Kaji Clinic - Matsue

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kaji Clinic

住所 :

San-in Konoike Bldg., 2F 516 Tonomachi, Matsue, Shimane 690-0887, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 690-0887
Webサイト : https://www.kaji-cl.com/

San-in Konoike Bldg., 2F 516 Tonomachi, Matsue, Shimane 690-0887, Japan
はるきち on Google

初めてかじクリニックを利用しました! ピアッシング(耳たぶ)をしてもらいました 一応、電話を1本入れてから行った方がよし? けど、少しは待つ( ¨̮ ).気長に待ってたw (待つけど施術は1.2分くらい) 1回2穴=6000円 1回1穴=4000円 でした ピアッシングする度に 化膿止め、痛み止め、胃薬もらってます?✨ (1日分=3食分) ピアッシング2日後キャッチが取れてピアスが片方外れて電話したら翌日対応してもらった(料金¥1000でした)
I used the Kaji Clinic for the first time! I had piercing (earlobe) For the time being, it is better to go after putting in one phone ? But wait a little (¨̮). I waited patiently w (Wait, but the procedure takes about 1.2 minutes) 1 time 2 holes = 6000 yen 1 time 1 hole = 4000 yen was Every time you pierce I get suppuration, pain relief, and stomach medicine ?✨ (1 day = 3 servings) Two days after piercing, I got a catch and one of the pierced earrings came off and I called and got a response the next day (charge was 1000 yen)
Taecとものすけ on Google

ご夫婦で営んでいらっしゃる形成・皮膚科のクリニックですが、婦人科の診療もして下さるようです。 独立される前に親子で診て頂いていたので引き続いて見ていただいています。 女性など、男性の先生に見てもらうのに抵抗がある様な方などは奥様のひろみ先生に見ていただく事も対応していただけるので、申し出てみられることをオススメします。 予約制ではないようです
The clinic is a plastic and dermatology clinic run by a married couple, but it seems that they also provide gynecological care. Before I became independent, I had my parents and children see me, so I have them continue to watch. If you are uncomfortable with seeing a male teacher, such as a woman, you can ask your wife, Hiromi, to see it, so we recommend that you make an offer. It doesn't seem to be a reservation system
Katsutoshi Hirodo on Google

電話対応悪すぎる。 タメ口当たり前です。 お客様は神様とは言いませんが初対面の相手にもっと接し方があると思います
Telephone correspondence is too bad. It's natural. Customers don't say God, but I think there are more ways to deal with people they meet for the first time.
サンユン on Google

It is a constitution that can cause a powdery mass on the face, and it undergoes resection each time. Because it is a face, you will be worried about scars and appearance, but every time you have a clean operation. During the examination, several operations were performed, and the skill and skill of the director are specialists. I think it's the best plastic surgery in Shimane Prefecture. Nurses and clerical staff are also helpful and are always happy to see you.
下矢印π了1 3nari2 on Google

手術(切除)で顔のほくろを複数個とって頂きました(他院でレーザー治療(失敗)した黒子のやり直しを含む)。術後1週間で抜糸しましたが、1週間しか経過していないと思えないほど、抜糸後の傷口が綺麗でした(良く動かす部分(口周り)は赤みが強い状態でしたが、あまり動かさない部分は、抜群に綺麗です)。施術をしてくださった男性の先生に感謝です。これだけの技術でありながら、値段が良心的で驚きです。 受診の際には、先生が漏れなく全て説明してくれるはず、と思わずに、色々と自分から質問するのが良いと思います。また、その際に、何の治療を最優先にしてほしいかも伝えた方が良いような印象を受けました。この病院では対応できないことも、ちゃんと教えてくれます(その際には、この病院ならできる、ということも教えてくれます)。
I had multiple moles on my face taken by surgery (excision) (including redoing Kuroko who had laser treatment (failure) at another hospital). I pulled out the thread one week after the operation, but the wound after the thread was pulled out was so beautiful that I couldn't believe that only one week had passed (the part that moves well (around the mouth) was reddish, but I didn't move much. The part is outstandingly beautiful). I am grateful to the male teacher for the treatment. Despite this technology, the price is reasonable and surprising. I think it's a good idea to ask yourself various questions without thinking that the teacher will explain everything at the time of the consultation. At that time, I got the impression that it would be better to tell what treatment should be given top priority. It will also tell you what this hospital can't handle (in that case, it will also tell you that this hospital can do it).
sako koya on Google

女医の偉そうな面倒臭さそうな人を馬鹿にする様な物言いに気分が悪くなりました。 もう少し患者に寄り添う対応して頂きたいです。
I felt sick at the words that made a fool of a female doctor who seemed to be annoying. I would like you to be closer to the patient.
ai Sakura on Google

