岡山整体 ももたろう

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 岡山整体 ももたろう

住所 :

Tenjincho, Kita Ward, 〒700-0814 Okayama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : https://ashiya-kizunaseitai.com/
街 : Okayama

Tenjincho, Kita Ward, 〒700-0814 Okayama,Japan
かね?がね! on Google

自律神経の乱れなのかわからないけど 喋るとしんどい、動悸、めまいその他色々な症状で色んな病院に行ったがどこも悪くなく原因がわからず途方に暮れてました。 そんな時こちらの整体の口コミを見て藁をも掴むつもりで電話しました。 初めての施術の時本当にこんなソフトな感じでよくなるの!?と思いましたが2回、3回と行くうちにあれだけ喋ってるとしんどかった症状が嘘のように出なくなってきました。 これからもお世話になりたいと思います。 口コミとか初めて書いたのでうまく伝わらないかも知れませんが自分はとてもオススメですよ。
I do n’t know if it ’s an autonomic disorder I went to various hospitals because of various symptoms such as painfulness, palpitation, dizziness, etc., but I was at a loss as the cause was not bad. At that time, I looked at this manipulative word of mouth and called me to grab my niece. I really like this soft feeling at the first treatment! ? I thought, but when I went to it two or three times, I felt no more symptomatic symptom. I would like to take care of you in the future. I wrote a word of mouth for the first time, so it may not communicate well, but I recommend it very much.
ラムせるふ on Google

It is a polite treatment center that provides accurate treatment and aftercare after having first heard the symptoms firmly. Since the treatment is gradually changed while stepping on, the autonomic nerves are restored to normal without any burden on the body. Although I had Meniere's disease, I no longer needed otolaryngology medication, and after that I had no dizziness, and my body became easier.
ラフモアRui's Room on Google

朝立ち上がれないくらいの腰痛と吐き気に2週間近く悩まされて、その間近くの鍼灸院に何度か行きましたがあまり改善されず… 表先生に相談したところ、遠隔ヒーリングをしてくださり、たった2回のヒーリングで朝動けないくらいの腰痛がピタリと治り、吐き気もおさまりました! 東京在住のため岡山の整体院まではなかなか通えないのがとても残念ですが、またぜひ遠隔ヒーリングをお願いしたいと思います✨✨
I had low back pain and nausea that I couldn't get up in the morning for almost two weeks, and during that time I went to a nearby acupuncture clinic several times, but it didn't improve much ... When I consulted with Dr. Omote, he gave me a remote healing, and after only two healings, my back pain that I couldn't move in the morning was completely healed, and my nausea subsided! It's a pity that I can't go to the manipulative clinic in Okayama because I live in Tokyo, but I would like to ask for remote healing again.
辻本真里 on Google

疲れでカラダが重くて痛くて、以前から気になっていたこちらの先生に整体して頂きました。ふわっと触ってくれているだけでだんだんとあちこちが軽くなってきて、終わるころには何か月、何年振りかのカラダの軽くなった事に、感謝です。不思議な整体です(^^♪ 今度はあまりしんどくならないうちに、伺います。清潔感のある、凛々しい先生なのも、私には良かったのだと思います笑 ありがとうございました。
I was so tired that my body was heavy and hurt. I am grateful that my body gradually became lighter by just touching it softly, and by the end of the months and years, the body became lighter. Mysterious manipulative body (^^ ♪ I'll ask you before I'm not getting tired this time. Thank you lol I think it was good for me to be a clean and brilliant teacher.
kei M- on Google

毎日忙しく、疲れても休めない状態が続いていて、ある日を堺に今まで感じたことのない胃腸の不調を感じ、病院に行ったけれど、胃薬や下剤を出されるだけで改善されず、精密検査でも異常がないと言われました。 病院に行っても精神的なものと言われるだけで、治してもらえず、諦めかけていたときに、ネットで表先生のことを知って、口コミもよかったので、行ってみることにしました。 初めに症状をちゃんと聞いて問診してくれました。毎回施術の度に身体に変化が感じられて、姿勢がすごくよくなって、肩こり、首こりは全くなくなりました。 胃腸の状態はまだ、完全ではないですが、だいぶ良くなりました!先生や口コミを信じて通ってよかったです。 完治を目指して頑張って通おうと思います。
I was busy every day, and I couldn't rest even if I was tired. One day, I felt a gastrointestinal upset that I had never felt before, and I went to the hospital, but I was given stomach medicine and laxatives and it didn't improve. I was told that there were no abnormalities in the detailed inspection. Even if I went to the hospital, it was said that it was mental, but I couldn't get it cured. When I was about to give up, I found out about Omote-sensei on the internet and the word of mouth was good, so I decided to go. At first, he asked me about his symptoms and asked me a question. I felt a change in my body after each treatment, my posture improved a lot, and my stiff shoulders and neck were completely gone. The gastrointestinal condition is not perfect yet, but it has improved a lot! I'm glad I believed in the teacher and word of mouth. I will do my best to get rid of it.
吉原利行 on Google

