ペットアミ 長岡店

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ペットアミ 長岡店

住所 :

Terajimamachi, Nagaoka, 〒940-2101 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://www.pets-starman.jp/pets/pets_ks_4
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–8PM
Sunday 9AM–8PM
Monday 9AM–7PM
Tuesday 9AM–7PM
Wednesday 9AM–7PM
Thursday 9AM–7PM
Friday 9AM–7PM
街 : Niigata

Terajimamachi, Nagaoka, 〒940-2101 Niigata,Japan
かずひろ on Google

I always get me to buy medaka here. Clerk is also kind and polite.
S Nam on Google

子猫の片目が風邪のせいかひどく病んでるのにそのまま展示。 目薬くらい点眼してあげられないんか!
Even if one eye of the kitten is severely ill due to a cold, it is displayed as it is. Can you give me as much eye drops?
渚美月 on Google

I was looking for a case for reptiles, and when I called before going, a very kind female staff member read out the product name, such as which product was available! I'm glad I found what I wanted! Great phone support!
魚屋まんぼう on Google

爬虫類用の生き餌(イエコオロギ)を購入するため来店。 普段は他店で購入していたが大雪で行けず、こちらを利用させて頂いたが、他店の倍以上の値段がして驚いた。飼育している子達は餌の値段なんて分からず食べていたけど……。 2回目に行った時は丁度生き餌の成長度合いが足りていなかったのか半分以上死んだようなものが一つだけ。さすがに買わずに帰った。 飼ってる子達は喜んで食べていたので星3。
Visited to buy live food for reptiles (house cricket). I usually bought it at another store, but I couldn't go because of heavy snow, so I used this one, but I was surprised that the price was more than double that of other stores. The breeding children didn't know the price of the food and ate it ... When I went for the second time, there was only one thing that seemed to have died more than half, probably because the growth of live food was not enough. I went home without buying it. The children I had were happy to eat, so I got 3 stars.
h k on Google

猫用の商品の品揃えが良く、他のお店で探しても見つからなかった商品が置いてあったので、とても助かりました(リターロッカーのカートリッジ)。 普段愛用している猫砂も、1袋あたりの値段が他のお店より70円程安かったので、今後はこちらのお店にお世話になると思います。小動物もいるみたいですが、あまり臭いは気になりませんでした。セルフレジも置いてありました。
The product lineup for cats was good, and there were some products that I couldn't find in other stores, which was very helpful (liter locker cartridge). The price per bag of cat sand, which I usually use, was about 70 yen cheaper than other stores, so I think I'll be indebted to this store in the future. It seems that there are small animals, but I didn't really care about the smell. There was also a self-checkout.
みみみみ on Google

猫用品を探しに来店。 近くの同業他社に比べて、品数豊富で選ぶのも困るくらい。ただ、あまり店員さんがいないので、聞きたい事があっても探さないといけない。
I came to the store to look for cat supplies. Compared to other companies in the same industry nearby, there are so many items to choose from. However, there aren't many clerk, so I have to find something I want to ask.
2児のパパ on Google

夫婦でレオパを買おうということで、こちらのお店のレオパに一目惚れして来店しました。 初めてということで何も知識がなかったのですが、対応してくれた店員さんが一から十まで丁寧に説明して下さいました。 本当に好きなのが伝わってくるような説明でした。何かあったり分からない事があったらまた来てください。と丁寧な対応までしてくださいました。
I fell in love with Leopa at this shop because I wanted to buy Leopa as a couple. I didn't have any knowledge because it was my first time, but the clerk who responded politely explained from 1 to 10. It was an explanation that conveys what I really like. If you have any questions, please come again. Thank you for your polite response.
木村門助 on Google

2016年頃にこちらの小動物コーナーでヒョウモントカゲモドキをお迎えしました。 今も元気に生きています。 当時のコーナー内は綺麗に管理が行き届いていたのですが、本日久しぶりに訪問した所小動物(特に爬虫類)のケージ内にフンが散乱… 明らかに掃除をサボっているとしか言いようがないくらいに汚く、ケージ内の生体達も皆元気が無いように見えました 同じ爬虫類を飼育している身からするととても悲しい気持ちになってしまいました… 担当の方にこのクチコミが届くのか分かりませんが、もう少し命を預かっている責任を自覚して丁寧にお世話をしてあげて欲しいです。
Around 2016, we welcomed the Leopard Gecko at this small animal corner. I am still alive and well. The inside of the corner at that time was well managed, but the dung was scattered in the cages of small animals (especially reptiles) that I visited for the first time in a long time today ... It was so dirty that I could only say that I was clearly skipping cleaning, and all the living organisms in the cage seemed to be sick. I feel very sad because I keep the same reptiles ... I don't know if this review will reach the person in charge, but I would like you to be aware of the responsibility of taking care of your life a little more and take good care of it.

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