Terra Acupuncture Orthopedic Clinic

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Terra Acupuncture Orthopedic Clinic

住所 :

Central, Iwanuma, 〒989-2432 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://lin.ee/uXUX6Fg
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–8PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–8PM
Tuesday 9AM–8PM
Wednesday 9AM–8PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 9AM–8PM
街 : Miyagi

Central, Iwanuma, 〒989-2432 Miyagi,Japan
MARIKO on Google

その人その人にあった治療を、分かりやすい説明を加えながら、適切に治療してくれるのでとても良かったです。院長も話しやすい方なので、分からないことや疑問に思ってることを直接聞くと、それに対しても真剣に教えてくれるので、すごく助かりました!(あーそういう事だったのかーと初めて思ったこと多数ありw) 院の雰囲気もよくて、小さい子供を連れて行ってもキッズスペースも完備してて、患者さんや院長も賑やかに会話してるので、全く気にせず行ける感じで、他の院とはちょっと違う、アットホームな接骨院だなと感じました( ​*´꒳`* ​) 中は人工芝ということもあって、ボールを蹴って遊んでても全く問題ない感じです笑 (うちの息子はドリブル練習してますw) 自分も通ってますが、小学2年の息子、中学2年の息子はサッカーで疲れた体を週1くらいでほぐしてもらいに行ってます! 先日大事な大会で怪我をしてしまい、またすぐ試合がある為、院長にどうにか治してほしいとお願いしたところ、快く受け入れてくれて無事に試合に出ることができました! それも踏まえて…全てにおいて患者の気持ちと真剣に向き合ってくれるとてもいい接骨院です! 是非、体の不調がある場合はオススメします!
I am very glad that the treatment that suits the person is treated appropriately while adding easy-to-understand explanations. The director is also an easy-to-speak person, so if you ask him directly what he doesn't understand or have doubts about, he will tell you seriously about it, which was very helpful! (Ah, there are many things I thought for the first time that it was that kind of thing w) The atmosphere of the hospital is good, there is a kids' space even if you bring small children, and the patients and the director are having lively conversations, so you can go without worrying about it at all, which is a little different from other hospitals. , I felt that it was a cozy osteopathic clinic (* ´꒳` *) The inside is artificial turf, so it feels like there is no problem playing by kicking the ball lol (My son is practicing dribbling w) I also go there, but my son in the second grade of elementary school and my son in the second grade of junior high school go to have their bodies tired from soccer relaxed about once a week! I was injured in an important tournament the other day, and there will be a match soon, so I asked the director to heal me, but he was willing to accept me and I was able to play the match safely! With that in mind ... It's a very good osteopathic clinic that takes the patient's feelings seriously in everything! By all means, I recommend it if you have any physical problems!
nao okada on Google

親切、丁寧、色々と教えてくださる院長先生!長年の姿勢の悪さや歩き方など、通い始めて少しずつ改善されてきました。色々な接骨院に伺いましたが、今までで1番いいです!私の症状を細かく把握して頂き、丁寧に施術してくださいます。 そして何よりも子供連れで行っても嫌な顔ひとつせず、むしろいつも一緒に遊んでくれるスタッフの方々! 安心して施術してもらえます!
Kindness, politeness, the director who teaches us various things! For many years, my bad posture and walking style have improved little by little since I started going. I visited various osteopathic clinics, but it's the best I've ever had! Please understand my symptoms in detail and treat them carefully. And above all, the staff who always play with us without making a disgusting face even if we go with children! You can have the treatment with confidence!
m m on Google

開院はじめの広告は派手だったので行こうと思わなかったのですが、旦那が通い始めて話を聞いてるうちに通ってみたくなり、行ってみると、、 いつでも皆さん笑顔で対応してくれて、待ち時間もなくすぐ対応してくださります✨ 施術中も程よくお話ししてくれたり、寝てしまったり(笑) 痛いところの原因を詳しく教えてくださいます! 話しやすい先生達なので相談もしやすいです! 駐車場があるので車で行くこともありますが、家から近いので散歩がてら通えるのも嬉しいです! これからもよろしくお願いします✨
I didn't want to go because the advertisement at the beginning of the hospital was flashy, but when my husband started to go and listened to the story, I wanted to go, and when I went, Everyone will always smile and respond immediately without waiting ✨ He talked to me moderately during the procedure and fell asleep (laughs) Please tell me the cause of the pain in detail! The teachers are easy to talk to, so it's easy to talk to them! Since there is a parking lot, I sometimes go by car, but it's nice to be able to go for a walk because it's close to my house! Thank you for your continued support ✨
S O on Google

以前子供が部活動で捻挫した際大変お世話になりました☺️何度も繰り返していた捻挫で、整形外科へ受診をしていましたが方向転換ということで、こちらの整骨院へ受診したところ思った以上に早く治癒することができました。 阿部先生も、子供にも親にも詳しく丁寧に治療の説明をしてくださるのでとても安心して通院することができました。 歩く姿勢や、骨盤の歪み等も矯正していただき、今ではすっかり繰り返していた捻挫がなくなりました! とても良い整骨院ですよ⭐️
I was indebted to my child when he was sprained in club activities before. I was able to heal faster than I expected. Dr. Abe also explained the treatment in detail to both children and parents, so I was able to go to the hospital with great peace of mind. I had you correct the walking posture and the distortion of the pelvis, and now I have completely eliminated the repeated sprains! It's a very good osteopathic clinic ⭐️
a A on Google

