The Big Nagano-Higasi - Nagano

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact The Big Nagano-Higasi

住所 :

22-1 Ishiwata, Nagano, 381-0015, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 381-0015
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 7AM–10PM
Sunday 7AM–10PM
Monday 7AM–10PM
Tuesday 7AM–10PM
Wednesday 7AM–10PM
Thursday 7AM–10PM
Friday 7AM–10PM

22-1 Ishiwata, Nagano, 381-0015, Japan
ミッチー on Google

I looked around the store, but I had no desire to buy it, so I had no choice but to buy and eat bread at the bakery, but it was not delicious. That's too bad.
Rakuda K on Google

安い物もあるけど、以前より品揃えや使い勝手が悪くなったと思う。それと週末は駐車場がカオス。 近隣のライバル店が撤退したのが影響しているのかな。
There are cheap ones, but I think the product lineup and usability are worse than before. And the parking lot is chaos on weekends. I wonder if the withdrawal of a nearby rival store has an effect.
瑠璃(慧人) on Google

店で買ったものが家に買ったら無い。 マイバスケットなので店員さんが入れてるのでこちらは一切手をつけてないしレシートにも記載はある。電話しても謝罪もないし「見つかりましたら電話致します」と。 見つからなきゃ返金する気もないようでした。 客を疑ってるんだなと思いました。
I can't buy what I bought at the store at home. Since it is my basket, the clerk puts it in, so I haven't touched it at all and there is a description on the receipt. There was no apology even if I called, "I will call you if you find it." I didn't seem to want to refund if I couldn't find it. I thought I was suspicious of the customer.
56743きりや on Google

Anyway, the price of the product is cheap. Therefore, it was a pity that I couldn't buy it because it was sold out at night. Recently, I've been shopping within an hour of opening on weekends to solve this problem. It is good to be able to shop calmly.
アクア on Google

時間帯で凄く混んでいて毎月第二日曜は5%引きだからレジが凄い事になっている? 駐車場も少ないから時間をずらして行った方がいい感じ☝ 野菜は安いのが結構あったりパン類も種類はあるし中に小さいパン屋がある。 お総菜や弁当はちょっと少ないかな。
It's very crowded during the time, and the second Sunday of every month is a 5% discount, so the cash register is amazing ? There aren't many parking lots, so it's better to stagger the time ☝ Vegetables are cheap, but there are various types of bread, and there is a small bakery inside. I wonder if there are a few side dishes and lunch boxes.
ai- macaron on Google

(Translated by Google) I think sushi is considerably cheaper than other supermarkets. I like the material eggs because they are handmade like a sushi restaurant. There are many kinds of frozen foods and ice cream, and they are cheap overall. From time to time, there are bargains at the storefront and at the entrance on the east side, so be sure to check them. During this time, I bought the expensive Honeycomb Gel Cushion and Quick Clean Brush because they were in the 500 yen range when I bought them on TV shopping. However, when I was driving slowly in the parking lot to finish shopping because it was always crowded, I wondered if I misunderstood that I would park in the parking space where the car that came from the front was vacant. Suddenly in front of the car at a tremendous speed .... I was afraid that I would hit it> _ _<" 駐車場内は何かと気を付けた方がよいかもです。
m k on Google

何回か買い物に行ったが、毎回、品物に長い髪の毛がよく落ちていて気持ち悪い。 例えばトマトの上、刺身盛り合わせの上だったり、お惣菜のパックの上、ひき肉、アイスクリームの上等など。上げればきりがない。 お客さんのモノかもしれないが、店内をラウンドしている従業員は気にならないのだろうか?
I went shopping several times, but every time I had long hair on the item, I felt uncomfortable. For example, on tomatoes, assorted sashimi, on side dish packs, minced meat, ice cream, etc. There is no end to raising it. Maybe it's a customer's thing, but don't you care about the employees who are rounding the store?
響奏音 on Google

自宅から近いし安いのでいつも利用しています。 よく夕方行きますが、品出ししているおっさんは客が商品を見ていて邪魔だと睨みつけて強引に突っ込んでいるのを見たことあるし、レジの若い男の店員は前髪を何度も何度も触って直して、いらっしゃいませもなく、会計は声が小さく客を睨んでやけくそにやってて、感じ悪いです。社員教育をしたほうがいいと思います。
I always use it because it is close to my home and cheap. I often go in the evening, but I've seen the old man who is out of stock glaring at the product and glaring at it as an obstacle, and the young man at the checkout clerk has his bangs many times. I touched it many times, and I didn't have to come, and the accounting was unpleasant because I had a quiet voice and stared at the customers. I think it is better to educate employees.

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