteorites found in Antarctica! There is also a snow car, and you can put it inside. This is an interesting exhibition for engineers! It feels a little known to the world in a place farther than the anime universe. Please come and visit us.
Goto Masanao on Google

The exhibition volume more than enough for 300 yen. You can actually touch Antarctic ice, and depending on the timing, you can hear the sound of air that Antarctic ice melts in water and pops in front of you. However, it is on display that what the present explorer accomplishes the expedition (crossing continent, human power south pole crossing, etc.) that the explorer of the time could not do, but it is ugly, but it is just as ugly. , I am afraid that the size of the achievements of Atsushi Shirase and Amundsen may be small.
Tohoku Emishi123 on Google

Thanks to Corona, the exhibition was restricted in some of the memorial halls here. I think the admission fee should be lowered, but it is 300 yen for adults and 200 yen for children. I'm wondering if I will visit again.
銭祐 on Google

人類の南極への挑戦。 たったの100年前とはいえ宇宙より遠い場所だった極地に挑んだ白瀬探検隊の功績を記念して作られた施設です。大人一人300円(小中学生200円、乳幼児無料)でリーズナブルです。 秋田県にかほ市の片田舎になんでこんな施設が・・と思ったら隊長である白瀬矗氏の出身地だったのですね。展示してある資料は非常に内容が濃く、過去と現在の南極と人類の関わりについて理解を深めることができます。片田舎に濃い内容の博物館という意味では糸魚川のフォッサマグナミュージアムや羽咋市のコスモアイル羽咋と並んでなかなかいい博物館です。 駐車場はこのエリアの公園と共用で非常に広大な駐車場あり。現在は緊急事態宣言地からのご来場はご遠慮くださいとのこと。入館記念にオリジナル缶バッチもらえますよ?
Challenge to the South Pole of mankind. This facility was created to commemorate the achievements of the Shirase Expedition, which challenged the polar regions that were far from space, even though it was only 100 years ago. It is reasonably priced at 300 yen per adult (200 yen for elementary and junior high school students, free for infants). When I thought about such a facility in the remote countryside of Nikaho City, Akita Prefecture, it was the birthplace of Nobu Shirase, the captain. The materials on display are very rich and will give you a better understanding of the relationship between the past and present Antarctica and humankind. In the sense that it is a museum with rich contents in the countryside, it is quite a good museum along with the Fossa Magna Museum in Itoigawa and the Cosmo Isle Hakui in Hakui City. The parking lot is shared with the park in this area and has a very large parking lot. Currently, please refrain from visiting from the place of emergency declaration. You can get an original badge to commemorate your admission ?
ハムピッピハムピッピ on Google

I went to the Shirase Antarctic Expedition Memorial Hall. I visited for the first time, but the contents of the exhibits were very rich and I was able to spend a meaningful time. When Lieutenant Shirase visited Antarctica, he lost many people and animals because his equipment was inferior to that of modern times. However, because of their experience, there is a world now.
WAKE祥文 on Google

神社参拝の途中で偶然に看板を見つけて来館しました?✋。南極探検家『白瀬 中尉』達の功績を知ることのできる施設です??。『しらせ』の艦名は、白瀬中尉が由来なんですね?。入館料金『大人300円、子供200円』と割安感があります?。『ユーチューバー等が将来の夢』となっている現在の子供達に是非とも見学してもらいたい施設です?✨(この男のロマン、子供心にも響くかなぁ??)。 ~『人間は目的に向かって剛直に、まっすぐ進むべきものである』~
I happened to find a signboard while visiting the shrine and came to the museum ?✋. It is a facility where you can learn about the achievements of the Antarctic explorers "Lieutenant Shirase" ??. The ship name of "Shirase" comes from Lieutenant Shirase ?. The admission fee is "300 yen for adults and 200 yen for children", which is a bargain ?. It is a facility that I would like children of today to visit, which is "YouTube etc. is a dream of the future" ?✨ (Is this man's romance, does it resonate with children's hearts? ?). ~ "Human beings should go straight toward their goals" ~
KO on Google

南極に興味があることから行ってみた なんと 看板が見えますか? 「秋田県内のお客様のみ入館できます」 期間 令和3年8月26日から9月12日まで だって? 係のお姉さんに聞いた「ダメ!」 だって?? Google map見て休みじゃないと思って行ったのに??? 管理者さんちゃんと営業時間に付記しておいて‼️ ということで当然⭐️0、いや0は設定なしだろうから⭐️1
I went because I was interested in Antarctica How Can you see the sign? "Only customers in Akita Prefecture can enter." Period: From August 26th to September 12th, 3rd year of Reiwa Because ? I asked my sister in charge, "No!" Because ?? I went to Google map and thought it wasn't a holiday ??? Please add it to the business hours with the administrator! ️ So of course ⭐️0, no 0 is probably not set ⭐️1
鷹島剛 on Google

日本在住初の南極大陸到達を果たした白瀬矗の探検隊の功績を称える記念館。ボリュームはやや少ないが、明治時代に極地に向かう過酷さを知れる。 白瀬矗と同時期に他国の2つの探検隊が南極点に向かったこと、その結果が三者三様であるのが知れた。 ドームシアターがタイミング的に観られなかったので、また来てみたい。 大人300円で観る価値はあり。
A memorial hall celebrating the achievements of Nobu Shirase's expedition, which was the first to reach Antarctica in Japan. The volume is a little small, but it is known that it is harsh toward the polar regions in the Meiji era. It was known that two expeditions from other countries headed for the South Pole at the same time as Nobu Shirase, and the result was three-way three-way. I couldn't see the dome theater in a timely manner, so I'd like to come back again. It's worth watching for 300 yen for adults.

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