娘の姿勢が気になり通院しました。 小学生の娘なので初めは緊張していましたが阿部院長の優しく話しやすいところに惹かれ何度も通わせていただいております。娘自信も自分の身体の変化に気づけるためとても喜んでおり、岩沼から少し遠いところから通院していますが、それでも通いたくなる接骨院です!!
I was worried about my daughter's posture and went to the hospital. I was nervous at first because I was a daughter of an elementary school student, but I was attracted to the kind and easy-to-speak place of Director Abe, and I have been attending many times. My daughter's self-confidence is also very pleased to notice the changes in her body, and although she goes to the hospital from a little far from Iwanuma, it is still an osteopathic clinic that makes me want to go!
齋藤りりあ on Google

腰が痛く仰向けに寝るのも辛い状況だったので通院しました? 院長先生がとても親身になって話を聞いてくれて、的確な治療をしてくださり腰がすごく楽になりました! 痛みを取ってくれるだけじゃなく原因を丁寧に説明してくれて姿勢の悪さから改善してもらいました。今では痛みが出る前に定期的に通わせてもらってます? 院の雰囲気も良く子供が遊ぶスペースもあって子供連れとかでも安心して通えると思います!
I had a pain in my back and it was difficult to sleep on my back, so I went to the hospital ? The director was very kind and listened to me, and he gave me proper treatment, which made my back much easier! Not only did he get rid of the pain, but he also explained the cause carefully and asked me to improve from my poor posture. Now I get regular attendance before I get pain ? The atmosphere of the hospital is good and there is a space for children to play, so even if you are traveling with children, you can go there with peace of mind!
サトエナジー on Google

歯のくいしばり、頭痛、肩凝りが酷くて来院しました。歯医者さんに行ってマウスピースも作ってみたのですが根本的な解決にはならず、ご相談したところ、阿部院長にそれらは姿勢が関係しているという説明をして頂き、なるほど!と腹落ちしたのを覚えています。 今は定期的に通わせてもらって、だいぶ噛み締めが無くなり、身体が楽になりました。 それから姿勢が良くなって来たことで、スタイルが良く見えるようになってきたのが嬉しい副産物です。 また、院長先生と趣味のお話をしたり、世間話をするのも楽しみの一つとなっています。 スタッフの皆さんもいつも温かく迎えてくださりありがとうございます。これからもお世話になりたいと思っています。よろしくお願い致します。
I came to the hospital because of severe tooth clenching, headache, and stiff shoulders. I went to a dentist and tried to make a mouthpiece, but it was not a fundamental solution, and when I consulted with him, Director Abe explained that they were related to posture, and I see! I remember feeling hungry. Now that I've been able to attend regularly, I've lost a lot of clenching and my body has become easier. It's a nice by-product that my style has improved as my posture has improved. Also, it is one of the pleasures to talk about hobbies and small talk with the director. Thank you to all the staff for always warmly welcoming you. I would like to continue to take care of you. I look forward to working with you.
ardn on Google

院長先生やスタッフの方々がとても優しく、施術に関しても丁寧な説明と対応をしてくださいます。 首と肩の痛みで来院したのですが、ハイボルトという機械を使用した治療後に、肩の凝り固まった筋肉が緩むのを実感出来たのは驚きでした。 その後トムソンベッドという身体のバランスを整えるベッドも使って治療して頂きましたが、これもまた治療後に姿勢が正されたのをしっかり感じる事が出来ました。 これまで沢山の接骨院へ足を運びましたが、治療前後でしっかり効果を感じることが出来る信頼できる接骨院だと思いました。 施術の際にバキバキと矯正されるのではないか?など痛みに不安もありましたが、院長先生が丁寧に声掛けしてくださるので大丈夫でした。 普段からの姿勢の悪さを改善したいと思っていましたが、terra接骨院ならしっかりと治療効果を感じながら通院出来そうです。 スポーツをされている子供さんから、関節痛のある高齢者まで幅広い年齢の方が通院されているようです。 普段あまり口コミなど書きませんが、施術後の効果実感に衝撃を受けたので書かせて頂きました。接骨院に初めて通院される方、悩まれている方、どこへ行っても効果が感じられない方などは一度こちらへ足を運ばれてみてはいかがでしょうか?
The director and staff are very kind and will give detailed explanations and support regarding the treatment. I came to the hospital because of pain in my neck and shoulders, but I was surprised to find that the stiff muscles in my shoulders were loosened after treatment using a machine called Hibolt. After that, I was treated using a Thomson bed, which is a bed that balances my body, and I was able to feel that my posture was corrected after the treatment. I have visited many osteopathic clinics so far, but I thought that it was a reliable osteopathic clinic where I could feel the effects before and after the treatment. Isn't it corrected at the time of treatment? I was worried about the pain, but it was okay because the director politely spoke to me. I wanted to improve my poor posture, but at terra Seikkotsuin, I think I can go to the hospital while feeling the therapeutic effect. It seems that people of all ages, from children playing sports to the elderly with joint pain, go to the hospital. I don't usually write word-of-mouth, but I was shocked by the effect after the treatment, so I wrote it. If you are visiting the osteopathic clinic for the first time, are worried about it, or if you can't feel the effect wherever you go, why don't you visit here?

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