Terroir Kawabata

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Terroir Kawabata

住所 :

Sotokanda, Chiyoda City, 〒101-0021 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : http://terroir-kawabata.co.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11:30AM–2PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2PM
Friday 11:30AM–2PM
街 : Tokyo
Description : Intimate venue for French-inspired set meals featuring soups, salads, seafood & meat dishes.

Sotokanda, Chiyoda City, 〒101-0021 Tokyo,Japan
po mi on Google

I had a lunch course. It was made carefully and carefully, and the ingredients were very particular, so it was delicious. I don't really choose beef in French, but the Tottori Wagyu rump steak I chose this time was good. I enjoyed white asparagus, which I definitely want to eat in spring, with a slightly different sauce using cherry prawns.
hara yu on Google

帰る際に、シェフ自らご挨拶に出てきてくださり、名刺まで。 この日私は、一人で、しかも仕事着にリュックという服装にもかかわらず… お客さんに分け隔てなく丁寧にご対応されるのだなぁと思いとても感動しました。 店内雰囲気 清潔感あります。 しつらえがクラシック。昭和の趣き。 接客 丁寧です。笑顔もあります。 親切でした。 ドリンク こちらもクラシックで安定感あるワインリスト。 フード 安心して食べれました。 新しいことやワクワクはないのですが、美味しいです。丁寧です。 パテは、芸術品のように美しく、そして最高に美味しかったです。
When you return, the chef will come out to say hello to you, and even a business card. On this day, I was alone, and despite being dressed in my back for work ... I was very impressed that I was able to respond carefully to customers. In-store atmosphere There is a feeling of cleanliness. The classic is classic. Showa's taste. Customer service It is polite. There is also a smile. It was kind. drink This is also a classic and stable wine list. hood I was able to eat with peace of mind. There is nothing new or exciting, but it is delicious. It is polite. The putty was as beautiful as a work of art and was delicious.
mary requiem on Google

コロナ休業明け最初の週末 大好きなお店を食べて応援しに来ました 何度訪れても常に感動させられる 経験に裏打ちされた至極の料理の数々 今回も全てに渡って満足の内容でしたが、コンソメスープの衝撃が一番印象的でした 誤魔化しの利かないシンプルな料理ほどお店のクオリティーをより物語ると思ってますが、旨味の塊なこのスープを体験出来たのは良かった しかもこれオンラインショップで購入可能ってのがまた凄いです メインの山鳩のパイ包み焼きも素晴らしかった その料理に合ったワインの数々、いつもながらの丁寧で温かい接客 私の中で現在不動のNo1フレンチ また宜しくお願いします ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 今回3年ぶりに来れましたが、私の中でここを超えるお店は今のところ存在しません もっと広くて高級感に溢れるお店は他にいくらでもありますが、普段遣いにそういう要素は私は求めません おしゃれなカフェのような気軽さで絶品フランス料理を食べられる最高のお店 それがテロワールカワバタ 川端シェフのこだわりの料理の数々は全てに渡って私を魅了します この内容でこの価格 次は何時行けるかなあ ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー JR御茶ノ水駅のホームからいつも見えていたお店。 興味があって予約して8,000円のコースを注文。 シェフ歴と同じぐらい研究してるというスモークサーモンが特筆の美味しさ。 一度殻剥きしてたべ易く一手間かけられた活オマール海老半身や川端シェフがライフワークとして30年以上研究してるスモークサーモンが兎に角もう絶品、どの料理も素材が素晴らしく、その素材の味を活かす濃すぎない繊細な味付けも見事。 チーズ盛り合わせを追加で注文しましたが、チーズの専門家セレクトによるクオリティの高い品でワインが更に進みます。 ワインセレクトも文句無く安酒が無い。 目利きが仕入れた一定レベル以上のワインは、料理との相性も間違いなし。 接客レベルも高く料理からワインの説明が的確で安心してお任せできました。 お店は小さいのでビストロですが、料理の質はビストロレベルを遥かに超えてて価格も安いと言わざるを得ない。 彼女や奥様をデートや記念日に連れて行ったら絶対喜ばれることでしょう。 これほどレベルの高い料理をこの価格で提供してくれるだけで頭が下がります。 自身、歴代ナンバー1の完璧なフレンチのお店です。 追記 期間限定クリスマスメニュー「ムニュ・ノエル」の写真を追加します
First weekend after corona holidays I came to support my favorite restaurant Always impressed no matter how many times you visit A number of exquisite dishes backed by experience This time as well, I was satisfied with everything, but the impact of the consomme soup was the most impressive I think the simpler the dish is, the simpler it is to convey the quality of the restaurant, but it was good that I was able to experience this soup with a good taste. Moreover, it is amazing that you can purchase it at the online shop. The main Yamato pigeon pie wrapped was also wonderful A variety of wines that match the dish, as usual with polite and warm hospitality No1 French which is currently immobile in me Thank you again --------------- It's been three years since I visited this time, but there are no shops that exceed me here for now. There are plenty of other stores that are wider and more luxurious, but I don't look for such elements in my everyday life. The best shop where you can eat exquisite French cuisine with the lightness of a fashionable cafe That is Terroir Kawabata Chef Kawabata's many specialties attract me over all This price with this content What time can I go next? --------------- The shop that was always visible from the platform of JR Ochanomizu Station. I was interested and booked and ordered the 8,000 yen course. Smoked salmon, which is researched as much as chef's history, is a special note. It's easy to eat once it's shelled, and it takes a lot of effort to eat half-lived lobster and smoked salmon that Chef Kawabata has been studying for more than 30 years as a life work. The delicate seasoning that is not too dark to utilize is also wonderful. I ordered an additional cheese platter, but the wine goes even further with high quality products selected by cheese experts. There is no wine in the wine select. Wines of a certain level or higher purchased by connoisseurs will definitely go well with food. The customer service level was high and the explanation of wine from food was accurate and I was able to leave it with confidence. The restaurant is bistro because it is small, but the quality of the food is far beyond the bistro level and the price is low. If you take her or your wife to a date or anniversary, you'll definitely be delighted. Just head over to the food at such a high price. It's the perfect French restaurant of its own. Addendum Add a photo of the limited-time Christmas menu "Munyu Noel"
新井紘緒 on Google

