Tavola - Nagoya

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tavola

住所 :

タヴォラ 3 Chome-1214 Kamisawa, Midori Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 458-0014, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887888
Postal code : 458-0014

タヴォラ 3 Chome-1214 Kamisawa, Midori Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 458-0014, Japan
りかりん on Google

The atmosphere of the shop was calm and it was very good. The pasta was delicious, and my son, who loves pasta, said it was the best mentaiko cream I had ever eaten. The tomato cream I ate is also very delicious, and I think it's an elegant and gentle pasta that doesn't become heavy after eating, even though it has a solid taste. You can see why there were also elderly customers. I will go again. I recommend it.
おは on Google

ここのスパゲティを食べたら他では食べられません!今まで食べた中で1番のスパゲティ★辛さの調節もしてくれます(^ ^)最高すぎる!!!手前がランチのほうれん草を練りこんだフェットチーネの明太子クリーム、奥がカルボナーラ。
If you eat spaghetti here, you can't eat it anywhere else! The best spaghetti I've ever eaten ★ It also adjusts the spiciness (^ ^) It's too great! !! !! Fettuccine mentaiko cream kneaded with spinach for lunch in the foreground, and carbonara in the back.
英一成田 on Google

I want to lick it with my tongue instead of the cod roe pasta sauce spoon
むー on Google

初来店。 印象は、まぁまぁ美味しいかな。 明太子とほうれん草のフェットチーネのランチセットを注文。 サラダは、アンチョビのドレッシングがかかっていて美味しかった。 バケットは、薄くて小さいのが2つで物足りない。明太子のクリームソースにつけたりして もっと食べたかった。 フェトチーネは、ほうれん草をあまり感じなかった。 ドリンクは普通。 おばさま達のおしゃべりが気になり、雰囲気を楽しめなかったのが残念。
First visit. The impression is that it's delicious. I ordered a lunch set of mentaiko and spinach fettuccine. The salad was delicious with anchovy dressing. Two buckets are thin and small, which is not enough. I wanted to eat more by dipping it in mentaiko cream sauce. Fettuccine didn't feel much spinach. Drinks are normal. It's a pity that I couldn't enjoy the atmosphere because I was worried about the chattering of the ladies.
Yousuke Kawakami on Google

A shop where you can eat delicious pasta from the earth. Now it's mainly for lunch and only open on Saturdays at night. Lunch is pasta with salad, bread and drink. There is also a set menu at night. The menu hasn't changed since it opened, and you can always enjoy the usual taste. I recommend basil. It's a simple pasta with olive oil sauce, but I've never eaten basil with such a finished taste.
Takahisa TSUKAMOTO on Google

20年ぶりに食事に行きました!随分街並みは変わりましたがここは木々も大きくなりより隠れ家的な雰囲気になってました! ランチタイムでしたが余裕をもって座ることができ、ランチセット、ペペロンチーノと好きだったサイドメニューのキノコのソテーをお願いしました。パスタもキノコのソテーも昔と変わらない味で絶品!すごく美味しかったです!
I went to eat for the first time in 20 years! The cityscape has changed a lot, but the trees here have grown and it has become a more hidden atmosphere! It was lunch time, but I was able to sit down comfortably and asked for lunch set, peperoncino and sauteed mushrooms from the side menu I liked. The pasta and sauteed mushrooms are as good as the taste! It was delicious!
豆太郎の母豆太郎の母 on Google

閑静な住宅街にポツンとありますが、大通りから近いので行きやすいです。 ランチで利用しました。 前回は12時頃に来たので混雑しており、駐車場も待たないと満車でしたが、 今日は14時頃に行ったので、空いていてとてもゆっくりできました。 トマトソース系はココが最高という口コミを見て、夏野菜のトマトソースパスタにしました。 むむむ、本当に美味しかったです。 ちなみに前回はペペロンチーネを食べましたが、ここのを食べると他店では食べられなくなるくらい、ニンニクと唐辛子がたっぷり入っていて病みつきになります。 ペペロンチーネにうるさい(!?)夫が、美味しい美味しいと食べていました。 量は男性には少し足りないかもしれません。 フェットチーネのパスタ以外は+300円で大盛りに出来るそうです。 また人の少ない時間帯を狙って食べに来たいと思います!
It is located in a quiet residential area, but it is easy to go because it is close to the main street. I used it for lunch. Last time I came around 12 o'clock so it was crowded and I had to wait until the parking lot was full, but I went there around 14:00 today, so I was able to relax very slowly. Looking at the word that Coco is the best tomato sauce system, I chose tomato sauce pasta as a summer vegetable. Hmmm, it was really delicious. By the way, I ate Peperoncine last time, but if you eat this, you will be addicted to the fact that you can't eat it at other stores because it contains plenty of garlic and pepper. Husband (!?) Husband for Peperoncine said it was delicious and delicious. The amount may be a little short for men. Except for Fettuccine pasta, it seems that you can make a large plate for +300 yen. In addition, I would like to come to eat when there are few people!
ナゴヤアガール on Google

美味しいパスタランチが食べれるがね〜 雰囲気がええんだわ。
You can eat delicious pasta lunch ~ The atmosphere is good.

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