Tawara - Aki District

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tawara

住所 :

6-11 Minamisaiwaimachi, Kaita, Aki District, Hiroshima 736-0032, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887
Postal code : 736-0032
Webサイト : http://www.hiroshima-meshizanmai.com/

6-11 Minamisaiwaimachi, Kaita, Aki District, Hiroshima 736-0032, Japan
Kiyoshi Yasui on Google

広島県でこんな海鮮が食べれると思わなかった。 季節限定の生しらす丼が食べれる。 味は最高。 またリピートしたい。
I didn't think I could eat such seafood in Hiroshima prefecture. You can eat seasonal raw rice bowls. The taste is great. I want to repeat again.
瀬戸一 on Google

It wasn't my favorite taste.
山田賢二(ジジパパ) on Google

安芸地区でなかなか魚料理が食べれる店がないので、この店は最高です。 何か懐かしい感じの食堂感みたいな店構えもアリですね。 刺し身や焼き魚、煮魚、魚が苦手な人でも唐揚げや天丼等もあります。 ボリュームも満点です。 後、駐車場もあるので車でも大丈夫ですよ。
This restaurant is the best because there aren't many restaurants in the Aki area where you can eat fish dishes. It's also an ant to have a restaurant that feels like a nostalgic dining room. Even people who are not good at sashimi, grilled fish, boiled fish, and fish also have fried chicken and tendon bowls. The volume is also perfect. After that, there is a parking lot, so you can use a car.
盛田和彦 on Google

ローカルの情報番組でも度々取り上げられる有名店。 12時半到着でも駐車場はいっぱいでした。 おかずを自分で取って最後にご飯と汁物を注文するシステム。 テレビでも必ず紹介される海鮮丼を目当てに行ったのでそれを注文。 おかずを取らないときはお盆を持って行っても回収されるんですね笑 注文して席をとって、店内をぐるっと見回してたら出来てくるくらい提供は早かったです。 海鮮丼とミニうどんセットにしましたが、ちょっと足りないかな?と思わせる見た目に反して食べ終わった後はすぐ動きたくないなと思うくらいにはお腹いっぱいになりました。 具材は充実していて、そのまま食べても醤油をかけてもわさびをつけても美味しい。 海鮮丼に隠れて目立たないけど、この暑い時期にお腹に優しいうどん出汁も美味しい。 この内容で1000円でお釣りがくる990円の価格設定はコスパ良すぎる気がしますがどうでしょうか? お店の雰囲気は昔ながらの大衆食堂かな? 今どきのおしゃれなお店には無い雰囲気が感じられる良いお店だと思います。
A famous store that is often featured in local information programs. The parking lot was full even when I arrived at 12:30. A system where you take your own side dishes and order rice and soup at the end. I went for a seafood bowl that is always introduced on TV, so I ordered it. If you don't take side dishes, you can collect them even if you bring a tray. The offer was so quick that I could order it, take a seat, and look around the store. I made a set of seafood bowl and mini udon noodles, but isn't it enough? Contrary to what it looks like, I was so full that I didn't want to move immediately after I finished eating. The ingredients are plentiful, and it is delicious whether you eat it as it is, sprinkle it with soy sauce, or add wasabi. It's hidden behind the seafood bowl and it's not noticeable, but the udon soup stock that is kind to the stomach is delicious during this hot season. I feel that the price setting of 990 yen, which allows you to change for 1000 yen with this content, is too good for cospa. Is the atmosphere of the restaurant a traditional popular dining room? I think it's a good shop where you can feel the atmosphere that is not found in modern fashionable shops.
しのじ on Google

大衆食堂って感じの雰囲気です。 料理は丼物系はかなりボリューム有ります。 ココは店の名通り、肉より魚?です!!
The atmosphere is like a public cafeteria. The food system is quite voluminous. Coco is a fish bowl rather than meat as the store's name !!
みな on Google

穴子天丼をいただきましたが器からはみ出て4匹のっていてさくさくふわふわで美味しかったです。アサリ汁も小でも普通サイズくらいの大きさがありました! 食べきれなかったらお持ち帰りできるみたいです。
I had a conger eel tendon, but it was crispy and fluffy with 4 of them sticking out of the bowl and it was delicious. Even though the clam juice was small, it was about the size of a normal size! If you can't eat it, you can take it home.
S.カンマン on Google

Marugame Udon-style dining room run by a fish store. A style in which udon and rice bowls are verbally communicated, and the prepared side dishes are taken and accounted for by oneself. I ordered the popular seafood bowl for 850 yen! It was delicious and reasonably priced. ❗ I was very satisfied with the large amount of clam juice.
まさた on Google

魚食堂たわら 魚介系の食堂です。 広島県安芸郡海田町にあります。 店に入って奥に厨房がありました。トレイを取って好きなメニューを選んで会計するシステムです。丼ものはレジで注文すると、番号札を渡されます。席に着いて待つとメニューを運んでくれます。 エビ天丼(950円)を頂きました。エビ4尾と大葉の天ぷらがのってます。エビの身は白い身で美味しかったです。御飯もたっぷり(少し柔らかめ)でお腹いっぱいになりました。食べ終わった食器類は自分で下げます。いろいろな海鮮メニューがありました。駐車場もあるので使いやすいと思います。
Fish restaurant Tawara It is a seafood restaurant. It is located in Kaita Town, Aki District, Hiroshima Prefecture. There was a kitchen in the back when I entered the store. It is a system that takes a tray and selects a favorite menu for accounting. When you order a bowl of rice at the cash register, you will be given a number tag. When you get to your seat and wait, they will bring you the menu. I received a shrimp tendon (950 yen). It has 4 shrimp and perilla tempura. The shrimp was white and delicious. I was full with plenty of rice (slightly soft). I will lower the tableware that I have finished eating. There were various seafood menus. There is also a parking lot, so I think it's easy to use.

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