たいよう鍼灸整骨院 立石院

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact たいよう鍼灸整骨院 立石院

住所 :

Tateishi, Katsushika City, 〒124-0012 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Webサイト : https://katsushika.mypl.net/shop/00000361551/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12:30PM
Sunday 9AM–3PM
Monday 9AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–12:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–12:30PM
Thursday 9AM–12:30PM
Friday 9AM–12:30PM
街 : Tokyo

Tateishi, Katsushika City, 〒124-0012 Tokyo,Japan
福島明佑美 on Google

Until now, there was no osteopathic clinic where I could bring my children, so even if I wasn't feeling well, I couldn't go there. Both the teacher and the receptionist have a welcome atmosphere here, and I can go there regularly, and my painful back pain has improved. I'm losing weight by training my inner muscles with Indep. I recommend it! The bright people of Osaka dialect enjoy it every week.
KITARO on Google

デスクワークで凝った背中をほぐしてもらいに行っています。 テレワーク時代におすすめです。
I'm going to have my back loosened by desk work. Recommended for the telework era.
ann mmm on Google

I am going to the treatment with a two-year-old child. There are a lot of toys and the vacant staff will take care of you so you can go there with confidence.
ささあゆ on Google

It helped me to leave my child. Even if I was crying, the staff responded without a disgusting face, and I was able to receive the treatment slowly.
粟田俊彬 on Google

2ヶ月ほど前からお世話になってます。 施術スペースはカーテンなどで仕切られており、きちんと配慮されてます。 お客さんの入りは多いので、初回から予約した方が良いです。
I have been indebted for about two months. The treatment space is partitioned by curtains, etc., and is properly considered. Since there are many customers, it is better to make a reservation from the first time.
西東 太さいとうふとし on Google

I found acupuncture points that I didn't notice when I met the pelvic manipulative clinic so much that I couldn't put acupressure on the shoulders that I couldn't reach, and the burden was lightened by the third visit. It was good as if the immunity of the plus nervousness was improved. I can't completely treat it, but I feel like I want to keep going every time. Thank you.
val mocha on Google

一昨年からお世話になってます。 頭の神経痛や身体の歪みで日常生活に支障が出始めていたところが、整体で随分と改善されました。 今でも週イチでメンテナンスに通っています。 鍼との相性も良いようで、必要に応じて取り入れていただいています。 先生方がとても一生懸命で、いつも私の体調をお気遣いくださるのがありがたいです。
I have been indebted since two years ago. Neuralgia in the head and distortion of the body started to interfere with daily life, but the manipulative treatment has improved it considerably. I still go to maintenance every week. It seems to be compatible with acupuncture needles, so we ask them to take it in as needed. I am grateful that the teachers are working very hard and always take care of my physical condition.
RAINBOW on Google

EMSで体幹を鍛えたところ、お腹周りが引き締まり、ウエストがサイズダウンしました。 自力では、なかなか減らせなかった 体脂肪も減り驚きました。 首と肩の凝りは施術して頂くと軽くなり助かっています。 院内の雰囲気は とても明るく スタッフの皆さまの励ましで成果を出す事が出来ました。 ありがとうございました?
When I trained my core with EMS, my abdomen became tighter and my waist was downsized. I couldn't reduce it by myself I was surprised that my body fat was reduced. The stiffness of the neck and shoulders will be lightened and saved by the treatment. The atmosphere in the hospital is very bright We were able to produce results with the encouragement of all the staff. Thank you ?

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