エステティックTBC 池袋本店

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact エステティックTBC 池袋本店

住所 :

Higashiikebukuro, Toshima City, 〒170-0013 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Webサイト : https://www.tbc.co.jp/shop/tokyo/tokyo_area5/0325/
街 : Tokyo

Higashiikebukuro, Toshima City, 〒170-0013 Tokyo,Japan
NT on Google

There are various courses in TBC facials, and I was really worried about which one to choose! As a result of choosing the one that seems to suit me from word of mouth and effects, I decided on a small face care / aging care course! It was awesome to say the least!
木チト田 on Google

自己処理を重ねた結果脇の黒ズミが気になってしまって、昨年の夏は袖の短いシャツなどを着ることが出来ず辛かったです。 秋ごろからワキの脱毛を始め、今はもうだいぶ気にならないところまで来ているので、今年の夏が楽しみです。
As a result of repeated self-treatment, I was worried about the black spots on the side, and last summer I couldn't wear a shirt with short sleeves, which was hard. I started to remove my armpit hair from around autumn, and now I'm at a point where I don't really care about it, so I'm looking forward to this summer.
cinna “y” methy on Google

いつもスーパー脱毛で通ってます。 少し待ち時間が長いのが気になったりしますが、個人的には一本単位で抜けることがまず魅力的なのと、やはり大手さんならではの施設の綺麗さや、スタッフさんの方の対応などはさすがだなと感じます。 今後ともよろしくお願いします。
I always go for super hair removal. I'm worried that the waiting time is a little long, but personally, it is attractive to exit in units of one, the cleanliness of the facilities unique to major companies, the correspondence of the staff, etc. I really feel it. I look forward to working with you.
tapiocamera on Google

脱毛ってどうしても痛いし通うのが面倒というイメージがあったのですが、レビューを読んだところ大丈夫だったとの声も見掛けたので、これはまずは自分の身体で試してみるかと体験に行きました。 確かに耐えられる痛みでしたし、スタッフさんの対応が丁寧だったので、ここなら通いたいなと思えました。
I had an image that really hurts to lazy to go I hair loss, but since was apparent also the voice of it was okay where I read the reviews, this is First of all we went to experience whether to try in your own body . It was a pain that is certainly endure, because the corresponding's staff was polite, I think that I want to attend if here.
容赦ない水量 on Google

Since I started attending TBC facial care and treatments, I'm glad that I've been praised for having beautiful skin. There are many courses, so I think it's good to be able to choose the one that suits your needs each time.
Waza-ari on Google

I chose this salon because my friend recommended it. The salon is bigger than I expected and it has a clean feeling, so I liked it from the moment I entered. I'm glad I could ask a lot of questions if I didn't understand counseling. I want to continue to do my best to remove hair.
なす on Google

At first, I was afraid of pain and didn't feel like getting rid of my hair, but after hearing the explanation from the beautician, I felt like trying my best. I feel that the pain has been alleviated because the treatment is done carefully. The work speed is fast, and it may finish earlier than planned.
てんまど on Google

池袋なので脱毛ができるエステさんは沢山ありますが、友人がここに通っているということと、あとは単純にネームバリューでTBCさんを選びました。 先月で契約した脱毛の回数分が終わり、とても綺麗な肌になってすごく嬉しいです。
Since Ikebukuro, there are many estheticians who can remove hair, but I chose TBC simply because my friend is here and the name value. I'm very happy that my skin has become very beautiful after the number of hair removal contracts I signed last month.

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