行きたい、行きたいと思いながらなかなか行けませんでしたが、やっと来れました。 ランチにもかかわらず、結構なボリューム感です。 自分自身料理にそんなに詳しい訳では無いので、そんな人はシェフのおまかせコースを。一番良いと思います。 一番良かった、と思います。 全て美味しいです。 特に、メインの肉が絶品でした。 スタッフの方、丁寧で親切感に溢れていらっしゃいました。 料理はもちろんですが、接客担当者の対応一つで、過ごす時間を何倍も良いモノにしてくれます。 友達と二人、楽しくお昼の時間を過ごせて幸せです。 ありがとうございました。また行けます様に。
I couldn't go because I wanted to go, but I finally came. Despite lunch, it is quite voluminous. I'm not so familiar with cooking myself, so if you're such a person, take the chef's entrusted course. I think it's the best. I think it was the best. Everything is delicious. Especially, the main meat was excellent. The staff were polite and kind. Not to mention cooking, one of the customer service staff will make the time you spend many times better. I am happy to have a good lunch with my friends. Thank you very much. I hope you can go again.
wako kudeken on Google

御茶ノ水の近くのフレンチ。ずっと気になっていましたがいつも満席でやっと来れました(^^) 友人と短いコースで。お席は隣り合う方式で斬新でおもしろかったです? 真鯛のパイ包み焼きが形も可愛くて美味美味(^^) 雰囲気も居心地もよく、最後にシェフがご挨拶に来てくださりありがとうございます。ごちそうさまでした(^^)
French near Ochanomizu. I've been worried for a long time, but I was always full and finally came (^^) In a short course with friends. The seats were next to each other and were novel and interesting ? The shape of the red sea bream pie wrapped is cute and delicious (^^) The atmosphere and coziness are good, and thank you for the chef's greeting at the end. Thank you for your feast (^^)
R Ringo on Google

初めていきましたが、お店き入った途端とても対応の良い女性が案内してくれました。ワインもソムリエの方が一緒に選んで下さり、どのお料理も大満足でしたが真鯛のパイ包みは最高に美味しかった〜 又是非来まーす✨
I went there for the first time, but as soon as I entered the store, a very responsive woman guided me. The sommelier chose the wine together, and I was very satisfied with all the dishes, but the red sea bream pie wrap was the best.
丹羽きよみ on Google

全てが美味しい!飽きさせない! 何よりスタッフさんが楽しくて、居心地満点です。ソースが美味しくて、その都度、パンを次々足していただけるので、どんどん食べ進めてしまいます。自家製の梅とか柚子とか…。そんな話も、美味しさを倍増させます。スタッフさんに話しかけて、美味しさの秘密を聞きましょう。本当に素敵なお店です。息子夫婦に感謝です。
Everything is delicious! Don't get bored! Above all, the staff are fun and comfortable. The sauce is delicious and you can add bread one after another each time, so you will continue to eat more and more. Homemade plums and yuzu ... Such a story also doubles the deliciousness. Talk to the staff and ask them the secret of their deliciousness. It's a really nice shop. I am grateful to my son and his wife.
Yuko kaji on Google

I used it for lunch. My husband has a regular lunch course, and I have a light lunch (either fish or meat). I enjoyed every dish, taste and appearance. The wine was a glass of wine, so I don't know the selection of bottles, but it was reasonable and easy to drink. We entered the store casually during the walk, but it is recommended to make a reservation due to the number of seats.

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