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Contact 蛙が鼻築堤跡

住所 :

Tazuta, Kita Ward, 〒701-1333 Okayama,Japan

街 : Okayama

Tazuta, Kita Ward, 〒701-1333 Okayama,Japan
Pink gin on Google

A embankment built when Hideyoshi waters the Binaka Takamatsu Castle. I can only imagine the whole picture, but in those days the ground is now deeper than the ground so it can be seen in the park.
森昭二 on Google

秀吉が水攻めの時に築いた堤の一部です。一部とはいえ、こういうものが残っているのは嬉しいですね。通説では水攻めの堤は総延長約3㎞で僅か12日で完成させたといわれているそうですが、私はいくら秀吉でもそれは不可能だと思います。ここ蛙ヶ鼻は天然の水のはけ口になっていて、資料館に写真がある昭和60年の豪雨の時もここから水は引いていったそうです。だから水を引き込む為に足守川と水のはけ口のここの二ヶ所だけに堤防を築けば、自然と水は貯まっていくと思います。これなら12日でも完成できると思います。あくまで個人の見解ですが。 それにしても豊臣系の大名は城造り、街造り、治水土木が得意だったといいますが、文字通りその総大将である秀吉もそれらは得意中の得意だったのでしょう。そんな秀吉だったからこそ、地形を読んでこの前代未聞の水攻めという天下の奇策を思い付いたのでしょう。どうかこれからも秀吉の武功と宗治の覚悟を伝えるこの遺構を末長く大切にしていってほしいと思います。
It is a part of the embankment that Hideyoshi built during the water attack. I'm glad that some of these things remain. It is said that the water attack embankment was completed in just 12 days with a total length of about 3 km, but I think that it is impossible no matter how much Hideyoshi. The frog nose is an outlet for natural water, and it seems that the water was drawn from here even during the heavy rain in 1985, as shown in the photo in the museum. Therefore, if you build embankments only in these two places, the Ashimori River and the water outlet, to draw in water, I think that water will naturally accumulate. I think this can be completed in 12 days. It's just an individual opinion. Even so, it is said that Toyotomi daimyo were good at castle building, town building, and hydraulic engineering, but Hideyoshi, who is literally the general general, was also good at them. It is probably because Hideyoshi was such a person that he read the terrain and came up with this unprecedented water attack. I hope that you will continue to cherish this remains that convey Hideyoshi's martial arts and Soji's determination.
甲斐義朗(にんたま) on Google

It was good to see the remains of the embankment ruins
ずいかく on Google

羽柴秀吉が高松城水攻めの際に築いた築堤跡で、一部が残るだけです。 秀吉の水攻めは、東は山、西側は当時の街道である松山往来を利用し、山と街道を繋ぐこの蛙が鼻築堤を築いただけで、通説ほどの工事量ではなかったとの説もあります。
Only a part of the remains of the embankment built by Hideyoshi Hashiba during the Takamatsu Castle water attack. There is a theory that Hideyoshi's water attack used the mountain in the east and Matsuyama traffic on the west side, which was the highway at that time, and this frog connecting the mountain and the highway only built a nose embankment, and the amount of construction was not as much as the conventional wisdom.
もぐらまさ on Google

Hideyoshi and Kanbei's Bichu Takamatsu Castle water attack, which was the start of the famous Chugoku Otsuka. Even if you visit the ruins of the castle, you will not get any image, but in this place where you can see only a part of the existing real embankment, you can experience the scale and awesomeness of the water attack for the first time.
森上智央 on Google

備中高松城水攻め時に普請された土塁址。 良く残ってたものだ。
Bichu Takamatsu Castle Earthworks that were contracted during the water attack. It was a good one.
Kazuk Hiros on Google

It is the trace of the starting point of the embankment for water attacking Bichu Takamatsu Castle.
神戸昴 on Google

It is a short walk from Saijo Inari Torii. It is a historic park, and the remains of the embankment of Takamatsu Castle water attack remain. It is said that the embankment had a base width of about 24 m, an upper width of about 10 m, and a height of 7 to 8 m. An easy-to-understand explanation board is also installed. Free parking available.

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