味比べ味探しのお店 こびと

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 味比べ味探しのお店 こびと

住所 :

Teppocho, Naka Ward, 〒730-0017 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8897
Webサイト : https://ja-jp.facebook.com/ajikurabe.ajisagasi.noomise.kobito/
街 : Hiroshima

Teppocho, Naka Ward, 〒730-0017 Hiroshima,Japan
K Y-ama on Google

一見さん、勇気を持って扉開けましょ。 広島の夜を楽しむには最高のお店です。 コロナ禍で大変かと思いますが、頑張ってください!!!
At first glance, let's open the door with courage. It's the best place to enjoy the night in Hiroshima. I think it will be difficult due to the corona virus, but please do your best! !! !!
#3ポルグラ on Google

店長自ら全国各地を巡り、試飲して集めてきた日本酒や焼酎達が沢山置いてある素晴らしいお店です✨ 日本酒や焼酎など、何を飲んだら良いかわからない、どう頼んで良いかわからない人にもオススメのお店❗「ほとんど飲まないのでよくわからないんですけど〜」と伝えると真剣にお酒を考えてくれますよ?店主の酒知識は聞いてて楽しいです? また、奥様が作られてる料理もめちゃめちゃ美味しい‼️‼️ ホント、何を頼んでも美味しいです✨ 完全に奥様の料理のファンになってます(笑) 是非試しに行ってみて下さい✨
It is a wonderful shop where the manager himself travels all over the country, tasting and collecting a lot of sake and shochu. Recommended for people who don't know what to drink, such as sake or shochu, or who don't know how to order ❗ If you say "I don't really understand because I rarely drink", think seriously about sake. Masuyo ? It's fun to hear the owner's knowledge of sake ? Also, the food that his wife is making is really delicious! ️‼ ️ Really, it's delicious no matter what you ask I'm completely a fan of his wife's cooking (laughs) Please give it a try ✨
徳永孝道 on Google

The small space is full of kindness and energy. Being healed by your husband and wife, you can get drunk with fine sake and chic ate.
淳史 on Google

昨年、おじゃましました。 このお店の前に食事はしたので、おつまみと各地の日本酒、机に並べて瓶を愛でながら頂きました。 お店の方もとても気さくで好みのお酒の味を伝えるとおすすめを出して頂きました。とても良い時間を過ごせました。ありがとうございます。
I was bothered last year. I had a meal in front of this shop, so I enjoyed the snacks, sake from various places, and the bottles lined up on the desk. The shop staff was very friendly and recommended that they convey the taste of their favorite sake. I had a very good time. thank you.
mksch00l on Google

日本酒と焼酎の和酒バーで良いお店です、しかし、こだわりが商売に影響しそうで、儲けは大丈夫なのかなあとお客ながらも心配になってしまうw マスターは全国の蔵元を飛び回っているので、不定休が多く、訪問される際には、事前にFBで確認された方が良いです
It is a good shop with sake and shochu, but it is likely to affect the business, and it will be anxious to make money even after the customer w Since the master is flying around the country's storehouse, there are many unscheduled holidays, and when visiting, it is better to be confirmed with FB in advance
Mr. O on Google

The hospitality full of hospitality is wonderful, as well as the shopkeeper's search for sake and shochu.
maile kaluhea on Google

美味しい日本酒を少しずつ楽しめます。 奥様が作るおつまみも美味しいですよ。 小さなお店なので、少人数でお出かけください。飲み過ぎ注意。
You can enjoy delicious sake little by little. The snacks made by his wife are also delicious. This is a small shop, so please go out with a small number of people. Be careful not to drink too much.
ごちゃんくみ on Google

Refurbished! First ????? Good luck shopkeeper and Aya-chan! Congratulations on your 5th anniversary!

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