Koyo Takata Clinic - Nagaoka

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Koyo Takata Clinic

住所 :

1 Chome-8-17 Fujisawa, Nagaoka, Niigata 940-2011, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Postal code : 940-2011
Webサイト : http://koyotakata.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–12:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–12:30PM
Thursday 9AM–12:30PM
Friday 9AM–12:30PM

1 Chome-8-17 Fujisawa, Nagaoka, Niigata 940-2011, Japan
suke tako on Google

I was relieved to have an easy-to-understand explanation (^_^)
地元すき on Google

A very reliable teacher. Nurses feel good too.
新井修 on Google

Mr. Takada, who used to see a kidney at a central hospital, isn't it?
Mariko Ladrillono on Google

頭痛の為、痛み止めの薬をもらえないかお願いした所処方していただけませんでした。 薬だけをもらいにくる患者をよく思われていらっしゃらないというのが一番の理由だと思いますが、先生の物の言い方「海外に引っ越しするから薬がほしいとかはっきり言って私の知ったこっちゃない」とか、「おくすり手帳もないのに頭痛専門でもない当院で薬を処方しろというのは魚屋で肉をくださいと言っているようなもんだ」というようなたとえ話?をされ、大変嫌な気持ちになりました。 その後違うクリニックを受診した所、症状に合わせて薬の説明をしていただき、処方についても問題ありませんでした。 江陽高田医院は割と評判が良いと聞いていた分がっかりです。
Because of a headache, I was asked if I could get a medicine for pain relief, so I could not prescribe it. I think the number one reason is that people don't often think of patients who come only to receive medicines, but the teacher's saying is, ``I'm moving abroad and I really want to get medicines Or a parable like, "I don't have a medicine notebook, but I'm not a headache specialist, to prescribe drugs at our hospital is like giving me meat at a fish shop." I was very disgusted by it. After that, when I visited a different clinic, I was told about the drug according to my symptoms, and there was no problem with prescription. I was disappointed when I heard that Koyo Takada Clinic had a relatively good reputation.
rei nonbell on Google

1年前、祖母が入居していた施設から近く、高血圧の薬を処方されていたこともあり高熱が出て叔母と一緒に受診しました。受診したときは熱が下がっていましたが、聴診器で胸の音も聴かずすぐに返されたそうです。その2日後、祖母の容態が悪化し緊急入院。肺炎で胸水も大量に溜まっていて、2週間後に亡くなりました。高齢だったので寿命だと家族は思っていますが、もう少し長生できたとも思っています。 受診していたときから人の話も聞かず診察もせず対応は酷かったそうですが、お薬だけだったので我慢していたそうです。
One year ago, I was close to the facility where my grandmother was living, and I was prescribed a medicine for high blood pressure, so I had a high fever and I visited with my aunt. My fever was falling when I had a medical examination, but it was said that the sound of the chest was not heard by the stethoscope and it was returned immediately. Two days later, my grandmother's condition deteriorated and she was hospitalized urgently. He had pneumonia and a large amount of pleural effusion, and died two weeks later. I think my family is old because I am old, but I think I could have a little longer. It seems that the correspondence was severe without having consulted and did not hear the talk of the person from the time of the medical examination, but it was said that he had endured because it was only the medicine.
tadashi motomura on Google

高血圧のため受診しています。 もともとは他の医院に行っていましたが、先生の専門分野が高血圧だと友人に聞いて通院を始めました。 やはり専門の先生に見ていただける安心感がありますし、質問をすると的確に指示をくださるのでありがたいです。 自分の印象としては、患者さんは高齢の方が多いかなと思います。 院内は和風な落ち着いた雰囲気の医院さんです。 いつも綺麗に掃除されていますし、スタッフさんの対応も良く、いつ行っても笑顔で対応して下さるので安心して通院できます。
I am consulting because of high blood pressure. Originally I went to another clinic, but I asked my friends that the special field of teacher is high blood pressure and started hospital visit. Again there is a sense of security that you can see in a professional teacher and thank you for giving instructions as soon as you ask a question. As an impression of myself, I think that there are many elderly patients. The hospital is a Japanese style clinic in a calm atmosphere. It is always cleaned beautifully, and the staff's correspondence is also good, even when you go, I will correspond with a smile so you can go to hospital with confidence.
かおる on Google

以前、江陽医院があった時は夕方仕事終わりに通えるところが中々ない中とても助かってました。 高田医院に代わってから、数回通いました。 ある日、仕事終わりに胸が苦しくて電話で相談したところ看護師の方からいらして下さいとの事。 到着後に看護師の方から丁寧に状況を聞いて頂きましたが、いざ診察となると先生は『これはうちじゃないんじゃないかなーどうして来たの?』みたいな・・・診察してくれよ。 苦しんでる患者を目の前に即終了もちろんお金は請求されました。 そして、他に紹介や気遣いもなく帰宅しました。 あんな切ない思いをしたのは初めてでした。 星も付けたくないくらいです。 何が起きても2度と通いたくない医院です。
Previously, when there was a Koyo clinic, it was very helpful because there were not enough places to go to work at the end of the evening. I went to the hospital several times since I was replaced by Takada Clinic. One day, at the end of work, I had a hard time and I consulted over the phone. When I arrived, the nurse carefully asked me about the situation, but at the time of the medical examination, the teacher said, "Isn't this a home? ] ... look at me. Immediately ending in front of the suffering patient Of course the money was charged. And he came home without any other introductions or concerns. It was the first time that I felt so sad. I don't want to have any stars. No matter what happens, I do not want to go again.
micyuboo urat on Google

先生はハッキリ言うタイプで患者の事を思って言ってくれて、厳しくもあり優しい先生です。 看護婦さんも皆いい方達で不快はないです。 院内もキレイで清潔です。

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