TAYA 青葉台店

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact TAYA 青葉台店

住所 :

Aobadai, Aoba Ward, Yokohama, 〒227-0062 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8988
Webサイト : https://tayanet.jp/salon/111/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Aobadai, Aoba Ward, Yokohama, 〒227-0062 Kanagawa,Japan
Hirofumi Nakao on Google

5 minutes walk from Aobadai station. There is also a parking lot behind the store
haru on Google

受付の 対応が最悪、美容室なら接客も大事にしてほしい。
At the reception Correspondence is the worst, I want you to take care of customer service if it is a beauty shop.
まさやんマサヤン on Google

The store manager and other veteran staff are wonderful, but I think it would be better for new or young staff to learn a little more about customer service. The attitude is too bad.
Thor deth on Google

数回利用してます。 シャンプー台は汚い、トイレのペーパーホルダーも汚い。行く度に適当に切られてる感が凄いです。 シニアデザイナーに写真を見せてこういう髪型にしてくださいと頼んでも、どっからどう見ても写真のようにならない美容師。ミディアムヘアの写真なのにショートにされます。前髪が掛かってるヘアスタイルなのに前髪ガッツリ切られます。刈り上げてない写真見せても刈り上げられます。ワックスも下手です。明確なイメージを写真を見せて伝えているのに、どういうイメージで何を考えて切っているのかわかりません。下手過ぎます。 また、見習いの男性店員もやる気がなく、声も小さい。ひざ掛けもぺッと投げるように掛けるわ、肩に掛けるタオルもぺッと掛かるわで最低な接客。 今回で懲りました。ここの店とTAYAは全店今後一切利用しません。オススメも出来ません。
I use it several times. The shampoo stand is dirty and the toilet paper holder is also dirty. Every time I go there, it feels like I am being cut off properly. Show a picture to a senior designer and ask for this kind of hairstyle, but a hairdresser who looks like a picture no matter how you look at it. Although it is a photograph of medium hair, it is made short. Even though it is a hairstyle with bangs, the bangs are cut off. You can reap even if you show a photo that is not reaped I am not good at waxing. I am showing a clear image and communicating it, but I do not know what I think and cut with what image. It is too bad. Also, the apprentice male sales clerk is not motivated and his voice is small. I throw my knees on my shoulders and throw towels on my shoulders. I was scolded this time. The store here and TAYA will not be used at all stores. I can not recommend it.
エスエム(Hanapi) on Google

The Katsuradai store has closed, so I moved here. I am still satisfied.
Mayuko Roseveare on Google

とにかく接客が悪すぎ、こんなに気分が悪くなった美容院は初めてです。 娘のお宮参りの為に着付け&ヘアセットで初めて利用しました。当日までにした数回の電話対応は毎回とっても感じが悪い。(恐らく同じ方)当日早朝、店についた時に出てきた若い男性も、こちらが暫く入口で待っていてベルで呼んでいるにも関わらず、ダラダラ歩いてきておはようございますもいらっしゃいませもなし。こちらが名前を言って初めて「あ、はーい」という反応。寝起きか?って態度でした。帰り際は着物を入れていた大きな箱を迎えに来た母が持っていてドアも開けずらかったのですが、受付はお喋り中。こちらが御礼を言って出る時にも「あ、どうもー」という感じ。常連じゃないから?着付け予約だし今回だけだと思われているからこんな態度なのでしょうか? TAYA&co.Ginzaを始め今まで利用していたTAYAの他の店舗は皆さんとても感じが良く、今回引越しを期に近くになった青葉台店に通いたかったのですが二度と行きません。別の方のクチコミにも接客について書かれているので私だけの勘違いじゃなさそう。お着付けの先生とヘアセットの仕上がりはとても良かったので星はその分。
Anyway, it is the first time for a hairdresser to feel so sick because the customer service is too bad. I used it for the first time as a dressing and hair set for my daughter's visit to the shrine. The number of phone calls I made by the day was very unpleasant each time. (Probably the same person) The young man who came out when he arrived at the store early in the morning on the day, even though he was waiting at the entrance for a while and calling with a bell, good morning and no welcome. The reaction "Ah, hey" is the first time I say my name. Wake up? It was an attitude. On my way home, my mother who came to pick up the big box that contained the kimono had it and it was difficult to open the door, but the receptionist is talking. Even when I say thank you, I feel like "Oh, thank you". Are you not a regular? Is it such an attitude because it is a dressing reservation and it is thought that it is only this time? The other TAYA stores that I have been using, including TAYA & co.Ginza, are all very pleasant, and I wanted to go to the Aobadai store, which is near the time of my move, but I will never go there again. Another person's word of mouth also mentions customer service, so it's not just my misunderstanding. The finish of the dressing teacher and the hair set was very good, so the stars are that much.
life Enjoy on Google

I cut and permed at other stores in TAYA, but the staff at this store was very good. I want to go to the shop if the staff is good. I will use it again.
Y N. on Google

2回ほど利用していて最近も利用しました。 2回とも男性の美容師さんがカット担当でした。 イメージ通りのカットに加えてアイロンとワックスを付けて頂き、その出来栄えにとても気に入っております。 今までの美容院で自分に一番合うなと思いました これからもお世話になるつもりです!
I've used it twice and recently used it. A male hairdresser was in charge of cutting both times. In addition to the cut as you imagined, I had you iron and wax it, and I really like the workmanship. I thought it would suit me best at the hair dressing shop I've ever had I will continue to take care of you!

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