
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 法善寺

住所 :

Tatemachi, Naka Ward, 〒730-0032 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88777
街 : Hiroshima

Tatemachi, Naka Ward, 〒730-0032 Hiroshima,Japan
C .K on Google

とてもシンプルだけどおいしいかき氷があります。 街中のお店ですが、昔からあるお店なのかなぁ。昔のお茶処という感じでゆっくりできそうでした。うどんとかそうめんとか…他のメニューも気になりました。
There is a very simple but delicious shaved ice. It is a shop in the town, but it may be a shop that has been around since ancient times. It seemed to be able to relax slowly with the feeling that it was an old tea shop. Udon or som noodles ... I was worried about other menus.
Erika Abe on Google

A dormitory that is quietly set aside from the arcade. The atmosphere is good and it is a perfect place to take a break. I really like Uji Kintoki here. Perhaps the shaved ice, which has been shaved from the frozen green tea, is rich and unrivaled for tea lovers.
もちもち on Google

甘味処の古風なお店。 かき氷は、ふわりとしていてこだわりを感じます。 昼はランチもあって、お得です。
An old-fashioned shop with a sweets shop. The shaved ice is fluffy and feels particular about it. There is also lunch at noon, which is a great deal.
洋佐藤 on Google

Traditional sweet shop. The taste was also a traditional scraped ice. The taste of condensed milk was emphasized a lot.
長岡映 on Google

夏は、かき氷?が美味しくて、冬は、ぜんざいが最高に美味しいです?? 他にも、雑炊とか色々と美味しい料理があります。久しぶりに行ったけど、やっぱり美味しいです❗️
In the summer, the shaved ice ? is delicious, and in the winter, the zenzai is the best ?? Besides, there are various delicious dishes such as porridge. I went there for the first time in a long time, but it's still delicious ❗️
だいち on Google

移転から20年、以前はパルコの辺りに在った甘味処です お昼ご飯に利用しました 鍋焼きうどんに、おむすび2つ、ぜんざいセットを付けて。 麺は柔らかタイプ、葱、蒲鉾、月見卵に 卵焼きも入ってました。 他に椎茸、これがバツグンのうまさ。 出汁も美味しい。 ぜんざいは熱い冷たい選べます。甘過ぎず食後に丁度良いお味。 ご馳走様でした。
It's been 20 years since the move, and it's a sweet shop that used to be around Parco. I used it for lunch Attach two rice balls and a zenzai set to the nabe-yaki udon. Noodles are soft type, green onion, kamaboko, moon egg There was also fried eggs. Shiitake mushrooms are also delicious. The soup stock is also delicious. You can choose hot and cold zenzai. It's not too sweet and it tastes just right after eating. It was a treat.
原田孝次郎 on Google

? I like boys, but I was satisfied with the taste. The calm atmosphere of the shop, it seems to be a couple's management, and I feel a sense of security. The staff is also beautiful. I learned about the udon menu today (it looks delicious ? I want to eat it next time). Recommended for families-couples-women.
真十郎 on Google

広島では老舗の甘味処です。 宇治金時が最高です!僕は、いつも砂糖抜きにしてもらっていますが、小豆の甘味で十分に美味しいです。 そうめんも上品で美味しい。 お姉さんが美人で、お母さんも愛嬌良くとても上品なお店です。 立町の美味しいお店つながりで・・・ 南大門の冷麺が食べれなくなった今、こちらのお店は、末永く続けてほしいと願っております。
It is a long-established sweets shop in Hiroshima. Ujikintoki is the best! I always get sugar removed, but the sweetness of azuki beans is delicious enough. Somen is also elegant and delicious. The older sister is beautiful, and the mother is also charming and very elegant. With the connection of delicious shops in Tatemachi ... Now that I can no longer eat cold noodles from Namdaemun, I hope that this shop will continue for a long time.

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