Tenyo Noda - Osaka

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tenyo Noda

住所 :

4 Chome-9-13 Yoshino, Fukushima Ward, Osaka, 553-0006, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 553-0006
Webサイト : http://www.tenyou.jp/

4 Chome-9-13 Yoshino, Fukushima Ward, Osaka, 553-0006, Japan
李景旭 on Google

I couldn't forget the deliciousness of the chin-dashi ramen I ate about a year ago, so I came back to the store, but the saltiness that came out was so salty that it trembled! Before I asked for a large serving, I did my best, but immediately spit in the toilet, that saltiness can kill people! I will never go again!

にんにくラーメン、多くのラーメン店をレビューしてきましたが 天洋さんがナンバーワンです? 刻みニンニクが たっぷり入ってます
I've reviewed many ramen shops, garlic ramen, but Tenyo is number one ? It has plenty of chopped garlic.
岡恭平 on Google

Kラーメン、ミニカレー頂きました♪ 価格はサラリーマンには少し高く感じましたが、美味しかったです。 店員さん優し!
I got K ramen and mini curry ♪ The price felt a little high for office workers, but it was delicious. The clerk is kind!
N Y on Google

I often go to lunch! You can also have a set meal with ramen! You can do your best to work from garlic with a lot of garlic and garlic power. The capacity is also good, so you can eat comfortably and go home. This is a recommended store.
あい on Google

店前には誰も並んでおらず店に入ると、片付け次第すぐにご案内しますと言われ外で並んでいて 先にお並びのお客様と言われたので行くと 他の店員があとから来た人を先に通し その人達が全員でコンビニに行っていて並んでなかったけど先なんでと意味不明な回答。 並んでおらず順番の記入もないのにあとから来た人を先に通している時点で不快。 謝罪も特になくて驚きました。 ラーメンのチャーシューはほぼ全て脂で食べれる部分はほとんどなし。 チャーハンはべちゃべちゃ、卵は先に炒めてるはずなのに生の部分が多くある。 ランチ時の店員のお姉さんはしっかりと接客してくださっていて 今まで夜中に行って並んだときもそんなことはなかったのに 今回の店員の言い方、案内の仕方、内容的に最悪でした。 今後今日の店員がいる時は二度と行きません。
No one was lined up in front of the store, and when I entered the store, I was told that I would guide you as soon as I cleaned it up and lined up outside. I was told that the customers were in line first, so when I went The other clerk will pass the person who came later first All of them went to the convenience store and didn't line up, but the answer was unclear. It's unpleasant at the time when people who come later are passed first even though they are not lined up and there is no entry in the order. I was surprised that there was no particular apology. Almost all ramen char siu is fat and has almost no edible part. The fried rice is messy, and the eggs are supposed to be fried first, but there are many raw parts. The clerk's older sister at lunch was serving customers well I didn't do that when I went and lined up in the middle of the night The way the clerk said this time, the way of guiding, and the content were the worst. I will never go again when there is a clerk today.
hvh hoang on Google

そぼろセット(とんこつ醤油ラーメン)+唐揚げ けっこう大きなお店で、カウンター10席とテーブル3つあります。雰囲気もいいです。 メニューが豊かで、麺類、トッピングとセットも多いです。 私にはあっさりスープの味付けがちょっとしょっぱいと感じましたが、美味しかったです。 できたて唐揚げがさくさくでとても美味しかったです。 そぼろ丼セットはけっこう多くて食った後お腹がいっぱいでした。
Soboro set (tonkotsu soy sauce ramen) + fried chicken It's a fairly large shop with 10 counter seats and 3 tables. The atmosphere is also good. The menu is rich, and there are many sets with noodles and toppings. I felt the seasoning of the soup was a little salty, but it was delicious. The freshly fried chicken was crispy and very delicious. The soboro bowl set was quite a lot and I was full after eating.
みき on Google

There are various types of pork bone ramen. Garlic is drawn on the signboard, but you can eat it without hesitation because you can do without garlic.
s k on Google

野田阪神駅から少し歩いたところにあるニンニクラーメン屋やさん。 パート?のおばちゃんがテキパキ切り盛りしていいお仕事されてました。 昼過ぎなのにけっこう混んでました。 唐揚げ定食(1000円)を注文。 地味にキムチがありがたいです。 もちろんニンニクを入りをチョイス。 麺はツルッとした食感でスープは割とあっさりでニンニクとの相性はかなり良かったです。 こちらのラーメン無性に食べたくなる中毒性があります。
A garlic ramen shop just a short walk from Nodahanshin station. part? My aunt was doing a good job of cutting it up. It was pretty crowded even though it was past noon. I ordered a fried chicken set meal (1000 yen). I am grateful for the sober kimchi. Of course, you can choose to add garlic. The noodles had a smooth texture and the soup was relatively light, so it went well with garlic. This ramen is addictive and makes you want to eat it.

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