
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact かいがけの道

住所 :

Tera, Katano, 〒576-0006 Osaka,Japan

街 : Osaka

Tera, Katano, 〒576-0006 Osaka,Japan
樋上浩司 on Google

This old road ... good atmosphere ...
rooshige on Google

History is interesting
肯定ペンギン on Google

There is an old stele.
デッキ56 on Google

I think it's a fun mountain course with ups and downs, walking on small ridges, and bamboo grove.
田原禎美 on Google

これからの季節 ハイキングコースとしては最適だと思います
I think it's the best hiking course for the coming season
guumaguuma on Google

Enter from the side road of Sumiyoshi Shrine. It is a gentle uphill until the branch between Mt. Ryuo and Hoji on the way. There is no scenery, but there are stone monuments, so you can climb without getting tired of it. The distance is not so long, and you can reach the shrine from the shrine in about 30 minutes to an hour.
林成人 on Google

Kaigake Jizo. It seems that it was the main road connecting Kawachi and Yamato.
Chan NU on Google

かいがけの道 先日は交野山の観音岩より三宝荒神さんにお参りして石仏の道より色々な石仏を拝みながら歩いたので、今回は奈良・平安・室町時代に賑わった歴史街道「かいがけの道」を歩きにやってきた。 住吉神社横のの、かいがけの道の石標からそこそこの坂をくねくねと登ったところの北の道端に、「石清水八幡宮」、「柳谷伏拝」、「愛宕山大権現」の3つの伏拝、まずは合掌。メモを片手に、柳谷は眼の仏様、愛宕さんは鎮火の神様、八幡さんは、、、このあたりは昔、八幡さんの荘園であった関係や、開運の神様であるとをメモと石仏を照らし合わせ「うんうん」っと分かったフリをしながら。伏拝みの辻から、ほどなく上がった西の少し開けた所に「二月堂」の伏拝を見つける。二月堂は、(ここ一番)の際に助けて貰う観音様だって。このあたりに野崎観音山があるとのことだが見落とした。さらに登ると、薮の北の台地に、「おっ! かいがけ地蔵」が、。なんでも歯痛が治るとか、その後ろに弘法大師堂があったらしい、が、その痕跡すらわからず。で、伏拝って何だろうって説明を読むと、遥拝所(処)みたいな昔の人々の信仰の知恵だったみたい。自分の住処の近場に碑を設けて目的の堂への拝の代替とするらしい。現在で言うところのイメトレさながらです、 言葉や表現変われども昔も今も考える事って一緒みたいですネ。合掌
Kaigake no Michi The other day, I visited Sanpo Aragami from Kannoniwa in Koyasan and walked while worshiping various stone Buddhas from the stone Buddha road, so this time I will walk on the historical highway "Kaigake no Michi" that was crowded during the Nara, Heian, and Muromachi periods. came. Next to Sumiyoshi Shrine, on the north roadside where you climbed a moderate slope from the stone marker on the Kaigake road, there are three worships, "Iwashimizu Hachimangu", "Yanagiya Fushiogami", and "Atagoyama Daigongen". First of all, Gassho. With a memo in one hand, Yanagiya is the Buddha of the eyes, Atago is the god of fire extinguishing, and Hachiman is ... While pretending to understand "Yeah" by comparing them. From Tsuji of Fushiogami, you will find the Fushiogami of "Nigatsudo" in a slightly open place in the west. Nigatsudo is Kannon-sama who will help me during (the best here). I heard that there is Nozaki Kannonyama around here, but I overlooked it. If you climb further, you will find "Oh! Kaigake Jizo" on the northern plateau of the bush. It seems that there was a Kobo Daishido behind it, but I don't even know the traces of it. Then, when I read the explanation of what it was like to worship, it seems that it was the wisdom of the faith of old people like Harukasho. It seems that a monument will be set up near the place of residence to replace the worship at the target temple. It's just like what I'm talking about now, it seems like it's the same thing to think about in the past and even now, even though the words and expressions have changed. Gassho

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