The BiG Nagano Miwa by AEON - Nagano

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact The BiG Nagano Miwa by AEON

住所 :

9 Chome-43-24 Miwa, Nagano, 380-0803, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 380-0803
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–10PM
Sunday 9AM–10PM
Monday 9AM–10PM
Tuesday 9AM–10PM
Wednesday 9AM–10PM
Thursday 9AM–10PM
Friday 9AM–10PM

9 Chome-43-24 Miwa, Nagano, 380-0803, Japan
如月 on Google

I used to go to buy the frozen yakitori in the box, but I'm sorry that it's gone. It was nice to get together and have a barbecue ... I want you to buy it again
林加奈子 on Google

ビッグだから確かに値段は安い。しかし、トマトやピーマン等、よく見て買わないと痛んでいる物が混ざっている事がある。 通路が狭いので、すれ違うのが大変。 レジにはカゴ詰めが上手&親切な店員さんが2人いる。他の人は、カゴ詰めが下手だったり、カード返却が片手だったりと残念。 忙しい時はキャッシャー以外の人がレジに入るが、トマトを1番下にされた事がある。 セルフレジが6台ある。 店員さんは、基本的に自ら挨拶をする人は数少ない。
Because it is big, the price is definitely cheap. However, things like tomatoes and green peppers often have mixed things if you do not buy it and you do not buy it. It is hard to pass by because the aisle is narrow. There are two clerks in the cashier that are good & helpful stuffing. Other people are sorry that the basket is bad, the card return is one hand. When I am busy, people other than cashier go into the cash register, but I have tomatoes down the bottom. There are six self-reserves. Clerks basically have few people who greet themselves.
小林稔(domdom) on Google

The store has wide aisles, is bright and clean, and has a large number of products, making it easy to shop. There are many parking lots including the rooftop, but it is so popular that you can't park your car on big days and Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays with 5% off, and you may go through to the Higashiwada store. There are sushi shops, pizza shops, florists, Japanese sweets shops, cosmetics shops, clothes shops such as GU and Mac House, shoe shops, small Daiso, beauty salons, game corners, rest areas, etc. in the building, so it is convenient on holidays. I think that families are concentrated in. It is also good that there is a place to sit like a bench.
のりたま on Google

Anyway, it is cheap and if you pay with WAON, you can easily collect points, so I often use it. Since there are many cheap products, there are many customers with strong habits because they are a crowd of customers (including myself). I usually go there around 14:00 to 16:00 on weekdays and it's not so crowded, but once I went there right after the store opened on weekday mornings, it was too crowded with the elderly and there were old men yelling at the clerk. So I decided not to go in the morning anymore. There are some clerk who feel bad or bad, but I don't expect it, so there is no problem. If it says, the aunt who puts a discount sticker at the place of fresh fish moves around by swinging a big dolly without worrying about the surroundings (I do not know even if it seems to hit), so please be careful for children and the elderly!
さかいまさこ on Google

There is a market corner and vegetables and fruits are cheap, so I bought two cabbage for 77 yen today.
2170 tabaco on Google

全体的に低価格で品揃えの良いスーパーです。 コスパの良いトップバリュー商品もたくさんあります。 □価格 ☆☆☆☆☆ 近隣だとここが1番安いイメージです。 特に入り口付近のお菓子や、真ん中の通路のカップ麺はとってもお得な商品が並んでいます。 □鮮度 ☆☆☆★★ 野菜や魚は普通、お肉は要注意です。 お肉のラベルシールに書いてある加工元がマックスバリュになっている肉(鶏肉や一部豚肉など)が血汁が溢れていて、他のスーパーで買うようにしています。 □品揃え ☆☆☆☆☆ とっても良いです。 カップ麺・冷凍食品・調味料などは、近隣だとここでしか買えないものもあります。 トップバリューブランドの商品はコスパが良く、調味料や冷凍食品はこのブランドのものを買います。 □駐車場 ☆★★★★ 人気店が故に、とっても混みます。 このスーパー近隣で渋滞が起きます。 2階の駐車場がまだ全然余裕あるタイミングから、表示が「満」になります。 また立地上どうしようにもなく出口が詰まり、結構長い時間出られなくなります。 混む時間は避けて行くのがオススメです。 □他 八十二銀行のATMがあります。 有人レジと無人レジ、両方あります。 大手のクレジットカードは全て使えます。 電子マネーは使えないものが多いです。
It is a supermarket with a good selection at a low price as a whole. There are also many top value products with good cost performance. □ Price ☆☆☆☆☆ This is the cheapest image in the neighborhood. In particular, the sweets near the entrance and the cup noodles in the middle aisle are lined with very good deals. □ Freshness ☆☆☆ ★★ Vegetables and fish are usually taken care of, and meat is important. The meat (chicken, some pork, etc.) whose processing source is Maxvalu written on the meat label sticker is full of blood, so I try to buy it at other supermarkets. □ Assortment ☆☆☆☆☆ Very good. Some cup noodles, frozen foods, seasonings, etc. can only be bought here in the neighborhood. Top value brand products have good cost performance, and seasonings and frozen foods are from this brand. □ Parking lot ☆ ★★★★ It is very crowded because it is a popular shop. There will be traffic jams near this supermarket. The display will be "full" when the parking lot on the 2nd floor is still full. Also, due to the location, the exit will be clogged and you will not be able to leave for a long time. It is recommended to avoid busy times. □ Other There is an ATM of Hachijuni Bank. There are both manned and unmanned cash registers. All major credit cards can be used. Many electronic money cannot be used.
Heart Break on Google

平日は普通に混むぐらいですが、土日祝日の混み具合は半端じゃないです。 特にお年寄りの人がガツガツ周りも見ずにカートを転がしている。値段が安いので客層もそれなりです。
It's usually crowded on weekdays, but it's not odd on weekends and holidays. Especially elderly people are rolling carts without looking around. Since the price is cheap, the customer base is also reasonable.
のら猫Stray cat on Google

安くて品揃え豊富、ここは滅多に来ない場所なのですが自宅の近所にあればなあ~と思わせる店です。独自ブランドやTopValu製品も揃っていて、見ているだけでも楽しいですね。 レジ袋はサイズ別で3円・5円有料です。各々買い物かごに半分程度・かご一杯と図解で目安を書いてあるのが親切だと思いました。自分の知る限り他のスーパーではこのような案内は見たことがありません。買物になれていれば直感でわかりますけど、進学や就職で一人暮らしを始めたとか単身赴任になったとか、不慣れな人はきっと嬉しい案内だと思います。
It's a cheap and well-stocked place, and it's a place I rarely come to, but it's a store that makes me think if I'm in my neighborhood. There are also original brands and TopValu products, so it's fun just looking around. The size of the shopping bag is 3 or 5 yen depending on the size. I thought that it was kind that each of the shopping carts had a guideline of about half and a full basket. As far as I know, I have never seen such a guide at any other supermarket. If you are familiar with shopping, you can understand it intuitively, but I think that unfamiliar people, such as having started living alone by going to school or getting a job, or being transferred to a single person, are a happy guide.

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