Tendon Tenya - Koshigaya

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tendon Tenya

住所 :

7 Chome-17-2 Lake Town, Koshigaya, Saitama 343-0828, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889987
Postal code : 343-0828
Webサイト : https://www.tenya.co.jp/shop/saitama/koshigaya_laketown.html

7 Chome-17-2 Lake Town, Koshigaya, Saitama 343-0828, Japan
Life& Live on Google

Autumn-only matsutake mushrooms and oysters double-mounted tendon. With this, 980 yen is cheap. You can fully feel the scent of matsutake mushrooms. Tempura is an automated frying machine, so no matter who fries it, the method of frying is the same. It's very nice that no matter where you go, you won't miss it. The fried flowers are well made, and 980 yen is cheap with this. The taste of the soup is not too salty, it has a moderate sweetness, and it is a addictive taste. I always get a generous amount of soup, but the taste is soaked in the rice, which is very good. As soon as you chew the oyster tempura, the oyster juice spreads in your mouth and makes you feel luxurious. Autumn 2018 only? But recommended
松丸典正 on Google

店内は禁煙です。 かき揚げ丼は730円ですが天丼は500円です。味噌汁付きです‼ 味噌汁は熱すぎで、具が無いように見えますが、時間とともにワカメが出現します。(笑) お昼の時間ですとテイクアウトも多いので外から見ると客待ちに人が居るように見えます。 テイクアウトは電話注文してから行くと待時間が減らせます。 店舗東側の駐車場の路面にいつも廃油らしきものが流れています。(駐車場が油臭いです) JAF会員の方は会員カード掲示で50円引きです。
Smoking is prohibited inside the store. Kakiagedon costs 730 yen, but Tendon costs 500 yen. It comes with miso soup. Miso soup is too hot and looks like it has no ingredients, but wakame appears over time. (Lol) At lunchtime, there are many take-outs, so when viewed from the outside, it looks like there are people waiting for customers. If you go to takeout after ordering, you can reduce the waiting time. Something like waste oil is always flowing on the road surface of the parking lot on the east side of the store. (The parking lot smells oily) For JAF members, a 50% discount is displayed on the membership card.
Woru on Google

てんやの日(18日)はメニューが限定されるものの、お得な日! たまたま天丼を食べたくて18日に入店したら上天丼が500円でした!キッズメニューはいつも通りでした。 天丼はたれ少なめだったので、テーブルにあるてんやのたれで自分の好みに調節できてよかったです。味噌汁は少し濃かったので全部頂けませんでした。土曜日の昼時だったので細かく見られなかったのかもしれません。 お得なランチが出来て良かったです。
Tenya's Day (18th) is a great day, although the menu is limited! I happened to eat Tendon, and when I entered the restaurant on the 18th, Kamitendon was 500 yen! Kids menu was as usual. The tempura bowl was lighter, so I was glad I could adjust it to my taste with the tender sauce on the table. The miso soup was a little thick so I couldn't give it all. Perhaps it was not possible to see it finely because it was Saturday afternoon. It was good to have a great lunch.
とりちゃん on Google

Tempura is not crispy because the temperature is high in summer, but it is crispy and delicious in winter. However, when it is crowded at noon, the customer service of the clerk is sloppy.
湯川恵瑠 on Google

