Tempura Tendon Tenya - Nagano

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tempura Tendon Tenya

住所 :

3120 Tokuma, Nagano, 381-0041, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 381-0041
Webサイト : http://www.tenya.co.jp/sp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–10PM
Sunday 11AM–10PM
Monday 11AM–10PM
Tuesday 11AM–10PM
Wednesday 11AM–10PM
Thursday 11AM–10PM
Friday 11AM–10PM

3120 Tokuma, Nagano, 381-0041, Japan
high Bridge To realize on Google

てんやが長野市に出来て数年 天丼に興味がなかったのですが、何となく寄ってみた 天丼お持ち帰り500円 かぼちゃ、インゲン、エビ、イカ、魚(確認する前に1口目で食べてしまって種類まで分かりません…) ご飯は小盛に感じ、空腹の男なら物足りないと思う。 味はそこそこでいいんじゃないかな
Tenya has been in Nagano City for several years I wasn't interested in Tendon, but somehow I stopped by Tendon takeaway 500 yen Pumpkin, green beans, shrimp, squid, fish (I ate it with the first bite before checking and I don't know the type ...) The rice feels small and I think it's not enough for a hungry man. I think the taste is good
ラブオゆめゆめ on Google

安くて、うまい、いつもオールスター天丼食べます。そばも意外に美味しい? こんなお店いろんなところにたくさんあればいいなー 5月4日久しぶりの来店?お店で食べたかったんですが、コロナがおさまらないので、てんぷらの盛り合わせを持ち帰りで買ってきました。天丼のたれも? 早く行ったせいかそれ程こんでいませんでしたが、近くのホームセンターで買い物したあと、取りに行ったところ、駐車場がいっぱいになってました? 天ぷら盛り合わせを初めてテイクアウトしましたが、やっぱりお店で、食べる方が旨いです。お店で食べるほうが、タレと天ぷらと、ご飯の量のバランスが絶妙です。 コロナ落ち着いたら、また蕎麦セットを注文して食べたい? 令和3年7月4日久しぶりにお店で食べて来ました。12時40に注文してから、出てくるのに、25分かかりました。持ち帰りの人もいれかわりで、沢山来たので、店員さんが大変そうでした。オールスター天丼そばのセット食べてきました。やっぱりお店て食べるほうが美味しい? 令和3年11月21日久しぶりにお邪魔しました。
It's cheap and delicious, and I always eat all-star tendon. Soba is also surprisingly delicious ? I wish there were a lot of shops like this in various places. May 4th I visited the store for the first time in a long time ? I wanted to eat at the store, but the corona did not fit, so I bought a platter of tempura with me. Tendon sauce ? It wasn't so crowded probably because I went early, but when I went to pick it up after shopping at a nearby home center, the parking lot was full ? I took out the tempura platter for the first time, but after all it is better to eat at the store. Eating at the restaurant has a perfect balance of sauce, tempura, and the amount of rice. Corona When I'm calm, I want to order a soba set again and eat it ? July 4, 3rd year of Reiwa I ate at the restaurant for the first time in a long time. After ordering at 12:40, it took 25 minutes to come out. The clerk seemed to have a hard time because many people came to take it home. I ate a set of all-star tendon soba. After all it is better to eat at the store ? November 21, 3rd year of Reiwa I visited you for the first time in a long time.
on Google

初来店で、500円のリーズナブルな天丼を注文しようとしたところ、「8のつく日はてんやの日」エビ天1本プラスの「上天丼」が同じお値段とのこと。知らずに入店したのでラッキーでした。 サクサク・バリバリ感はなかったけど、やさしい食べやすい天ぷらでした。 店員さんの明るくハキハキした接客が気持ち良かったです。
When I first visited the store, I tried to order a reasonably priced tendon for 500 yen, but the price was the same for "8 Tsukuday is Tenya no Hi" and "Kamitendon" with 1 shrimp tempura. I was lucky because I entered the store without knowing it. It wasn't crispy and crunchy, but it was a gentle and easy-to-eat tempura. The cheerful and cheerful customer service of the clerk was pleasant.
たかはしジン on Google

あまり天丼は食べる機会がない私です。昔に食べた天丼がびちゃびちゃの脂っこい物でそれ以来(何十年も)食べていませんでした。 ここのは以前のとは違い揚げたてで熱々だったので良かったです。小うどんのセットを頼んだのですがコシがあって美味しかったです。 年をとると天丼は少ししつこいと感じる私でした(-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩___-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩)
I don't have much chance to eat Tendon. The tendon I ate a long time ago was a messy greasy food and I haven't eaten it since (for decades). It was good because it was freshly fried and hot unlike before. I ordered a set of small udon noodles, but it was chewy and delicious. As I got older, I felt that the tendon was a little persistent (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩___-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩)
rebirorex on Google

A chain store where you can easily eat Tendon. The taste of tempura changes depending on the person who fries each shop, but this is delicious. I'm glad that you can eat this tendon for 500 yen. "
Boujlida Mohamed on Google

Good service and delicious food
Jim O on Google

Good price for tempura. I wish they had more meat for a dish.
sumitra das on Google

Our go to place to kill hunger on any normal day. No closing time after lunch. Amazing service.

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