28歳の時に発症した無菌性前立腺炎、最初は数年ごとに血尿などの症状がでていましたが、年齢重ねるごとに症状がでる期間が短くなり、つらい思いをしていました。 病院に行き薬もらうも症状の改善はしません。 あきらめかけていた頃に、岡山整体ももたろう表院長と出会い、一度施術をしていただきました。 体をあたためること、自律神経をやすませることの大切さを知り、自分でお灸も開始しました。 それ以来あれだけつらかった前立腺炎の症状もでておりません。20年以上完治しなかった前立腺炎が、完治したんです。信じがたいごとではありますが事実です。みなさんも悩まず来院され施術をうけたらよいと思います。
I had aseptic prostatitis that developed at the age of 28, and at first I had symptoms such as hematuria every few years, but as I got older, the period of symptoms became shorter and I was having a hard time. Even if I go to the hospital and get medicine, my symptoms do not improve. When I was about to give up, I met Okayama Seitai, the director of the hospital, and had him perform the treatment once. Knowing the importance of warming the body and relaxing the autonomic nerves, I started moxibustion myself. Since then, I haven't had the painful symptoms of prostatitis. Prostatitis, which had not been completely cured for more than 20 years, was completely cured. It's hard to believe, but it's a fact. I hope that everyone will come to the hospital and receive treatment without worrying about it.
T K on Google

痛みを感じる時間がどんどん減り、今や走れるまでに。ビックリだしホントに良かったと思うので口コミします。 数年前から腰痛ヘルニアで腰と足、頸椎症で肩と首がシビれ、次第に最近では刺すような強い痛みに変わってきました。2ヵ月ほど前には突然メニエールの強い発作で5時間ほどぐるぐる目が回り吐き続けました。 めまいと神経痛で仕事がままならなくなるし、身体の不調が年齢と共にどんどん増える一方なので根本治療を求めて「ヘルニア」「メニエール」「自律神経」をキーワードに整体を探したところ表先生にたどり着きました。 私のこれまでの病状や現在何に困っててこれからどうなりたいか、をしっかり傾聴して下さりました。2回目の施術の後くらいから身体に痛みがない時があることを実感しビックリ。3回、4回と通ううちに更にその時間が伸びていき神経痛自体も刺す痛みからただ重いだけの痛みに変化しています。今は仕事中に痛みやめまいに悩まされなくなったこと、軽くジョギングできるようになったこと、立ち仕事ができるようになったことが大きな嬉しい変化です。 正直これまで色んな病院や整体へ行き、何年も色んな薬を飲んできたので、もう完全に良くはならないだろうと思っていました。なので今回この整体院で短期間で快方に向かえたこと、今後身体や神経への定期的なケアができることがホントに良かったしラッキーだと感じてます。 私と同じような症状や不調を起こす根っこを探して治していきたい方にオススメします。
The time I feel pain is decreasing, and now I can run. I'm surprised and I think it was really good, so I'll review it. For several years, herniated back pain has caused numbness in the lower back and legs, and cervical spondylosis has caused numbness in the shoulders and neck. About two months ago, suddenly a strong attack of Meniere caused my eyes to spin around for about five hours and continued to vomit. Dizziness and neuralgia make me unable to work, and my physical condition continues to increase with age, so I searched for a manipulative treatment with the keywords "hernia," "Ménière," and "autonomic nerves," and arrived at Dr. Omote. He listened carefully to my medical condition so far and what I am having trouble with and what I want to do in the future. I was surprised to realize that there are times when there is no pain in the body after the second treatment. Over the course of 3 or 4 times, the time has increased and the neuralgia itself has changed from stinging pain to just severe pain. Now, I am happy that I am no longer suffering from pain and dizziness during work, I am able to jog lightly, and I am able to work standing up. To be honest, I've been to various hospitals and manipulative treatments and have taken various medicines for many years, so I thought it wouldn't improve completely anymore. So, I'm really lucky that I was able to get better in a short period of time at this manipulative clinic and that I can take regular care of my body and nerves in the future. Recommended for those who want to find and cure the roots that cause symptoms and disorders similar to mine.
m on Google

早く着いたが先客あり、けっきょく予約の時間より20分以上遅れて始まった。 施術中も何度も電話が入り中断。全然スッキリしませんでした。 初めにカウンセリングがあり、施術時間は実質20分もなかったと思いますが それで6500円は高い。。 体をなぞったり手を添えるだけのような不思議な施術でした。 次のお客さんが来たけどカーテンも全開で落ち着かなかった。 1回なので仕方ないですが効果もわからなかったし、ホームページを見て期待しすぎたのかもしれません。
I arrived early, but there was a customer, and it started more than 20 minutes later than the reservation time. Calls were made many times during the procedure and the procedure was interrupted. It wasn't refreshing at all. There was counseling at the beginning, and I think the treatment time was actually less than 20 minutes. That's why 6500 yen is expensive. .. It was a mysterious treatment that was just like tracing the body or adding a hand. The next customer came, but the curtains were fully open and I wasn't calm. It can't be helped because it's only once, but I didn't understand the effect, and I may have expected too much by looking at the homepage.

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