2021年1月31日訪問 今日の昼食は天丼てんや 越谷レイクタウン店へ。 数日前に某TV?番組で天丼てんやの特集をしていて、天丼が進化した話をやっていた?のと、娘が野菜の天婦羅が食べたい!と言うので車?で訪問。 駐車場がほぼ満車???だったのと入口周辺にテイクアウト待ちの人が大勢いたので驚きましたが、実際の店内は半分くらいの客入りでした。 メニュー表を見て、口頭でオーダーするスタイルです。 座席に呼び出しブザーがなく、店員さんを呼んでも中々来なかったので少々ストレス?。 一番混雑してる時間だったので仕方ないとは思うのですけど・・・呼び出しブザーを設置した方が良いのになぁ?。 10分くらいで着丼。 私と娘がオーダーしたのは " 野菜天丼(小盛) " 。 天婦羅メイン、ご飯少な目が良かったのでこれにしました。 天丼に乗った天婦羅は" インゲン " 、" カボチャ " 、" サツマイモ? " 、" レンコン " 、" ナス? " 、" 舞茸? " 。 早速食べます?。 天婦羅は揚げ立て熱々。 ご飯?も熱々。 やけどに注意。 天婦羅の衣はサクサククリスピーとしっとりとの中間くらい。 同じ天丼チェーンの39天丼の天婦羅の方がサクサクしてるように思います。 タレはかなり濃い口。 39天丼のタレは薄口で、自分で卓上設置のタレで調整可能ですが、てんやではタレは置いてません。 そもそも濃い口なので、タレを追加する必要は無いです。 チョッとタレが多過ぎで、ご飯?がべちょべちょに・・・。 後で気付いたのですが、タレは " 多め " ・" 少なめ " の指定が出来るようです。 天婦羅はインゲンが驚くほど細い。 カボチャはもう少し厚みが欲しいところです。 サツマイモ?が超美味しい! 厚みもあり、ホクホクで甘い。 野菜天丼のネタでは一番美味しかったです?。 レンコンは適度にシャクシャク食感。 私、レンコンが大好きなので追加したいくらい。 ナス?は扇型にはなっておらず、半身そのまま。 扇型になってた方が見た目も良いと思うのですが・・・。 舞茸?は美味しかったですが、やっぱり群馬辺りの温泉地で食べる舞茸天に比べると寂しい感じ?。 量的には充分過ぎるほど充分で、私としてはもう1品天婦羅の種類を減らして価格を抑えて欲しいと思いました。 まぁ、野菜天丼(小盛)で510円ですから価格としてはCP良いですけどね。 お味噌汁がデフォで付きます。 出汁感強めで、サービス品とは思えない出来?。 麹味噌を使ってるので最後にお椀の底に麹の「みそっかす」が残っており、一気にお味噌汁を飲んだら喉につかえて咽ました⚠️。 娘も同じように咽てました?。 主人は " 天丼(大盛) " 。 天丼に乗った天婦羅は " エビ? " 、" キス " 、" イカ " 、" カボチャ " 、" インゲン "。 大盛にしたので量は充分だったようです。 完食。 私には小盛でも量が多かったなぁ。 久し振りに食べましたが中々美味しかった?ですね。 メインの天丼がワンコイン500円でお味噌汁が付きますので、39天丼でお味噌汁を別に付けた価格と10円違い。 私の好みは39天丼の方ですが、どちらも頑張ってるなぁと思います?。 余談ですが、卓上の " 麦茶? " が香ばしくて美味しかったです。 後客もぞろぞろでした。 また食べに来ようと思います?。
Visited January 31, 2021 For lunch today, head to Tendon Tenya and Koshigaya Lake Town. A few days ago, I had a special feature on Tendon Tenya on a TV ? program, and I was talking about the evolution of Tendon ?, and my daughter wants to eat vegetable tempura! So I visited by car ?. I was surprised that the parking lot was almost full ??? and there were many people waiting for takeout around the entrance, but the actual store was about half full. It is a style to order verbally by looking at the menu table. There was no call buzzer in the seat, and even if I called the clerk, I didn't come so often, so I was a little stressed ?. It was the busiest time, so I think it can't be helped ... I think it's better to set up a call buzzer ?. Donburi in about 10 minutes. My daughter and I ordered "Vegetable Tendon (Komori)". I chose this because I liked the tempura main course and the small amount of rice. The tempura on the bowl is "green beans", "pumpkin", "sweet potato ?", "lotus root", "eggplant ?", "maitake mushroom ?". I will eat it immediately ?. Tempura is fried and hot. Rice ? is also hot. Be careful of burns. Tempura's clothes are about halfway between crispy and moist. I think that the tempura of 39 tempura of the same tendon chain is crisper. The sauce is quite thick. 39 The sauce of Tendon is thin and you can adjust it by yourself with the sauce installed on the table, but the sauce is not placed in Tenya. It's a dark mouth in the first place, so there's no need to add sauce. There was too much sauce, and the rice ? was messy ... As I noticed later, it seems that you can specify "more" or "less" for the sauce. Tempura has surprisingly thin green beans. I want the pumpkin to be a little thicker. Sweet potatoes ? are super delicious! It's also thick, fluffy and sweet. It was the most delicious vegetable tendon bowl ?. Lotus root has a moderately crunchy texture. I love lotus root so I want to add it. Eggplant ? is not fan-shaped, it is half body as it is. I think it looks better if it is fan-shaped. Maitake mushrooms ? were delicious, but after all it feels lonely compared to Maitake heavens eaten in the hot springs around Gunma ?. The quantity is more than enough, and I wanted to reduce the variety of tempura and keep the price down. Well, the vegetable tendon (small serving) costs 510 yen, so the price is good for CP. Miso soup is included by default. The soup stock is so strong that you can't think of it as a service item ?. Since I use Jiuqu Miso, the "Misokkasu" of Jiuqu remains on the bottom of the bowl at the end, and when I drank miso soup all at once, I got stuck in my throat and throated ⚠️. My daughter was throating in the same way ?. The owner is "Tendon (Daimori)". The tempura on the bowl is "shrimp ?", "kiss", "squid", "pumpkin", "green beans". It seems that the amount was enough because it was made large. Completed. I had a lot of small servings. I ate it for the first time in a long time, but it was delicious ?. The main tendon is 500 yen per coin and comes with miso soup, so it's 10 yen different from the price of 39 tendon with miso soup. My preference is 39 Tendon, but I think both are doing their best ?. As an aside, the "barley tea ?" on the table was fragrant and delicious. There were a lot of back customers. I will come to eat again ?.
ramesh art on Google

Please add only ¥ 150 of umeboshi tempura with toppings to the bowl of ¥ 500. It becomes a colorful spring bowl, and you can enjoy the bowl with the refreshing flavor of plums at a reasonable price.
今拓也 on Google

The inside of the store was also beautiful and delicious. The set meal is good because you can replace the rice.
HZ on Google

All seafood, no pork. I find it muslim friendly. ??

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