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Contact 座間小児科

住所 :

Tatsunodai, Zama, 〒252-0023 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://www.zama-shounika.or.jp/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Tatsunodai, Zama, 〒252-0023 Kanagawa,Japan
K F on Google

真壁一騎 on Google

元・雨男 on Google

When I was little, I was very sick so I was very helpful. Without this, I am not alive. I am grateful.
naomi_sm_ on Google

院内の雰囲気や受付の方はよいのですが、先生の口調が苦手です。 否定するような、小馬鹿にするような言い方をしました。 わが子の4ヶ月検診でも、心配なことを聞いてもきちんとした返答をしてくれず、嫌な思いをしました。
The atmosphere in the hospital and the receptionist are good, but the teacher's tone is not good. I used to make a fool of myself, denying it. Even at the 4-month examination of my child, even if I heard something I was worried about, he did not respond properly and I felt unpleasant.
yuru yuru on Google

小さい頃から私がお世話になり…今は子供もお世話になってます(^^) 院長先生は大人を…副院長先生は子供を診てくれます。 個人的には院長先生に子供も診てもらいたいのですが…笑 喘息に特化してる病院だと思います♪ 昔は夜でも電話して診てくれたりしたのですが今はやってないので残念です… 採血の先生も上手で看護師さんたちも良い人ばかり☆ 受付の方達も比較的 親切だと思います!! 予約制なので待ち時間もそこまでないです。 初診の方は行く前に電話した方がいいと思います(^^) 予約は取れないと思いますが…早めに診察してくれると思いますよ☆ 雰囲気もよく待合室ではアンパンマンのDVDが流れてるので子供も飽きることないです!! 人形と絵本や雑誌も少しあります♪ 薬局は隣にあるし薬局の方もとても親切ですよ♪ 薬局には絵本と木製パズルと人形が置いてあります☆ 椅子が少ないのでいっぱいだと立って待つことも…
I've been indebted since I was little ... Now my children are indebted (^^) The director will see adults ... The deputy director will see children. Personally, I would like the director to see my child as well ... lol I think it's a hospital that specializes in asthma ♪ In the past, I used to call and see him even at night, but I'm sorry I don't do it now ... Only good blood sampling teachers and good nurses ☆ I think the receptionists are also relatively kind !! Since it is a reservation system, there is not much waiting time. If you are a first-time visitor, you should call before you go (^^) I don't think I can make a reservation, but ... I think he will see you early ☆ The atmosphere is good and Anpanman's DVD is playing in the waiting room, so children will never get bored !! There are also a few dolls, picture books and magazines ♪ The pharmacy is next door and the pharmacy is very kind ♪ Picture books, wooden puzzles and dolls are available at the pharmacy ☆ There aren't many chairs, so if it's full, you can stand and wait ...
てぃあみん on Google

子供の咳が出た時にお世話になってます。 先生は少し上からな感じがしますがそこまで気になりません。 良い薬もらえます。 ですが初診の時、先生についてる看護師?さんが一言も、何も言わずにひょいっと雑な感じで私の子供(0歳)を他の部屋の看護師さんに預けたのは驚きました。 今ではそれが毎回のことなので慣れてしまいましたが、、 診察を終えてぐずってて、騒がしいのは申し訳ないですが、「あっち連れてきます」の一言くらいあってもいいと思います。 私だけでしょうか、、、?? 病院自体は受付の方は親切で、小児科らしく絵本があったりDVDがついてたり待合室は結構広いです。十分な広さの駐車場もあり、病院の隣は薬局なので便利です。 長文失礼いたしました。
I take care of my child when he/she coughs. The teacher feels a little from the top, but I don't mind that much. You can get a good medicine. However, when you first see you, are you a nurse with you? I was surprised that she left my child (0 year old) to the nurse in the other room without saying a word and feeling a little rough. Now that's the case every time, I'm used to it, I'm sorry that I was noisy after the examination, but I think it's okay if you just say "I'll take you there." Only me,,,? ? At the hospital itself, the receptionist is kind, and the waiting room is quite large like a pediatrician with picture books and DVDs. There is also a large parking lot, and the pharmacy next to the hospital is convenient. Excuse me for the long message.
Rin Rin on Google

受付の方の印象は良いですが、先生の話し方が高圧的で苦手です。忙しいからかなのかは、分からないですが病院に行くということは大抵の場合具合が悪いから行くのですし、余計気が滅入ってしまいます。 今回は臨時で仕方なくこちらにかかりましたが、子供も先生怖いと言っており、かかりつけ医にはしないかな…。
The receptionist has a good impression, but the teacher's way of speaking is overwhelming and I am not good at it. I don't know if it's because I'm busy, but going to the hospital is usually because I'm sick, and I feel more depressed. This time, I had no choice but to come here, but my child said he was scared of the teacher, so I wonder if he would be a family doctor ...

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