湊一や 広島中央通り店

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 湊一や 広島中央通り店

住所 :

Horikawacho, Naka Ward, 〒730-0033 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : http://minatoichiya.dkdining.com/hiroshima/
街 : Hiroshima

Horikawacho, Naka Ward, 〒730-0033 Hiroshima,Japan
Takeshi Yamamoto on Google

It is clean and the food is delicious.
敬済 on Google

The atmosphere in the store is good!
佐伯 里枝 on Google

It was cheap and fresh
淳吉村 on Google

He relaxed in a private room and responded promptly and politely as requested at the time of booking.
田中直樹 on Google

刺し盛り7種盛り頼んだら6種でマグロは赤身しか無いこのクオリティで2000円は考えられない 季節の魚はあるにしても写真と全く違う 写真を載せたマグロの頰肉のステーキは並べ方にも配慮が全く無いし食べる気にもならない そもそも頰肉出せてトロでないとか意味がわからない 値段の割に全く納得できない 2度とこない
If you ask for 7 kinds of sashimi, 6 kinds and tuna is only lean. 2000 yen is unthinkable with this quality Even if there are seasonal fish, it is completely different from the photo The tuna cheek meat steak with the photo is not considered to be arranged at all and I do not feel like eating it In the first place, I do not understand the meaning that it is not Toro because I can put out cheek meat I can't quite agree with the price Never come again
Y T on Google

どれも美味しかったです。 特にカマ焼きは最高でした! お高めです。 注意:パインサワーにレモンが添えられていますが全く合いませんので絞らない事をお勧めします。
They are all delicious. Especially the sickle yaki was the best! It's expensive. Note: Pineapple sour is served with lemon, but it doesn't fit at all, so we recommend not squeezing it.
Linda Lee on Google

The 7 sashimi platter and miso soup was good. However, they charged me 518yen as table charge which I thought was quite expensive considering I am 1person... They didn't tell me there would be a fee. When I asked them what the the oder was they said appetizer, then I said I didn't not order an appetizer other than soup, they then told me it's table charge.
Joe Bardon on Google

Excellent food but a touch on the pricy side.

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