
2.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 千葉中央外科内科

住所 :

Tendai, Inage Ward, 〒263-0016 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://shingetukai.or.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–12:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–12:30PM
Thursday 9AM–12:30PM
Friday 9AM–12:30PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Tendai, Inage Ward, 〒263-0016 Chiba,Japan
ぽーる三門 on Google

診察が早すぎて、話したい事も言えず、ちゃんと聞いてもらえなかった 流された感じでした 元々扁桃腺が大きく、悩んでたのですがこちらの病院ではなにも解決しませんでした とりあえず処方箋出しときゃいいやーという感じでした しかも喉の薬下さいと言ったら、ここの病院ではそういうのやってないので市販の薬買って下さいと言われました こんな事初めて言われました 何のために病院に来たのかわかりません とりあえずもう行きません
The examination was too early, I couldn't say what I wanted to talk about, and I was not able to hear it properly It was a feeling of being swept away Originally the tonsils were large and I was troubled, but this hospital did not solve anything For the time being it was a feeling that it was nice to have a prescription. Besides, if you said that you should give me medicine for the throat, I was told that you should buy over-the-counter medicines because you are not doing that at this hospital It was said for the first time such a thing I do not know what I came to the hospital for I will not go any longer
EMY n on Google

しこりがあり心配で診断へ 医師に診てもらい大丈夫ですか?とお話したのですが、 まるで嘲笑うかのような返答をされました。 よくこんなで病院に来たなというオーラも 史上最悪の不快感を味わいました。 二度と伺いません。
There is a lump and I am worried and go to the diagnosis Is it okay to see a doctor? I told you, The reply was as if I was ridiculed. The aura that I often came to the hospital like this I experienced the worst discomfort in history. I will never ask you again.
Hisako Toguchi on Google

I am filled with gratitude. It was less than a month from the introduction of a specialist teacher to the operation and discharge from the early detection of stomach cancer in my 85-year-old father. I am currently receiving medical treatment at home. Thank you to Dr. Waka and the staff. Thank you for visiting our hospital. Thank you for your continued support.
。 A on Google

電話で喘息の発作を起こしている事で診てくれるか確認した上で苦しい中歩いていったにも関わらず、看護師に呼吸器科に行ってくださいと冷たく言われ診察もしてもらえずそのまま返された。呼吸も苦しい中休み休み歩いて行き帰りさせられました。 電話して確認してから行ったのだから、喘息を診ていないないなら診ていないと電話口で言ってください。
Despite walking painfully after confirming whether he / she had an asthma attack on the phone, a nurse told me to go to the respiratory department and I was cold and I could not get a medical examination Returned. I was forced to walk back and forth during a break during which I had trouble breathing. If you haven't seen asthma, tell the phone that you haven't seen it.
ちにょ on Google

いつも院長先生にみてもらうが、体が辛い時に優しく対応してくれるのでそれだけで安心するし嬉しい。 私が小学生の頃母がここで入院して大変良くしていただきました。 先生長生きしてください。
I always ask the director to see me, but I'm glad that I feel relieved just because he kindly responds when my body is hard. When I was in elementary school, my mother was hospitalized here and made me very happy. Please live as a teacher.
Vice President SAM on Google

受付のベテラン中年女性の態度が気に入りませんね。 ハッキリ言うと社会人としてのマナーがなっておらず、自分の業務を理解してません。 窓口業務は会社の顔です。その自覚がなく歳を重ねられてしまったのが読み取れてしまい残念でした。 街に病院は1つという時代ではないので。院長や他のスタッフが、どんなに頑張ってもフロント業務が無愛想だと、不愉快になるくらいなら他院を当たります。精神衛生上よくないのでね。
I don't like the attitude of veteran middle-aged women at the reception. To be clear, I have no manners as a member of society and do not understand my work. The window business is the face of the company. It was a pity that I could read that I was not aware of it and I was getting older. Because there is no one hospital in the city. No matter how hard the director or other staff works, if the front desk is unfriendly, it will hit another hospital if it becomes unpleasant. It ’s not good for mental health.
W S on Google

This is the third human dock. Until now, it started at 9 o'clock and ended in about 2 hours, but this time it starts from 10:30 in the order of reservation. Wait for a while after issuing the necessary documents, stool test, and health insurance card at the reception. Soon after, he was called and started various inspections. Depending on the content of the examination, I will be affected by an outpatient, so I had to wait for a while, but I didn't really care. There are many appointments for endoscopy this time, and when I press for a while, the teacher explains and apologizes and waits in the lobby. It was past 12:30 when everything was finally over. I waited for a while, but it was finished in about 2 hours. I'm more satisfied with the fact that I'm more suited to seeing a doctor in the neighborhood than a large conveyor belt facility for human docks. The facility feels history, but I recommend it if you don't mind it.
草野長昭 on Google

2,3年前、転倒して怪我をしたので、ここに行きました。 診察した医師は「やって」「行って」「あっち」としか言わず、具体的に「どこで」「何を」と言ってくれないため、こちらはどうしたらいいのかわからずに戸惑っていると、突然キレられて「診察台の上に行くんだよ!」と大声で怒鳴られました。 お医者様ってそんなにえらいんですかね?人間性を疑います。 もうこんなところには二度と行きません!!!!!!
A few years ago, I fell and was injured, so I went here. The doctor who consulted only said "do", "go", and "over there", and did not specifically say "where" or "what", so I was confused because I didn't know what to do. Suddenly, I was sharpened and yelled at me, "I'm going to the examination table!" Isn't a doctor so great? I doubt humanity. I will never go to such a place again! !! !! !! !! !!

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