粉瘤ができたので初めて診察を受けました。 ●駐車場 医院の準備した駐車場もあります。近くのパーキング(有料)にも注射できます。100円(30分100円)ですが、補助がありました。 ●診察待ち時間 土曜日に行ったのですが、とにかく人が多いです。 椅子も多く用意してあるにもかかわらず、人は満員。 待合だけでも20~30名また、入口の扉の外にも3,4名待っている方がいました。(付き添いも含め) おおむね1時間の待ちでした。(外出できますので、用事を済ましてきてもいいかと思います。) ※松江市の皮膚科は1~2時間ぐらい待つと色々な人から聞きますので、こちらは仕方ないと思いました。 ●診察 男性(院長)に診察を受けましたが、印象は悪かったです。 確かに受診人数が多いと対応で乱雑になりますが、こちらの質問がめんどくさいような対応でした。 また、授乳中でしたので、薬が飲んでも大丈夫か聞いたところ、「あたりまえ」というニュアンスで受け答えされました。 机の上も書類がかなり散らばっており、今まで受診した病院の中で一番汚い机の上でした。 また、他の患者のカルテも見えました。 腕はよくわかりません。 薬の処方ですが、粉瘤(細菌が入った)ので、抗生物質はでました。 「粉瘤は痛くなってから受信する人が多い」と言われましたが、痛み止めがでず、思わず自身から「ロキソニンください」と言ったほどです。 嫌な顔されました。 その後に薬を薬局でもらいましたが、ロキソニンは3粒しかでていませんでした。 抗生物質も4日分のみしかでていませんでした。 腕はいいとグーグルの評価はありますが、 とてもじゃないですが、あの対応とあの机の汚さ、人は多く来ますが、手術も乱雑にされるのではないかとかなり心配になりましたので、他を受診し大病院にて手術を受けたいと思いました。 ●院内 綺麗そうに見えて、ところどころ「あれ?」と思うところがある。 コロコロ(吸着シート)が出しっぱなしで受付したに転がっていたり、ぱっと見は綺麗にはしてあっても、花瓶の水は少し緑かかって沈殿していました。 ●受診者 中学生のような方から大人まで幅広くいました。 ●感想と噂 噂は、早く処置をしてくれて楽になる。腕はいいと聞きます。 ただ、受け入れにくい態度と整理整頓がされてないので、やはり不安になります。
I had a cyst, so I was examined for the first time. ● Parking lot There is also a parking lot prepared by the clinic. You can also inject into a nearby parking lot (for a fee). It was 100 yen (100 yen for 30 minutes), but there was assistance. ● Waiting time for medical examination I went there on Saturday, but there are many people anyway. Despite having many chairs, the people are full. There were 20 to 30 people waiting just for the waiting, and 3 or 4 people waiting outside the entrance door. (Including attendants) I was waiting for about an hour. (You can go out, so I think it's okay to finish your errands.) * Matsue City's dermatologist will hear from various people after waiting for about 1 to 2 hours, so I thought it was unavoidable. ● Medical examination I was examined by a man (director), but the impression was bad. Certainly, if the number of people receiving medical examinations is large, the response will be messy, but this question was annoying. Also, since I was breastfeeding, when I asked if it was okay to take the medicine, I was answered with the nuance of "natural". Documents were scattered on the desk, and it was the dirtiest desk I had ever visited. I also saw the medical records of other patients. I don't really understand my arm. Although it is a prescription for medicine, antibiotics were given because it was a cyst (containing bacteria). I was told that "many people receive cysts after they have a pain", but I couldn't stop the pain, and I even said "Please give me loxonin". I had a bad face. After that, I got the medicine at the pharmacy, but only 3 tablets of loxonin were available. Antibiotics were only available for 4 days. Google has a good reputation for good arms, but It's not very, but that response and that desk are dirty, many people come, but I was quite worried that the surgery would be messed up, so I went to another hospital and had surgery at a large hospital. I wanted to. ● In-hospital It looks beautiful, and there are places where I think "that?" The water in the vase was a little green and settled, even though it was rolling around at the reception desk with the roller (adsorption sheet) left out, and even though it looked clean at first glance. ● Examiners There was a wide range of people from junior high school students to adults. ● Impressions and rumors Rumors will be easier for you to deal with quickly. I hear that my arms are good. However, I am still worried because I am not well organized and unacceptable.
r к on Google

It was my first visit, but the response from the male teacher was the worst. I was worried because there was not enough information to be given to me from above and to have a medical examination. This is the first time for a teacher who does not treat patients so kindly and makes a fool of himself. I was urged to go to the hospital for the second time, but I can see this feeling, so I go to another clinic. I will never go there again. It is written that the arm is good, but the attitude is worse than that and it is miscellaneous. Do you choose a patient to handle? He was a humanly unreliable person.

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